eat more edition
/plg/ - powerblogging genitals
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i avoid anything layne might be doing out of fear of getting snapped up worse than i already am
lol you pretty much look like a fatty who never lifted in his life
yeah i don't believe that body is capable of 400 wilks
looks untrained
My life is fucking ruined
Hes a typical deniallet who listened to /plg/ and believed the bloatmax and 80%+ intensity memes
Nice blog
Just cut then slowly bulk while doing plenty of volume, you can still salvage yourself
What does a /plg/ week of lifting look like?
3 days a week training, 75 total reps per workout, all at over 80% intensity, fuelled by 4000-5000 calories per day
Rare never before seen snapshot of Avongramming
>"Bogdanoff, he did it."
>"He found a power rack under 2 meters?"
>"Cancel his order. Destroy the remaining stock."
No hypertrophy?
that looks fun
4 times a week upper/lower split
>not building your own power-rack
100% soja
No one here does hypertrophy work, see that guy with the ‘almost 400 wilks’ that posted his physique in the last thread for an example of the body /plg/s advice builds
Plenty of people do hypertrophy work, shit strawman is shit
Cut to below 30% bodyfat and let’s see if you’ve done any hypertrophy work?
>tfw twink
people here don't look like shit for lack of hypertrophy work, they look like shit because of high bodyfat
if you want to look good, just sacrifice being as good at powerlifting as you can be for a lower bodyfat percentage, but this is not the purpose of this thread
Not gonna lie lads I was the strongest and the best looking when I was doing 6 days a week brosplit.
I can post my programming since like January and you can see that I've done plenty
This week is quite fun. I inflated squat and bench to destroy some pbs
They look like shit because of lack of hypertrophy work and high bodyfat percentage
what were your lifts in that pic where you're in front of the whiteboard?
>What does a /plg/ week of lifting look like?
4 days per week, 60 minutes per session.
>Main lift (sq, bp, dl, ohp)
5/3/1 sets and reps.
Joker sets at 100-110% of TM (optional)
Drop set amrap or rest pause.
>Flipped Variation (squat, then snatch grip dl)
3-5 x 5-10 at 65-85%
3-4 accessory movements for 30-75 reps each.
Conditioning 2-3 times per week.
+ having sex and loving life
That is assumed.
How many times can you bench 5pl8? The answer better be "more than Andrew Collura" (who's 6 years MGTOW).
Raging incel detected
"Gay but too embarrassed to be gay"
This is what /plg/ does, makes people so ugly, fat and unfuckable, that they pretend them not having sex is their own choice lmao
tbf this whole you need to have sex to be strong is cringy as fuck. It's like you guys barely get any you have to spam /plg/ with lol I have sex guys look at me
Not doing something isn't a choice. You're not making an infinite number of choices at any given moment.
> →
Bro, its time to start cutting. You built tons of strength and added a lot of mass on your body but you are gonna be a fat fuck if you keep that up.
Get down to AT LEAST 20%, ideally you should go down to 12% and build muscle
Current programming.
power cleans
chin ups
front squats
>8 reps@82%
isn't pretty grindy amrap
He’s already a fat fuck lmao
>I'm smarter than Rippetoe, I'll do front squats every other day, skip GOMAD, go running on rest days and count reps with shit form/speed
>go running on rest days
how the fuck did you know?
I am you in five years.
You don't need to have sex to be strong. But it's a strange coincidence that most of the strong lifters around here seem to be mentally stable enough to have healthy sexual relationships.
>really bad stiff neck, everything but laying down hurts
>force myself to get up to take a piss
>look at myself in bathroom mirror
>right trap is a solid 3 cm lower than the left one
what in the absolute fuck
yes there's also strange coincidence that those strong people don't talk about it and only weak shitposters keep spamming that.
might be 82% of the x2@8
>he fell for the mixed grip meme
i've been exclusively pulling DOH/hook for the past year or so??
