Where to get hookers?

I want to die because i can't get laid and my frustration is uncontrollable.
Where can i get a hooker?
Pic rated, i am about to blow my load if ya catch my drift

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Depends what country and state/province. Vary degrees of legality changes the pickup location.

I got half-decent one on craigslist, but they don't do casual encounters anymore.

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Just a heads up though, if you're fucking a hooker to lose your virginity/ cure depression, it better be a damn good one or you only going to feel even more shitty about yourself afterwards

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I went to a strip club in vegas yesterday and just smoked shisha with 2 strippers. That 1 hour of female company made me feel so special. I still feel like shit though.
I plan on just fucking hookers and killing myself after having my fun

Where does one achieve finding a working girl in ny?

Good news user, I have a place for you to lurk.

Also check Rub ratings for Asian massage parlours. rubratings.com/

Shouldn't be hard to find hookers in Vegas; honestly just ask around at a strip club or wherever. Just be subtle about it.

Just a warning though; you're not gonna feel better afterwards. Nutting while depressed is like literally the worst thing you can do while depressed if you're trying to feel better.

I got a pretty nice, personal one that was just doing it out of her home trying to make money on the side, so she was really nice and understanding. She seemed really grateful to have a friendly guy who wanted to play it safe and clean as opposed to the obnoxious greasebags she usually put up with.

If you get one that's run by a pimp, they're all business, and probably a lot less enjoyable. If you can find one, it's better to find one working out of her home than walking the street. Just a warning.

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how u find that personal one?
not OP, just interested in this story

I cry myself asleep every night bese of no gf. I was only in vegas for a day but just being around these women gave me temporary relief

Fucking cutting off Backpage was a crime

You don't need 'em.


Met her on craigslist while looking for random hookups about a year ago. Craigslist isn't legally aloud to advertise Casual Encounters anymore but when it still was, it was pretty easy to find an escort of you knew the code words.

She was a cute chubby girl (looked kind of like pic related but a little poorer and less makeup) that lived in a low-income area in my city. She was used to White Trash and gutter Natives ringing her up, so a friendly, clean white guy with good hygiene who was willing to play it safe was a breath of fresh air I guess.

It was nice. I came a little too fast but she was really cool about it. She asked if I wanted to come again some time and I could tell she'd rather work for me than the usual slime that she was used to. She seemed surprised when I paid her the full price with no hassle.

I thought about calling her up again a few times but never really really felt like driving all the way across the city and paying just to nut.

I guess I got lucky.

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seems nice, glad u weren't trashy with her user props to u

you can go to england if you are super scared of the law lol

If you're at the pint of suicide, you might as will try something like NoFap. A month or two of 0 porn and jacking off might help your confidence and will to live, or it might make your depression worse.

If the alternative is fucking cheap Vegas whores and then blowing your brains out, what have you got to lose? Try some crazy shit life-changing shit first before you off yourself. If it doesn't work, the shotgun ain't going anywhere.

Is $80/hr too much for some young single mother who lives in the suburbs?
I found this ho on Tinder and she does hookups
$200 for the night sounds too much

Ones that look like this are good.

This photo is related

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Don't do the tinder hookup thing. A guy will probably show up and rob you or something. Go on the internet and find something semi reliable in your area.

Don't kill yourself please, and please don't have premartial sex, that is a sin

Quite an interesting number you got there

I am in vegas on a trip with my parents so i have no opportunities to see a hooker here. I am trying tk fi d one in westchester but with no luck

Westchester ny that is

Oh shut up christ cuck. I read the bible and the quran entirely to help me find answers and all it has given me was false hope