>mid twenties
>all my teeth are fucked up and hurt all the time
>constant dreams about teeth shattering, crumbling, or falling out
>two crowns, a bridge, a root canal, and countless fillings
>terrible dentist as a kid, horrible phobia of dentists now
>genuinely suicidal primarily over dental concerns
>no health insurance
>getting that bridge put in was the worst experience of my life and gave me nightmares for years
>bridge "popped" other day, best I can describe it
>gums around it now sore (probably from brushing the shit out of it due to fear)
>can't even touch area with my tongue it's so sore
>creepy cold feeling on it
>bridges only last 10-15 years
>been almost 10 years
>only hope I'm holding onto is that 3 months ago new dentist said it looked good and there were no problems
>been flossing almost every day
>been brushing 2-3 times a day
>too little too late, fucked for life due to shitty childhood/teenage habits
>only downhill from here, all crowns and fillings and bridges need eventual replacement, was never told that when they were put in
>think dentist as a teen went drill happy lying about shit, once told me I had 8 cavities at once, parents were dupes and bought it, drilled me
>now have to pay out of pocket the rest of my life and suffer eternal anxiety and torment because of it
"Each man lives his own life and pays his own price for living it. The shame is one has to pay so many times for a single fault."
I honestly want to die. I wish I had never been born.
Mid twenties
>shitty knees, sore and stiff and outright painful
>hard time walking sometimes
>shoulder and wrist pain often, probably from job (data entry slave)
>horrible eyesight, just absolutely horrible, and it will only get worse, already so horrible I don't even qualify for contacts or lasik
>throat problems
>if I sleep on my side I wake up with sore teeth
>still get acne, now getting wrinkles too
>recently foot pain, probably from fucking work shoes I have to wear
>knuckles doing a weird thing, fingers often get numb from joint down to tip, have always been stiff every winter or whenever it's even slightly cold, to the point it's hard to type or hold a pencil
God put me here just to suffer. Give me a reason not to kill myself before it gets even worse. All downhill from here. I never had a chance to actually live, now I'll crumble to dust and decay before I can.
Dental insurance is like 15$ a month bud
Its not life or you, it is your shitty parents. Every kid wants to drink mtn dew and never brush. Parents are supposed to destroy bad habits.
Parents make robots. I become more anti natalist by day.
I can confirm my parents were pieces of shit and I despise them for ruining me. I had so much potential. If I had had decent parents I could have realized some of it...I have started fixing myself and "raising" myself, but often it's a case of too little too late. I can at best fix myself to be the best I can from this point forward, but mistakes of the past are concrete now.
My parents were too busy taking drugs to raise me. I sat in a room with nothing and no one and was taught nothing.
It's just existentially cruel. Our lives are based on the foundation of our childhood, which we have no control over and cannot change after the fact. It's like trying to make a novel into a masterpiece when the first arc has already been written for you and you can't change anything about it.
My job was supposed to gibs me insurance, but they're fucking me around with this temp shit. It's bullshit. They pay me, at least.
I think suicide would be a good option. I want out of here.
Dentfag here. Sounds like decay got under one of the bridge abutment teeth or it fractured a piece off. I know you said it hurt, but have you tried wiggling it or seeing if there's any mobility? It's also possible that the cement itself just came off, and it could be as simple as cementing the bridge back on.
And I have patients who have had the same crowns and fillings for over 50 years, no need to feel so defeatist. Sounds like you've doing the right maintainable now, just keep it up. You could also look into going to a dental school for treatment, it's a lot cheaper, although things definitely do take longer
It's not loose. It "popped" but it doesn't wriggle at all. I did brush the crap out of it after that happened, maybe I was too hard on the gums. But thing is the area has always been sensitive to the point I won't let dentists touch it during exams. I think it was also misleveled, which threw my bite off. Dentists always comment that my bite is weird and I have jawpain because of it. But at the time I was suffering so much and just wanted to go home, so I said it felt fine just to get it over with faster. It was just extremely traumatic, I had a very bad dentist at the time.
>decay got underneath
The dentist 3 months ago said it was fine, he did a good exam of everything. I...I just don't know. What I'm worried about is if there's decay that I'll lose all three teeth in a way that can't be fixed.
>had the same crowns and fillings for over 50 years
Is that...common? I was under the impression all of them will fall out every ten years or so for as long as I live. I have probably 12-14 areas so that's quite a lot of misery lined up. And every time it falls out a little more decay occurs and they have to take off another layer and fill just that much more, and eventually everything just falls apart.
