Dear God, how can there by so many virgins? This is 2018, no meming. There are PLENTY of ways to lose your virginity...

Dear God, how can there by so many virgins? This is 2018, no meming. There are PLENTY of ways to lose your virginity. Why are you harming yourself by CHOOSING to be a virgin?

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>There are PLENTY of ways to lose your virginity.


How do I get laid in college when I don't drink or do drugs?

Drink and/or do drugs.

0. Be physically attractive
1. See previous point
2. See two previous points

Women only like 7/10+ socially adept men

Socially adept part can be skipped, as long as you have that 7+/10.
Women are not as deep as they pretend they are.

What so bad about being a virgin, mr. Rosenbaum?

I much rather attempt to lose weight than attempt to have sex and I have absolutely no intentions of losing weight. Call it a cope but not everyone is thirsty for sex.

>mfw I turned 25 today

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Because I want to be a wizard.

Sex doesn't seem worth it unless you're hot enough to fuck hot people. I'd rather be a virgin than fuck the uglies in my league.

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Maybe I enjoy being a virgin, have you considered that?

>Be physically attractive

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>Why are you harming yourself by CHOOSING to be a virgin?

There's too many things I have to do to accomplish my dreams that logically have to come before dating and losing my virginity. The idea of trying to lose my virginity seems like a painful process as well.

It's ok to be a virgin, boys. Soon enough there will be good looking sex robots that won't take half of your assets after 3-10 yrs.

>You're still a virgin, user?
>You're HOW old?

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because we're living in the worst timeline in history

3. Do not (I repeat, do NOT) be a dicklet.

Me: Oh, crap.

Because I unironically hate every woman I've ever met who isn't my little sister.

OP are you retarded or just a baitposter?
Sexual relationships are a minefield for white men. Maybe post this 12 years in the future when feminists have lost their power over government.

I want to see what kind of loonie I turn into without receiving any form affection, intimacy or physical contact (apart from few platonic hugs) from women

You wanna see my magic powers?

Because losing my virginity is much more important than finding love.
I have matches and plenty of likes on tinder I could get my damn dick wet if I wanted to.

I only care about pumping full the person I love, thank you

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Pretend to drink or do drugs, be sober when all the fags and thots are high off their mind and it'll be like a buffet

Takes too much effort
I'd rather stay inside and watch anime

I never leave the house and I hate people

go to a con and meet cute weeb girls

Isaac Newton was a virgin by choose, Join us, Join the League of Virgins.

Why the hell would I go to a con? I don't want to talk about anime I just want to watch it
Also talking to girls and keeping them interested is exhausting

Lost it at 18. Got laid the second time at 20

I'm a nonvirgin and I really don't understand where you're coming from. It wasn't easy for me to lose my virginity and now that I have I'll probably never have sex again because sex isn't worth being around another human for. Why do you fucking care about virgins staying virgins? They're probably just better off that way instead of dealing with idiots and whores trying to ruin their life

I don't know, I'm just painfully shy around everyone. Whenever I got close with a girl my mind would just race about all the negatives she might find with me and I just fou d it easier to avoid them.
Since it's been such a long since I've done anything with a girl, I just assume they all find me repulsive too because I've probably got weirder and uglier. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I lost it at 26, how do I fit on the chart?

spend 3000$ on an escort or sell drugs, whores will sell sex for your drugs

Honestly, I think this might be the answer. Thank you.

Why is my sex life or lack thereof so important to you?

im ugly, awkward and extremely self conscious

fuck off

Get accused of rape afterwards for fucking a drunk / high girl who wasn't fully aware of the situation as you were.
Hope it was worth turning from virgin to rapist.

3.5 more years and I reach the point of no return. I don't want to die alone but I'm too autistic to get a gf. I'm not even fat or ugly, just socially retarded.

Not if they don't find out he wasn't really intoxicated, dumbass. That's the whole point of pretending.

even if he'll succeed at pretending, rape-laws in some countries are very strict. In other less.
Usually the law sounds more or less like it's rape if one party takes sexual advantage of another party not being able to defend without their permission. If the second party is unable to speak and/or move but obviously is against the intercourse or hasn't agreed in any way it's also labeled as rape.

>le rape accusation meme
How do you even manage to leave the house? You're even scared of your own shadow.

Why do so many people glorify sex? It's something you should only do with loved ones, not something everyone should try to do as much as possible.

of course not every sexual intercourse with a female it's followed by a rape accusation but as mentioned earlier in most countries the law would easily be on her site in this particular situation.
And that it's only a meme is little bit naive. I'm working at a big company and multiple times I've been told not to be alone with a woman in the elevator due to real happenings at other places or companies. Not every woman claims false accusation. Still there is a chance. Too low not to fuck but to high to risk your job or go after a half-passed out girl. BTW who wants to fuck a girl being so high/drunk that she's only laying there like a starfish? Only wizards or incels would.

it's horrible, I went to wizarchan and guess what I saw there? THIRTY+ YEAR OLD MALE VIRGINS WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT

No one is as deep as they think they are. Not even the robots you see here trying to spread their redpilled rhetoric. I get it, the sexual revolution made things more difficult for men. Women run rampant and are holding more power for their buck than ever before. But using these examples as excuses for not getting laid is nonsense. Let me let you in on a little secret. The worst enemy you have in this world is yourself. If you can kill your inner demons then you are on the road to success. The first step is to realize you aren't a god.

being a virgin is no problem
the problem is making a big deal out of it and trying to rationalize it like it's not your own fault kek

I chose the cutest virgin when I was in highschool, would recommend to everyone because having one person that loves you is the best

You're far more likely to be victim of a terrorist attack than get a false rape charge. Why do you even leave the house when it's so dangerous outside?

