Go, arcanine robots
Last text with a woman
Ah, would you look at that, a faggot
Robots dont text women dumbass
Does zo.ai count?
this was from a minute ago. feels good to be in a fulfilling relationship.
I have this
And one more
>tfw say I love you so many times to my gf it isn't even out of the blue
Here is the second from another woman
7/30/17 (seriously)
>Congrats on graduating! I'm back home these days, I have to take care of my dad. I miss campus but it's a lot cheaper here.
>hey dr.psychiatrist, it's user. so i took 0.1 clonidine this morning. i take 2 at the same time tomorrow morning and so on until im taking 4 at once? and then i have to wean off of it instead of just stopping?
>tfw unironically never texted a female before
i call my mom if that counts
im the same as this guy, feelsbad tee bee aych
Know any non-related females?
Try just saying
>hey, how are you?
i'm not crying right now
I'm NOT crying!!!
Do people actually text like this?
Also my last text from a female was for a uni project in the group chat
I have female co workers that are all old. How do you meet girls?
wait around your local highschool at roughly 3pm. wear a backpack and carry a stack of books. purposely bump into the first gril you see that makes your winky tingle, and when you drop your books everywhere she is obliged by the social code of american highschool to help you pick them up. wait until there is only one book left to pick up, and reach for it at the same exact time as her, making sure to touch hands. she is your girlfriend now, it is the law.
same here user, and i feel like i don't say it enough.
Basedboy faggot, kill yourself
How the fuck do you guys do it?
I can't even say "I love you too" when a family member tells me they love me
Its okay, I believe in you user. I was just like you then I got a cutesy black weeb gf. Anything is possible.
>tfw last text with a girl is with my mom
do you have this frog in higher resolution
>text from your mother
>your mother = girl
We have a chad right here, you should leave this place by now.
ugly and disgusting
Pretty fucking gay, dude.
Yeah I'm one cool dude
Tfw your hot cousin is way out of your league but she spends so much time with you
Thanks man , I really appreciate the support!
This is from almost a month ago. No response since. My guess is they justified it to themselves as the """nice""" way of ghosting someone.
>tfw I want to break up with her
Jesus christ ultra beta. I'm guessing she's ugly af and he's pathetic
Ahh, underage memefags. Trash.
>tfw im a 30 y/o boomer spending all my time on Jow Forums
relationships suck bros dont do it
Lmao you're a faggot virgin who can't attract even the most deformed women
I don't have a phone and the only thing I have close to social media is posting on this board with you cock jugglers.
What's with all the iPhone users on r9k?
This is the closest I have ever gotten to any sexual activity. I am 25.
It sucks being good at sexting because it puts a lot of expectations on you
How did this not lead anywhere??
Autism is a hell of a drug, user
just realized i dont use imessage anymore i just always use kakaotalk since all my friends have slowly become korean. wont post since you guys wont be able to understand it but good luck to all you guys out there. hope you can find someone to text you love them
I knew it was autism, user. But I wanted to know more details,
I'm genuinely curious how you could go from getting explicit texts like that and not having sex.
>tfw texting a girl for 3 weeks now
>been able to fake Chad-ness so far
>first date went well
>managed to contain autism
>she's out of town for 2 weeks
>next date is scheduled for when she comes back
>we will have "the talk" about exclusivity
>I have 2 weeks to become Chad irl
Is 2 weeks enough time to make it?
I mixed up two different dates in my head TL;DR
>on snapchat
>planning fuckdate
>its Wednesday
>have dental work on Friday
>propose Thursday and Saturday
>she works Saturday
>picks Thursday
>I agree
>dont write it down anywhere
>just commit it to memory
>thread deleted
>I will be fine
>next day start questioning what day
>dont ask her
>dont want to seem like a clingy bitch
>stick with Saturday in my head
>no texts Thursday
>no texts Friday
>no texts Saturday
>go to her apartment
>have bag of KY jelly, batteries and rope
>knock on door
>female roommate answers
>in her PJs
>looks tired
>hi is anonette home
>looks at my bag
>sees rope
>OMG she shouts
>slams door
>neighbor looks at me
>shamefully leave the building
This is really something.
wow, you just need to add something about spaghetti at the end and this is perfect
Not exactly good at this Tinder thing but I ran into a girl I know and like at Warped that I matched with so we kinda talked a bit.
I wouldnt know how to continue conversation from this point though. Part of me wonders if I should even try.
r9k just isnt r9k anymore
ugh stop being so goddamned indirect, user
october is a long way away
just fucking ask her out
Thx bb
And like I said, dont really know if I should. I matched with her a few times (I delete Tinder regularly) and last time I tried to set up something I got the ghost (see pic related). That could just be because there was like a day between each message though.