>dental school
I like my current dentist. There was no pain and for the first time in my life I didn't want to kill myself the entire procedure.
Thank you dentfriend. I'm slightly less hopeless now.
Yeah, it's actually fairly common. The fillings can vary in how long they last quite a bit. Crowns, depending on the material, often get cited at 10-20 years depending on tooth, material, etc. But I think that's from the perspective that if a patient needed a crown and had big cavities, they'll continue to develop decay and their hygiene stays the same. Lots of patients have said the same things you mentioned, they didn't grow up with the idea that it was important to take care of their teeth, and had bad experiences with a first dentist that kept them away for a while. Most of them that ended up making a change are the ones that have BTFO of the regular longevity estimate.
Anyway, I'm glad you like your current guy, and I would at least mention the bridge to him next time you go in.
If your dentist gave you the okay 3 months ago, sounds like your other teeth are in good shape for now, so as long as you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll be fine! I have dreams about the same thing desu, even though my dad was a dentist and the worst I've had myself was a small cavity. I think it's just a weird human thing.
I'm typing a pit, but my point is that you've made the positive changes you can, so don't get too hung up on potential negatives.
Last thing, keep up the flossing and consider getting a floss threader or interproximal brush for around the bridge. Hope you feel better user
Oh you like putting toxic mercury in peoples mouths you sick fuck
Your fucked
They drilled into your innermost nervous system and implanted degrading poison elements of disease
No once you're 16, you can overcome a shitty childhood. You're just a pussy.
They put tracking chips in your teeth and keep track of everything you're doing. They can actually read your thoughts this way.
>shrek tier teeth
>parents had full coverage dental insurance
>didn't get braces as a kid literally for no reason even knowing how important teeth are in society
I don't believe you really think that, but for anybody interested,
I use composite (tooth colored filling material) about 90-95% of the time, but amalgam (the silver filling material) releases a statistically insignificant amount of Mercury vapors and will in no way be detrimental to your health, especially compared to cavities providing a direct path for bacteria throughout your body.
It's not too late user, you could still mention interest to your general dentist, you could be a good candidate for invisalign if you were really against regular braces, and while I know it can be expensive, a good smile can make a huge difference, like you mentioned
I'd literally kill my dentist and ortho. How does that make you feel, prick? You fucking weasel POS profiting on others pain with methods directly violating the hippocratic oath. Just wait until all of your crimes are exposed. You are going to get mutilated in the afterlife and I'll see to it myself. Luckily I got my amalgams out and learned the basics of nutrition. A book called Cure Tooth Decay already bankrupts your entire industry. It's too late for OP because they (YOU) literally poisoned his nervous system, at this stage mostly irreversibly as it is seen his body is already failing due to dental malpractice (which is common accepted practice). Slit your fucking throat, doc. I'll see you soon.
Oh. See my post, doc.
Bacteria theory is wrong btw
Hey, since you seem to know what you're talking about, i want to ask you something.
I have several cavities in my front teeth and in my molars, gingivitis, yellow to orange teeth, random white spots on a lot of teeth, 2 wisdom tooth that are coming out in a weird way, and my teeth (mostly my molars) hurt everytime i eat something too sugary and/or too hard.
Also, some orthodontic is needed too.
And i don't know if this is important or not, but i have a shitty diet (i eat enough to survive and that's it, i'm in auschwitz mode)
I know that my teeth and gums are fucked up, but in average how much would it cost me to fix this shit (if it's possible to fix it), and how long would it take?
I took a look at the book you recommended. Of course there's a nutritional component, because bacteria feeds on the sugars we consume to produce the acid that eats away at enamel. And of course teeth benefit from calcium and other minerals, but studies have shown that patients fed directly via intubation don't get cavities, because they don't have substrate to feed the bacteria, so no decay. Do you really think those patients are getting this "secret nutrition" your writer is shilling?
He's also just blatantly wrong about a lot, a quick scan shows he thinks Novocaine is still used, when it was dropped by pretty much all dentists by the 1980s
Dental malpractice, inserting foreign objects, and wrong bites lead to a continual state of unease and thus disease. There have been experiments where they shove shit in animals mouths and they do go insane from the stress response. Not to mention it also disturbs the body/teeth voltage. Voltage is life.
OP, life is a journey of experience, in this case a series of earthly incarnations, and your soul chose this for the dense frequency wavelength form (+/-) information it could synthesize into your oversoul and thus grow into new dimensions. DON'T FORGET TO KILL YOUR DENTIST!