>Why do you even leave the house when it's so dangerous outside?
You're absolutely right I don't

I dont want/need sex.As long as I can masturbate.
Ive met like only 3 women in my life worth talking to.
The rest should be killed.

It will take a few decades.

Went to a couple of conventions thinking it was like the memes. I've been into anime since early childhood and my standards are hardly existent so I figured I'd be in my element.
Instead most of the girls there dragged along their boyfriends who were disinterested in anime at best and ironic weebs at worst. The rest of them were being orbited by a plethora of pathetic losers such as myself and when the pool is that large (and you have Brads showing up for easy pickings) I just can't compete.

By evening I was ready to go home and cry as everyone else was preparing for their drunken cosplay orgies.

Fuck off criticising us robots you normies we are right society is wrong

Wow that actually makes sense I will change myself thank you user. t. 24 yr

we live in a SOCIETY..........gamers RISE UP
veronica you fr*aking whore you will learn to not friendzone me

only valid answer here, looks are everything.

>Jow Forums has plenty of good looking virgins
>there are ugly guys out there having sex with hot girls
You were just proven wrong.

>3000$ for a whore

What hellhole are you from where they're so expensive?

>The first step is to realize you aren't a god.
Yeah, I realized that a long time ago. It hasn't exactly helped

>"i can only provide personal anecdotes and pull shit out of my ass"

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a horrible place where people accidentally add on an extra 0
still expensive, but it's not legal in most of the usa

I cannot have sex because of severe sensitivity due to longterm phimosis, I'm 25 and I never touched a girl even If i had different opportunities. I'm also quite good looking, but apparently my life was meant to suffer.

Exactly what you are trying to do. If you actually had left the basement in the last few years you would not say retarded things like "only looks matter".

how common is phimosis? Is it an Amerilard illness like mart-sharting? I've never heard of anyone having it in Bongland

Fuck.. failed before i started.

I'm Italian, I don't know honestly. It's probably more of an european thing since they don't circumcise at birth here. Also people rarely talk about male problems, there is so little information spreading, it's horrible, I had to search on the internet at 23 yo to acknowledge what I had.

I intended to quote you.

sex is wrong


The vast majority of virgins on r9k are just people pretending.

Tendieposting isnt real either.

No it can't. I get stared at in awe, but can't utter a word to save my life.

lmao your evidence goes against you retard

i think that by coming here back when depression installed itself in my mind when i was 17 made me realize that the threat of actualy reaching 30yo still virgin was indeed real and out of fear that i'm actually just as disgusting as my depression i didn't go out there and experience the things any normal adolescent should experience thus i didnt learn basic social skills and now even though i can hold conversation without looking like the next psycopath to hit the news i'm just way past the point where i can safely flirt with potential partners bc they'd be to wierded out by a 23yo virgin chad and would just ghost, something along the lines of "so you've got all these great things going for you and you STILL manage to fuck it up? god you're pathetic" etc.

you're all at blame for this, fuck you and fuck this board.

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>when feminists have lost their power over government
Lmao, do you really think that is going to happen?
I think they have more and more power over people and it would be no surprise that one day their extemist ideas will be so engraved into people's minds that no one will complain about it. Feminists are like a product of nature, a natural response that nature made in order for the humans to remove genetic thrash like us from the planet.

>tfw lost my virginity when I was 3
I'm such a turbo chad aren't I guys??? hahaha....

The original meme said 20 was the point of no return. I'm nearly 20 , so I need to insert penis into vagina soon I guess.

I'm mostly worried about other guys when it comes to getting girls though, it seems most girls have a bf or they have orbiters that want to insert into them . Also I have mild anxiety and I lost my social life after highschool.

happy birthday user, i hope you gain the sense to buy a whore and fuck her senseless

This honestly. Im curious as to how low I will eventually sink.

>Why are you harming yourself by CHOOSING to be a virgin?

Because i like 2D Lolicon and Beastiality.

How is being virg harming me? I don't see the point in banging random people.

Lost my virginity at 24.
Super close to the point of no return.
Thankfully I have to no longer worry.

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>for white men.
For all men

Hello me. How are you doing?
Seriously though fuck this board everyone on here should be executed nazi style. You're all worthless fucking scum you don't even count as human beings. You deserve all the suffering you get and i hope you suffer more.

You too user, I hope you'll suffer even more than how you suffered until now reaching ultimate misery, it's never enough :)

this, I'm legitimately broken and have never had friends or developed relationships