Her: Ooh sounds nice.. okie doke gorgeous sleep well xxx
Me: xx
Are you talking about Knocked Loose?
my last text with a woman is me being ghosted by this girl, not going to screenshot it because if I think about it too long I get severely depressed
I hadnt really listened to them that much before Warped but getting tackled 10 seconds into the set changes your perspective on things. Good shit.
stay mad little virgie loooool
Pretty mundane all in all
Ghosted a roastie. Its always nice to see them get so toastie
How do you guys even get to a point where you're texting a girl? I have tons of female aquaintances and even a "friend" or two but i've never in my life texed one.
if they are attracted to you they will go out of their way to get your number and text you, at least that's what happened with my only gf ever
>Glass water bottle
>not having your wife clean it up
i'm a lesbian so yeah it is pretty gay
Just realized I was incorrect and THIS is the last text a girl sent me.
Shes an old friend (who once told me to turn gay) whos been going through a rough period and needed friends so I figured Id say hello and see if she wanted to chill.
i sext different thots every night and get them to cum with me. still a khv neet
Thanks for the cringe material
i would've posted the hour long facetime cum sessions after that but they'd take too long to upload.
I love doing this as well
Why are you bragging about having phone sex with a girl? Real men dont talk about sex, they have it
original kirby
being a volcel is the ultimate redpill, faggot. having hours long masturbation sessions on facetime with cute borderline depressed girls on the internet keeps me safe from these local roasties trying to add another cock to their list and possibly try to give me an STI (almost happened three times this year so far)
>afraid of STIs in 2018
>in 2018
you do realize those depressed girls are probably getting dicked too
>hehe roasties tryna give me STIs
>hehe I know what 2 do
>hehe I go volcel
>hehe let Chad fuck them
>hehe I phone sex when Chad leaves
>hehe this will show them
>hehe I am weevil genyusss
well done user. dont listen to these faggots:
>completely avoiding the problem in the first place
what's your point nigger. i've literally had women tell me hours before our fuckdate that they had gonorrhea (HURR DURR IT'S TREATABLE THOUGH XDDD), one literally with with chlamydia, the other with gonorrhea again.
i ghost and block them after i'm done with them. don't care at all.
>he'll never know the feeling of ghosting and removing a cockhungry roastie
heh,,,,, pa,ethetic.,,..,,,,
>associating with infected females
Maybe youre just ugly and thats all you can get. Too bad? Ive had sex plenty of times and never got an STI. Even rawdogged a few girls. Sucks to be you, I guess.
>hell never know the feeling of fucking a girl deeply without a condom and then ghosting her completely
Heheh, nothin personnell kiddo
cringe just cringe
you're trying to evoke some sort of response out of me like i'm supposed to be jealous. and even with all of that sex you've had you are still on this board. you've just had a lot of meaningless sex with many women. and that's good, do what you have to do. i'm sure you had some intense nuts. but i'm kekking heartily my man i could've stopped being a khv a long time ago and have done all of that. and i'll reiterate the fact that you being here after all the glorious sex you've had tells me i'm not missing out on much.
stop wasting your time with online "girls". they use dating apps for their entertainment. its like we guys play a video game.
I've raw dogged about 15-20 girls and I'm clean. I've been tested recently and haven't had sex since then. Most women who carry STDs are nigresses and Latinas.
>reiterate the fact that you being here after all the glorious sex youve had tells me im not missing out on much
What does me being here have anything to do with my personality and my character? I come here for the OC and greentext. Sure, by all means continue your volcel lifestyle of ghosting roasties after phone sexing them but there are plenty of guys out there having a much easier and profitable time doing much less
So youve had a lot of meaningless sex too but chose to chide me in this post? Whatever man great shitpost KEK thanks for the laughs
>How do you guys even get to a point where you're texting a girl? I have tons of female aquaintances and even a "friend" or two but i've never in my life texed one.
I've only had 3 women text ME ever. Every single other one only replies 2-3 times to my messages then never continues the conversation.
I hate most people in this thread a lot
well me and my wife hate you too
>but there are plenty of guys out there having a much easier and profitable time doing much less
my man, i literally don't care and i already know this. i can get meaningless pussy tomorrow night if i wanted to. i could have came deep inside a roastie just the other night if i didn't ghost her after she sent lewds. when i need to cum, i facetime either new sluts or my regulars from the comfort of my bed without leaving my room. i make it as easy as possible. when i'm done, i ghost them until i'm horny again. you fuck them in real life then ghost them, i e-fuck cute depressed borderline girls on the internet and ghost them. we just see things differently.
also, isnt me, dingus.
With my mom since she is the only person I know who still uses texts. She said thanks and that kiss with heart emoji
My address, so she could come over before a festival.
t. sister asking for feedback on pasta
Lol whats it's like to text yourself?
Have I made it?
She's ugly and overweight right?
What's with those fucking x'es?
The end of the summer can't come any faster?
Sounds like you are gonna get friendzoned buddy..
I almost vomited my breakfast.
Jesus Christ.
I never had this happened to me before. You know how you play a game for the first time and you're shit because you have shit framerates? Then you go on youtube and see gameplay videos of someone running the game on high settings and +100 fps? That how it feels reading these threads. I never knew that happens in my 26 years of existence. Now I know. Fuck you.
OP here
I have coming to arcanine for a decade
There is no escape