I've had novocaine as recently as 2007. I haven't been to the dentist since.
Sounds definitely fixable. It's really tough to say costs without seeing things firsthand and knowing prices of procedures in your area. What would probably happen first is a treatment planning appointment where x-rays are taken, gum and bone health is checked, and each tooth is looked at and a plan is made.
They'd probably start treatment with getting wisdom teeth out unless the cavities are really bad.
You say the wisdom teeth are coming in weird, if they actually are starting to erupt to where you can see them sticking out of the gums, that makes them easier to come out, and a regular dentist is much more likely to take them out than having to to to an oral surgeon. Depending on number of wisdom teeth and how difficult, price could change, but I'd expect a couple hundred dollars per tooth, don't know how your insurance would handle, I'd you had some.
If you just have gingivitis and no bone loss around the teeth( periodontitis), you could get by with a general cleaning, but if they find bone loss they may need to do a procedure called scaling and root planning where they go below the gums to get rid of subgingival calculus.
Typcially, fillings will be done by quadrant if many need to be done, so it'll be over several appointments.
I know that didn't quite answer your price question, but it can vary so much I don't want to set you up to expect something and have it be completely different
I had braces when I was 22
What the fuck.
But Dentists can be fucking evil it's your mouth they're fucking with
I remember this Asian bitch used a vice to hold my mouth open stretching my jaw as a teen for a fucking filling. I thought it was common practice at that time but she was just be lazy and cruel.
Okay, sounds like nothing I say will convince you otherwise, if what you've been doing has worked, keep it up I guess.
Thanks a lot, really.
At least now i've got an idea of what i'm getting into.
I just stopped going to the dentist because I don't care anymore. That was my last experience in 2007 though. I've got serious tooth, gum and jaw pain but I'm just letting it go.
Sure, making the first appointment is the tough part, and I know that getting the treatment plan where they give you a copy of the plans and their prices can be overwhelming as well, so if you don't feel good about the dentist or really doubt a part of the treatment, it's worth getting a second opinion. Although, I will say that it can sound tempting to skip some of the cleanings, but the prevention saves way more $ by preventing cavities.
Im in pretty much in your same situation OP parents teeth and all honestly dont blame you for wanting to die life is suffering Im just waiting for my dog to die before I go OD on fentanyl in the Woods next to my dogs grave
Hmm, are you positive it was Novocaine, I'm really curious about that. Most dentists would be using Xylo/lidocaine or Septocaine, is it possible that maybe you misunderstood or the Dr. just didn't correct you if you asked? Seems like it would be going against the standard of care
I was doomed from the start
He said it was novocaine. I didn't grill him on it and say "Are you sure it's novocaine?" because I had no reason to doubt it, it was just the usual thing for me to have to get several fillings after my check up and to get novocaine. But come to think of it, I stopped getting novocaine in 1999 or 2000 because I didn't like the needle and it never helped me, so I got fillings done with no numbing agent.
I specifically remember him saying each time, "So you're the one who doesn't want novocaine, right! Alright, we won't give you any." That was 2007.
In the 1990s (when I first started going to the dentist, age 5 and had 5 cavities), I know the dentist (I had at least two different ones) would specifically say he was using novocaine and I got it injected in the roof of my mouth and gums.
Weird, I don't know then.
I need minor surgery and over a year of braces and thousands of dollars to stop being a toothlet.
And now I can recall that I got my wisdom teeth pulled in 2005 and the oral surgeon used what he called "novocaine". What country are you in? I'm in USA
USA as well. It's something we discussed in school and a quick search says the same thing about it being dropped in the 80s. Dunno why you've had it several times.
I was just reading up on this after you mentioned it (2013 article about dental myths, novocaine usage being one of them), and I saw a dentist say that "sometimes patients ask for or about novocaine, and I don't bother correcting them if they are not a medical professional." But I still do remember the dentist saying "novocaine". Maybe my parents said something about novocaine and the dentist didn't want to correct them and he just used the word. But then again I had 3 different dentists and one oral surgeon over those years.
Hey my fellow teethlet funny how we both posted tonight.check out my post difference with me is I haven't seen a dentist in like 10 years. I'm going try to save up and hope the dentist doesn't cuck me with a bad job.
My dentist fixed my 2 most fucked up teeth, there are 7 left even though I got them fixed 3 years ago, they say I should fix them again, they don't hurt or anything I just want to wait where they start to hurt again. Should I fix them now or should I wait?