Post your type of girl.
Post your type of girl
Other urls found in this thread:
I have too high of standards.
The last pure girl remaining.
Not bad desu. I see you like them classy.
just any girl that more or less is Crispy.
Eh, muffy looks cute in some pics.
>Must be redhead
>Must be devout christian
>Must be somewhat attractive
those are my standards in entirety.
physically dirty (including face), handmade clothes are a bonus
How is this?originally
>Short hair
>Dark hair pale skin
>Eats her vegetables
Is it really too much to ask?
>average looking
>some taste in common
>not being radical on politics
Closest girl I could find to what my gf looks like.
>tfw not edgy enough for goth gf
What the hell she looks exactly like someone I know, except the hair
Glasses are welcome as well as tacky clothing.
not the right thread but eh
Pic related + right wing
Its all i adk, and I would put up with anything and everything no matter how bad.
idk i just googled pale white girl and michelle popped up and i guess thats good enough, always thought she was really cute
my're queene
Shes hot, sauce? Originalimo
>tfw when you're a liberal but no alt right gf...
Holy shit, god tier picks my man
>a ring
origanal waifu 2d pill
Out of here vermin.
3d waifus are superior.
this bitch looks insane
But still cute desu.
need a gf like this, guys. I'll settle for nothing less
You need a slut? Go outside and you'll find one easily
>when you're so self-obsessed you gotta have an outlet and charger to feed it
love for the eyepatches
I really don't like women.
I just like women.
>Tfw no afternoon warm snuggle with a gf
>tfw no gf like pic related
only type of girl i'm willing to settle for desu
typical instragram whore
cosplaying sluts?
that's not a woman, faggot
OriginalIo commentino user
that's not a no, user.
Be advised: penis
Electric ones are better and you know it.
100% a girl exactly like this
natalie i didn't know you still posted here
people that squeeze disposable water bottles as they drink them need to have the crumpled bottle inserted in their ass
I just like women, too.
One or two of her pictures are way too done up but for the most part everything I've seen of her is cute.
I get it. It's funny because it's a boy.
She's Julia Ademenko originanon
i like hapa femanons with mental issues
She was cuter when she was a petite goth girl. She's aged like milk
>pale skin and dark hair
Patrician taste
brother as a guy whos had a goth gf, they dont want an edgy fuck boy. they want someone to take them on "adventures"(read: concerts, spooky venues, art museums, cabins and wooded areas in the summer), teach them cool hobbies, and feel safe. you have to manage their emotions which is weird but normal.
it's what i imagine having a daughter would be like minus the romantic parts.
Devon Jade
>i'll never have a goth gf
>i'll never get to do those things with her
I would settle for any qt goth or arthoe.
Know source on this one?
I do and I know sauce on that one and this one as well
user, Im sorry I...
I had a friend that was like this. She insisted on talking to me all day every day. At one time we logged 12 hour voice calls per day for 10 days. She also would come to my house every day and we would do basically anything together. We promised we would spend our lives together, she wanted to spend every second of her time with me and would get really jealous if i talked to a guy friend. Luckily i barely had friends and i was a depressed neet dropout at the time so i could give her 99% of my life.
I didnt gf her at the time because she was 13 and i was 17, but the attention was super nice. She also had some weird issues, she would turn super beet red if sex was brought up and become really disgusted. She grew out of being grossed out by sex after a few years and i still talk to her because she is my gf now and she is my type of girl.
Wow my friend so cool for you I am so alone happy for you!!
She is the perfect women.
All women deserve a genocide.
Fuck it, all humans
I'm a really simple robot.
How far have you all strayed?
Pink and girly, like my gf
Link for pic related?
I have taken the 2D pill, I dont really bother with 3D anymore
Thanks for the false hope, user.
>tfw when no Brunhildr valkyrie wife
This is my epic 10/10
>all these damaged thots
Why do you want these dumpster fires?
The Redpill
>no makeup
>unconventionally attractive
>pretty smile
Find a girl with these 3 qualities, and you have found true, timeless, unadulterated beauty.
Women in bondage locked up under my control
My type right here
beggars cant be choosers chiimp
I like fat 4/10s
that girls left tit alone makes her a 7/10
Horseface aka nookums
>tfw no arthoe gf
CHANGE MY MIND: the one on the right is a 11/10
spoiler - you cant
Someone that looks like barbie palvin or dua lipa, my standards are way to high. I probably will die being a virgin.
If she didn't have big tiddies would you still think she's as hot?
>that hair
What a way to ruin it. Curly hair should be ilegal desu
Her face is kind of stupid looking and her mouth is MASSIVE and curly hair like this is simply inferior to straight and curly hair. Her wrists seem very big but I dont think it matters. She is a solid 9 though
> average+ looks
> love each other unconditionally
> red hair
That's about it, pic very related
Why is she so sad in that pic?
Let's see that smile :)
goths are okay i know a couple semi-goth girls and they're super chill and just play wow and runescape 24/7
probem with arthoes though is they have a high likelihood of being all of the following:
>anti-white intersectional feminist types
>cat ladies
>hate children and, if they ever do want kids, probably only want one kid max
>they all love the aesthetic of pic related (fat, african-tier lips, and turning their face bronze and adding a highlight to look like a glazed donut)
>all this 3D
Promesita at her best
That is literally a mans chest. Gay as FUCK
> LITERALLY no tits
What the fuck? just fuck a guy user.
I'm a small boob man myself, but she literally has no boobs...
Even girls who say they have "no boobs" have boobs. She doesn't...
>anti white feminist
Im latino and id be willing to go along with her feminist delusions
>cat ladies
>hate children
Dont mind
gimme art hoe gf
Eh, still has a vagine, you're fine.
Patrician taste:
Good taste:
[youre a faggot thoguh.]
Passable taste:
Bad taste:
Shit taste and likely crypto-faggots:
I like small boobs myself but this is too much
This is a 20/10
Tall tomboys
Dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, chokers, favorite color is plaid, combat boots, alternative and punk music, comically excessive coffee habit, cigarettes, can drink her body weight in vodka and will every weekend, weed, Adderall, like really really into Adderall, the kind of girl who got really good grades in school until she was 16.
A sad girl
fair enough. yeah they're pretty great for non-whites. they spend all their free time thinking of ways to how best show their obedience to non-whites