It's just a meme. Cramps usually go away on their own.
ok but where did my trap go
Quit staring in the mirror like a little faggot. If you actually have a serious injury, go to the doctor.
It contracted. It can happen spontaneously.
Smolov jr for squats and nuckols 3xint medium for bench on same day
Okay or nah?
Evermediate detected
try hepburn for bench and sheiko for deadlifts. Should work amazingly together
Just say If it's OK i need to bench
Yeah you'll be fine, provided its just one day.
Brig high carb food to the gym just incase you start to feel tired.
It’s shit and you’re fat and retarded
Good recipe for a strained pec or shoulder
I'm convinced that some people prefer to get injured or not improve so they don't have to deal with lifting heavy weight.
185 /110 (tng) /255 at 87 I think.
The backoff %'s are based off the x2's
in denial of what?
>look like
my goal isnt to look like anything, its to lift heavy weight
There is literally not a single person on earth who lifts heavy and doesn't look strong.
Uft, another SHW lifting the same as well conditioned 93kg lifters incoming
If my gym has DBs up to 40kg and I want to do Kroc rows, should I just do meadow rows with some body english instead?
take test blockers like Kroc, it will make 40kg seem heavier
I weigh just under 90. I could weigh in at 83 and nearly outsquat dylan nelson lmaoooo
I think he can still outlift you but don't quote me on that.
>tfw I guessed right
I just unloaded a GIGANTIC log of Norman khan into the toilet
Wow one piece and everything
A rather stinky thing too
whos the one who got caught using drugs
i shat so much one time it was a mountain of shit in the toilet, you couldnt even see the water anymore
I have genuinely seen some amazing things. That's not actually true.
I saw a 6'3, 85kg weightlifter snatch 150 and jerk 170. He was bones and a nervous system. Unreal. But his dad was a Russian champion weightlifter and his mum a Olympic medallist in high jump. No one else can get away with that. You just don't have that talent.
Good boy. You might not be weak some day. We pay too much attention to abs and 4pl8 deadlifts man.
? Do you mean Norman khan?
klokov made the correct decision not to lift in Rio as the drug testing had probably caught up to him at that point.
But Illya got blown out, pretty sure he can come back soon.
Kroc rows are high rep. Are you rowing 40kg for 20+ reps?
I worked up to the 30s for the first time last week for sets of 20 and that was the first time I did the lift in months, so it's not that difficult to get to the 40s really. I mean I could go balls to the wall and train them like George Leeman would, 1 set of 50 reps or something else stupid like that, but I feel like I need a better alternative.
That man must have hurt you deep.
He did. He made a more successful YouTube/chat room thing.
Yikes. How long ago was that? Seems like 2 posts a day for years.
>tfw recovery/fluff/prehab/whatever day for the first time since god knows when
Fuck me, I needed this.
Wew, mirin' bench gdeness
I have struggled for many years.
Yeah, it's mind blowing to me now that you were stuck at 125kg for so long. Were you just not doing enough volume in a surplus or something?
what's your non-forklift bench now, weasel?
I have similar stats to you at similar bw right now. If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice what would it be?
Wait, his 3pl8 sets are with a forklift?
How shameful
probably to eat more
probably to do tricep work
>tfw out squat, out bench but squat 60kg less than aestheticsly at the same bw
I can now confirm with 100% certainty that there are ZERO (0) power racks that are less than 2 meters tall.
dl less***
WTF I hate the IPF now???
I was never stuck at 125 lol. It progressed slowly from 112.5 to 130 adding 2.5 or 5 every few months.
My comp pb was stuck at 147.5 for two years but the gym pb was 155 several times it just didn't happen on the day, five times.
They're raw you prat. My forklift bench is 5pl8.
He was weak. You impress no one.
Question. In the past I've done bulgarian split squats up to 5 reps with 35kg held in each hand (70kg per leg). The ROM was good, about as much as a parallel back squat give or take. Why am I nowhere near barbell squating 140kg for 5? Am I wrong for thinking that the BSS should be half the barbell squat?