What is the difference between an incel and a robot Jow Forums?
Incel Vs Robot
I cant answer your question user but I can call you a faggot and leave this thread without being helpful
>I cant answer your question user but I can call you a faggot and leave this thread without being helpful
Fuck off normalfag
> does not know the difference between a robot and incel
Calls me a normal
I would say that inceldom is a trait of a robot. Redditors are really really stoopid niggers, so tehy think inceldom is a being entirely unto itself, and so, being the niggers tehy are, push that perspective.
When in reality, the logical answer, is that being an incel is apart of being a robot. A robot's inceldom is the sexual aspect to his being. It does not account for platonic relationships, and blood relationships.
I assume all robots are virgins and not all incels are.
incel: I desperately want to participate in this culture as a sexually and romantically fulfilled member of society, but am rejected and alienated for my looks and or personality. It's not fair.
robot: I do not fit in or agree with normalfag culture, and find it unattractive. Maybe it'd be nice to have love, but as things are, there's no point, I don't fit. I accept my place.
it wasn't clear even before incels got big but the general consensus is
incel = angry and trying
robot = apathetic and not trying
Where does the supreme gentleman stand?
You're both wrong. Incel's are jaded, and hate women for the state of their sexual being.
>Incel's are jaded, and hate women for the state of their sexual being.
So do robots
I don't fit. I accept my place. = I'm ugly.
Let's face it. Robots want girlfriends just as much as incels but can't get them for the same reasons. We are the same.
Actually, women hate incels for the state of their sexual being. Most women wouldn't date virgin men aka incels.
Robots don't hate women. Some of them even want to be women.
both are shitty people with women hating tendencies
anyone identifying as an incel should be shot, you are fucking insufferable robots accept the fact that they are undesirable and either accept that or attempt to make themselves desirable, incels whine that they are entitled to attention from the opposite sex yet refuse to recognize themselves as undesirable or make an attempt to be desirable outside of making terrible meme-tier attempts to garner the attention of women for a couple days before declaring that they have "tried everything" and that life is just so unfair to their poor victim selves
Robots hate everything that's part of normiedom. Women are part of normiedom. Robots hate women.
No, not me. I think this serial monogamy where people are supposed to explore and experiment, and faithfulness and loyalty mean nothing is ugly. If I wanted to change my personality and behavior to be a part of it, I could. I don't understand worshiping such a gross culture and being angry and resentful that you can't be part of it. Just focus your attention to something actually nice and comfortable.
>Sour grapes! Everything you just said is a lie, it doesn't count!
You're thinking of frogposters.
whatever makes you a victim sweetheart
>Most women wouldn't date virgin men aka incels.
Not all incels are virgins though and that is one big difference between the two to be a robot you have to be a virgin male being incel just means you can't attract the opposite sex for whatever reason google George Sodini.
>both are shitty people with women hating tendencies
You're going to find different definations. I would say incels are people that haven't had sex but really want it and are angry at women for not giving it to them. Robots may or may not have had sex, but they often don't want it. At least having sex for robots wouldn't fix anything while incels would change completely.
What board do you think REEEEE NORMALNIGGERS OUT, came from?
>Not all incels are virgins
user I...
Other way around faggot.
>Robots may or may not have had sex
No they have not you fucking normalfag lurk more
Frogposting newfags.
That has literally been a member on r9k before pre-deletion
>incels are all virgins
>robots don't have to be
0/10 bait
A robot posts on Jow Forums
An incel hasn't had sex, and hasn't specifically chosen to do so.
You can be both.
It's like asking "What's the difference between being right-handed and having brown hair?"
the difference between robots and incels is incels can't take a joke. robots can laugh at themselves for being autistic morons, incels just don't have that ability
Not really, incels simply put the blame on everyone else, while robots know their are the genetic trash and accept it. Robots hate when normalfags push their agendas and try to give their "useful" "advice".
Robots dislike the normie "culture", incels envy and lust for it.
I can get behind this, but what's with all the idiots up above claiming that incels could have had sex while robots couldn't have?
Again Google George Sodini he was an incel and he had sex before he felt lonely and rejected by women.
i think this person speaks great truth, not what they said specifically but the world view they implied they have.
incels are the bad guys, normies don't like them
robots are whichever virgins the normies like.
Who the actual fuck cares about some random guy? Why he is the authority on a definition of a made up word?
