What's the actual dick size in porn? especially supposedly BBC type of porn?
arent these ones about 7 inches?
is that really considered massive?
What's the actual dick size in porn? especially supposedly BBC type of porn?
arent these ones about 7 inches?
is that really considered massive?
7 inches is pretty big dude
not massive but very big
middle one might be 7 others are at least 8
kill yourself blacked shill
Even in blacked porn the niggers are treated like objects of sexual lust and not people. You can't imagine any of those people attached to those penises having their own thoughts and emotions
Those guys are probably only an inch bigger than me but they are more ripped and show more of their penis whereas my flab hides a lot of mine.
Mandingo, Lex Steele, Shane Diesel, shorty mac, Danny D, etc. are legit and look like monsters.
These are probably 8-9inches with fat girth. Girth is really important to any dick. Girls mentally get off on longer dicks, but the girth is what they actually feel (as long as your dick is over 6").
Hmm the one on the right looks the longest. The one in the middle looks thickest...the one on the left looks like the perfect mixture
I really like watching BBC porn, idk why but I'm straight
7.5x6.5 Blackbot
Women aren't gaping vaginal holes. They can hurt
I want everyone in this picture to perish.
I would say, of the dick visible, they vary from 7-8"? Maybe 5-6" girth?
Pro porn dicks vary usually from ~6.5-9.5" in
visible length, and ~5-7" in girth. Length is also practical in porn because it allows for the camera to more easily get into the shot. Girth just causes problems at a certain point like horrible blowjobs, queefing, and soreness since shoots can last hours.
Note how these guys all skipped leg day and are screwing girls no taller than 5'3 and their hands aren't in the picture. This is done to make the cocks look bigger.
hey retards stop making him money
9" myself (Britbong), those guys aren't anywhere near 8"
Why? Everyone has to make a buck.
The biggest guys in porn (mandingo, etc) are just under 9 inches
The average porn star is around 7 inches, some are 6.5 inches and a few are even dead average at 6 inches. The biggest porn star ever (john holmes) was 10 inches and he was white. The BBC thing is literally a myth created by jewish pornographers
Are you freaks going to whine about dicks all day or are you going to drop a link to vid
>Just under 9"
More like 9.5"
Bullshit John Holmes wasn't 10"
Longest guy I've ever seen was a German guy who got 10.75" on a measuring tape but he doesn't do porn other than solos.
lol bullshit John Holmes WAS 10"
Mandongo is 10" or more. I am 8" bone pressed sometimes and look no where near that long, him being a manlet notwithstanding.
Jonah Falcon measured at 13.5"
Jonah Falcon is a blatent fraud that got a magazine to say he was 13.5" once and has been riding on the fame ever since. The dude has nudes online but doesn't have any nudes with an erection. Gee I wonder why...
The Mexican guy while we're at it just basically has a massive foreskin, not a penis.
>this is a lie origina
I know where else you've been asking this OP.
This is Mandingo's dong compared to a Barbie doll
Barbie dolls are 11.5"
> what black bois like to believe
These are all the pornstars measured, the biggest porn star is mandingo at 9.5 inches
This faggot on leddit has a measured 10.5 inch penis, bigger than any porn star. DLD from matters of size and bib from pegym are also 10.5 inches and there is a photo somewhere on the internet showing DLD measuring his dick showing it's 10.5 x 7 inches. I believe it's physically impossible to go past 10.5 inches in length
That site is shit and ignores bone press official measurements. You can't tell how much fat pad one has through a picture. Plus that tumblr blog sometimes doesn't even seem to know where the base of the penis is.
> physically impossible.
lol, horses and rhinos can get 20"
What in the blue fuck is this human cock limitation coming from?
Bone pressed is for faggots
and urologists.
Are a big enough retard to think losing fat in your groin is going to make your dick any bigger?
Yeah but his dick kinda starts at the neck. And the head plus neck of a barbie doll is about 2 inches, which means that he's still under ten.
why the really big penises are white dicks?
His dick starts underneath a layer of fat on his pelvis. NBPEL is about 10" BPEL is about 11"
How do you know the thickness of his fat pad?
HOYL SHIT........... Woman are evil.
I see the lines differently. This where I see the two base lines (bone-pressed and non-bone-pressed) are.
educated guess. Why do you think measuring pictures is an exact science?
> liking sex with different people.
> evil
>Women are obligated to exist by your standards
Judging from his overall bodyfat levels which are pretty high. He is not a very ripped man.
You, apologists, are almost as bad as the subhuman roastie whores.
>What's the actual dick size in porn? especially supposedly BBC type of porn?
I couldn't say about BBC in particular but the average porn star is under 7 inches. In fact, I'd say the average is about 6.5." The really huge guys are 8.5" to 9" and that is as big as it gets.
Read this
Nope, just realizing you can't control everyone.
Female sexuality like displayed in that screencap is the bane of human happiness.
I'd do it too if I could. I like sex even though I usually only get to have it with myself. At least I can fantasize about different people each time.
Well I guess I'm a fucking porn star then. I measure between 7" on a bad day to 8" on a REALLY good day with high libido. My dick looks like a little stub compared to porn monsters. Doesn't help I'm 6'7"
Yes, I'm in the same boat. I'm 6'5" with a 7.5" cock and it looks quite small on my body. It looks tiny if my hands are on it, not that I'm the kind to take dick pics like some edgelord.
My hands are almost 4" wide. I can kind of two-hand it, but it looks like I'm crushing the thing. My girth is 5-5.5". I have no doubts many porn stars are 6" to 7.5" girth. Shorty Mac is probably 8"
According to Google, Short Mac is 5'4". Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually a little shorter than that. In this pic of him, he's clearly shorter than the girl and most girls in porn are tiny. He's basically a midget, so of course his cock is going to look really big and thick. But to put things in perspective, Billy Glide was "only" 6.75" in girth and he was considered one of the thickest guys ever. It probably didn't look as big on him because he was 6'2" tall and well built. But my point is that 8" girth is basically unheard of. I'm looking at my left wrist right now, which is 8.5" around and I think that's way the fuck thicker than even the thickest porn cocks. Since you're a big guy like me, you can do the same to get some perspective about how massive 8" girth actually is.
And yeah, my hands are like 4.5" across when they're curled into a fist. I'd have to be like 10" to two fist my cock like some porn star with tiny hands. Oh well. In the long run, trust me, you're better off being tall. 99.9999 percent of the people you meet will never see your cock but they will all look up to you and feel jealous of your height. I didn't realize how fucking butthurt short men are before I started posting on Jow Forums. Most short guys would give their left testicle just to be 6" tall.
its funny because the creator of blacked is literally a jew
Big black cocks are what I want!
Big black cocks inside my cunt!
Big black cocks so thick and full!
Big black cocks I'll suck and pull!
Big black cocks are satisfied!
Big black cocks can cum inside!
The creators of just about every western porn site are jews.
Now ask yourself why internet porn is banned in Israel while jews freely promote it in the west.
You It's not a good idea
You You It's It's