What causes femcels?
What causes femcels?
these could all get laid without a problem
i have no idea because i would unironically date at least half of these
> jenny nicholson
Nice bait, her comment sections are filled with people wanking over her
If they have decent bodies then I'd smash every single one of them no problem
get better taste
>the one on the bottom row who looks like she eats children
Unironically my type. I want to take care of her forever
The only one I could see being a legitimate femcel is the bottom middle-right one. The rest are either autistic or they're doing it for attention.
Actively making yourself look worse than your default setting.
Example: top right femanon
If she didn’t have retarded piercing and shave her head like a bull dyke she’d have zero issues getting dick.
literally all of them will get half a dozen dudes lusting after them within 5 minutes after announcing themselves on any major internet site
"femcel" is an oxymoron, like "dry water" or "cold fire" or "law abiding nigger"