Yeah before this board became over run with normalfags that used to be posted all the time when someone said they were not a virgin
Incel: a loser who cannot form sexual and romantic relationships
Robot: literally any faggot can waltz onto r9k and claim to be a "robot" it really has no meaning.
normies don't like robots, we're just harmless autists that can be picked on
>Not knowing who george sodini was
>Not knowing about the original Elliot Rodger
People are not talking about "incels" as for the literal defenition of it, we are talking about incels as the retards that come from reddit and are generally posting about wanting to kill women and such. They are like 14 year olds in state of anger telling everyone to kill themselves
Whatever, newfag. Jow Forums is fucking dead and there are no robots here.
normies are obsessed with their identity, these normies want to be sadbois and damaged girls, and if they did it anywhere but here they wouldn't be legit enough.
He was clearly desperate for that aryan pussy
You have not even browsed r9k pre-deletion shut up kid :^)
i'm technically an incel (a wizard incel), but the whole incel group or whatever you want to call it is filled with edgy teenage spazzboi types that just annoy me, it's like a shitty cult or something
>Robot: literally any faggot can waltz onto r9k and claim to be a "robot" it really has no meaning.
Fuck you normal yes it does a robot is a male virgin social outcast an incel is a fail normalfag.
angry redditors that haven't gotten laid yet. generally total fags
individuals that identify with this board and it's culture. sometimes share opinions with incels, but not always.
Fucking fag strait off the boat of reddit where he has first encountered robot but still doesnt even know what an incel is
>haven't gotten laid
Not all of them are virgins.
Robots tend to be harmless. They're sad, but they're not filled with hate. They like comfy threads. Those who liked gore beforehand generally were just sadists which isn't synonymous with women hate. The majority of incels spilled over from Reddit, especially after the shutdown of their board or whatever. (Are they called 'boards' on Reddit?) Robots tend to keep to themselves while incels spilled over onto all the other boards causing an influx of crossboarders to come pick on Jow Forums.
Robots are robots. Incels are SJW's from a different dimension. That's my take on it.
>robot is a male virgin social outcast an incel is a fail normalfag.
youve got those 2 completely mixed up frogposting idiot
Both incels and robots know they are genetic trash. Both accept it. Both wish they had better genetics deep down in their heart.
You don't have to browse this board or identify with it's culture to be a robot. Robot just means socially undesirable/lacking social skills/and being physically unattractive.
>youve got those 2 completely mixed up frogposting idiot
No newfag i've got them completely right i've been on Jow Forums longer than a lot of these newfags who are women teenagers and normal people who have normal lives and have probably had sex before it has been discussed by the oldfags countless times that a robot is a male virgin and that's it also don't bash me for posting pepe pepe has been a staple of Jow Forums for a long time faggot maybe you should have been around on Jow Forums from 2011-2015 when most of the real robots were here.
>Robot just means socially undesirable/lacking social skills/and being physically unattractive.
You're wrong.
>tfw incel who posts in /comfy/ threads
i guess that also makes me DEVILISH
What is a robot according to you then?
A robot is a male virgin who is a virgin because of his standards. The incel has no choice. He's a virgin because the world rejects him.
They're not entirely wrong. Most robots were NEET and hikikomori heavily interested in anime, manga, video games, and niche hobbies centered around staying at home. Most, to some degree, would've admitted part of their problems stemmed from just never wanting to leave the house. That's likely why someone earlier in the thread used the word 'apathetic' to describe them. The robot would never dare set foot in a club, attempt to use Tinder, and was socially ostracized based on their interests. Many came before video game culture became socially acceptable.
Incels are different. Many of them acknowledge using Tinder, have no anxiety related to seeking out and keeping employment or education, have gone to clubs and bars, and describe themselves to be people who tried. Many describe themselves to otherwise be perfect candidates as a mate, and often express they enjoy going outdoors, socializing, and the ilk. There's a lot of similarity between the two, and a robot who tries faces the danger of ending up an incel. Person you replied to is not really wrong though.
A robot is a socially undesirable male. No girl wants a robot regardless of his standards.
>The incel has no choice. He's a virgin because the world rejects him
Not true most people who are incel are actually volcel which means voluntarily celibate they just call themselves incel.
You bad, user.
GTFO with that trap/faggot degeneracy.
NO, robots dont want to be women, and yes we hate women, go back to you fag.
Being an incel is part of the robot, the robot sexual aspect
Some robots can be incels but all incels are robots.
what the fuck is it with incels and trying to claim they're also robots too? you aren't, you're some edgy reddit faggot. just like femanons can't be robots, incels can't be robots. fuck off
robots are incels when it comes to sexual life, if you are not a virgin you're not a robot, plain and simple
Robots and incels are both sexually deprives and reviled by society. We're more similar than different.
i don't think that's what's happening, it appears normals are idealizing robots so they can consider themselves one.
I've been on Jow Forums since 2008, and you're completely wrong.
Jow Forums has always been an "alt" place for "alt-normies" and while there has been a communtiy of NEET virgins it has never been the majority at any point in time.
Even during the days when "spilled my spaghetti" and "burst into treats" were fresh hot new memes people were just making fun of losers. The "ree normies" meme was 90% normies lampooning autists/virgins/etc etc
Get a clue and embrace inceldom.
No. You're talking about Jow Forums users in general, and that may have been the case 8+ years ago it isn't anymore.
Also while there are some "failed normie" incels they are just really loud and annoying. Most incels on incels.me have never even asked a girl out.
I browse incels because its the only place where you wont get bullied for being a virgin, hikikomori or not.
Incels are type of robot.
On r9k lots of men rejected women for being too ugly or fat. An incel is the guy who spams dating sites and posts the same message to 500 women but still no sex. It's an actual struggle to be an incel.
no, they aren't, incels as far as i can tell are just failed normies
It's been quite some time since those people were confined to boards including Jow Forums, /sci/, /a/, /vg/, /h/, /c/, /d/, and /jp/. I'm not saying that the users of Jow Forums haven't changed, and I'd agree that many using the board are now incels. It doesn't change what robots are though. There's still some robots left.
you can't make such a claim about what we want, i hate it when normies think they are wise psychics who know everything and can "read" people.
>I've been on Jow Forums since 2008
Nobody cares also jokes on you i came here a year before you.
>He thinks Jow Forums is all normal people with normal lives and parents who have children acting like autistic idiots
Top kek yeah okay i believe you dumbass maybe that's the case on /b/ but outside of /b/ i don't think so.
I am a robot and an incel. I know that I want a gf but I can't get one because I'm a robot. Women don't like robots.
Not being psychic just speaking from my mind.
yes there are people who havent gotten a clue yet and choose to mingle here. Jow Forums has been LOST since 2011. even the tr00 t0b0t faggot fucks on oochan r9k and gizzardchan are a bunch of fake fucking larpers.
you seriously think THIS r9k, of all places, with its 24/7 gay dating thread and constant discord shilling is any sort of haven for losers?
I remember when the "everybody post everybody rate" threads in 2010 were the embodiment of cancer! Now when I do come back to Jow Forums it only takes 30 secs on /soc/ to make me claw my eyes out.
You're a deluded idiot. There's absolutely nothing "containing" anybody to one single board, or even 1 single website.
This person also makes a good point. 'Incels' tend to be people who make their virginity status the core of their being. That's all they talk about. They take being a virgin to be their identity, and they are sort of cult-like. As the number of 'incels' increases, the number of threads about women increases.
/soc/ is one of those places I do not dare enter.
That's because being an adult male virgin puts you at the dead bottom of the social ladder, youre not above anybody because everyone can just say "ha ha ha ur a virgin :))"
in 2018 its acceptable to be fat to be crippled to be a fucking tranny to be queer to be a cuck
but if youre an adult male who cant get laid? WEE WOO WEE WOO haul this freak off to jail!
I'm an incel because being an adult male virgin is a core part of my being whether i like it or not.
It doesnt matter, there are no "containment boards" just pots of honey to attract more traffic who then go on to browse other boards.
>/soc/ is one of those places I do not dare enter.
If you hate normies on Jow Forums then go to another imageboard.
There's the difference though. You can only get laughed at as an adult if you try to socialize. If you take yourself out of the social ladder altogether, no one can laugh at you. Robots eschew society altogether; they aren't even a rung on the social ladder.
I'm just here to evangelize, do you think I give a fuck if normies browse this shithole or not? This place has been a shithole on par with reddit for almost 10 years its beyond saving.
fuck you faggot
Kill yourself, lying faggot.
That's funny, you're still pushing the concept of "robot" like its still a thing.
I was shilling incels.me on oochan r9k just last month and to a "true robot" who claims hes not an incel because hes not a "failed normie" like youre saying
Guess what? now he browses incels.me 24/7 and acts like he's king of the incels because he took a test that said he's has a 1% attractiveness rating.
you should probably give it a try.
Well, it's what OP was asking about, wasn't it?
Incel is a reddit word for a person that never has had sex. Robot is a person that has never had sex, few (if any) friends, and struggles in life in general
What am I lying about you know moot deleted r9k then brought it back right?
That being said, I wouldn't give it a try because I am neither a robot or an incel. I'm just a hermit because I find the society I grew up in frightening and sad. I'm just a person who never leaves the house except for class or work.
Look all through this thread its just faggots coming up with their own personal definitions of what constitutes a robot or not
its like someones definition of "what it means to be american" it really has no prerequisites but to actually browse the board.
That would be the point of the thread.
Are you a virgin thougho?
No. I'm just a hermit who chooses not to have sex anymore.
>bloobloobloo im just a shy introvert who managed to convince a girl to let me have sex with her before
yeah fuck you too faggot, buh bye
I would've never brought it up, but you decided to ask.
>He has had sex