Ready to get replaced, wagie?
Ready to get replaced, wagie?
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Ready to get replaced, human?
it sucks that this has to be happening now with the pussy socialists infesting the country.
in a perfect world theyd be replaced and then die. instead theyll get replaced and then get "universal basic income" and do nothing all day.
They probably are. They hate their jobs you know.
the best part is it can't spit into you burgers
so you want to wageslave your whole life?
Can I just die already please PLEASE
UBI is slavery to the state. they will threaten the removal of your UBI for any trivial reasons they desire, and any attempt to disrupt or change government will have UBI used as a fear tactic
Wake me up when they start to replace programmers.
Once they finish replacing programmers, they will have zero need for humans.
Retards at McDonalds don't deserve jobs. These things will never replace real cooks though.
I'm actually a cnc field service tech, so I'll probably be getting a shitload of overtime.
That's probably going to happen before they replace most manual laborers desu. Robots that can perform complex tasks in 3D space are still pretty goddamn expensive, the majority of these modern automatons are only able to do one highly repetitive job under human supervision.
Factory I work in is automated to hell and back and we work with a skeleton crew to begin with.
So I'm quite safe, few things that are not yet automated would require huge changes, some custom robots and rail systems, reworking of current interior spaces and what not which would cost millions to get what? Replace four workers that currently do those things.
>mfw everybody is going to be a neet in 100-200 years
Ironically enough, the fields of humanities and arts will continue living on, lol.
NEETs are on the right side of history
yeah there will be only jobs like programmers and arts and stuff would be kinda cool to do a high tier education but i bet they will be like a data uploud to the brain so you dont need to learn we will be smarter than all alien species if thats gonna happen
>mfw my job will be cleaning the grease from these machines every 2 hours now
it would be extremely comfy to life in the future
you would get the best breakfast you could fly to space like a vacation trip you could transplant your organs and stuff
>pic related
i'm sure everything will work out fine.
I'm a programmer so I still have about 20 or so years until they make robots that can do my job better than I can, and by then I'll have learned entirely new skill sets and moved on from programming.
>These things will never replace real cooks though.
Real cooks are artists, and artists will basically be the only working people left in an automated economy unless true AI capable of creative invention is produced. Can't see robots writing TV shows or starring in movies.
Thank fuck I'm in the trades. You retards better jump on ship.
We won't get to that point, optimistic predictions of anything more than a decade out concerning anything are always wrong.
>then I'll have learned entirely new skill sets
That will then be automated
but we will get to that point, google alone created a KI that learned to speak and created its own language so they needed to shut it down.
>mfw I actually fry chicken for a living.
Name one thing that self-programming robots won't be able to easily beat you at.
One thing.
You certainly won't beat them at:
>art, including movies and vidya
>discerning human emotions
>psychology in general
>complex math and science
If AIs ever become powerful enough to replace semi-competent programmers, singularity will happen. AIs that can reprogram themselves well and can construct precise robots would not need humans for literally anything at all.
No they didn't lol, you read headlines and fall for clickbait. Honestly believe "it was too powerful! We are TOO SUCCESFULL! invest in us!"?
tfw 28 year old wagecuck making minimum wage.
i have zero real skills. this is my first job ever and i mop floors and clean toilets. started a year ago.
i'm 99% sure i'm going to starve in a ditch somewhere when the next big recession hits. this is going to be the great filter for fuckups like me.
we aren't going to make it bros
Should have joined the military senpai.
You still can, but you will be much older than the other recruits.
actually really been considering it.
it's either join the army and hope war with iran doesn't break out or keep wagecucking and hope the next recession doesn't kick off any time soon
>Tfw no one will replace my insurance call center customer service job
yay kill me
Again, it wasn't anything important. The computer was reading nonsense as language. It didn't make sense to us, because it didn't make sense period. The machine didn't have a proper filter for a functioning language.
Goddamn normies can't into /sci/
whatever dude, if you don't believe humans can create a AI that is smarter than ourself than you are an ignorant brainlet
That's not what he's saying though.
AI modifying its own idea of a language or training and grading a different AI aren't anywhere near "strong" AI.
You are literally a brainlet for thinking an attempt at language creation going wrong, is AI being 2 smert.
Fuck off back to grade school.
> not just frying the burgers in a burger frying jig that eliminates flipping
Call centers wagies are going to get cucked hard.
lmao look at this brainlet
doesn't mean it was smarter it just adjusted the way it talked to be more efficeint based on feedback loops and repetition
They shut it down, because in efficiency it was spouting gibberish. The computer could just send data without language so it did, or got as close as it could. Defeating the purpose of the study.
It failed to do what it was designed to do, that's makes it quite literally. A dumb, broken machine.
Went to uni and got a job that will allow me to afford a mortgage. The real wagies are just people with zero skills.
i didnt meant the google one lol
in 100 or more years we WILL have an AI that can outperform humans
again i didnt mean the google one
>and hope war with iran
I'm hoping WWIII happens so I can go and fight like real men in the 40s did.
>Name one thing that self-programming robots won't be able to easily beat you at.
>One thing
Surviving nuclear blasts
Adding EMP and radiation shielding to electronics is easier and cheaper than radiation shielding for humans.
During the Gadget tests a lot of their data they were testing for was ruined because the quadruple shielding they used on transmission cables wasn't enough to stop the electromagnetic pulse, and that was for one of the smallest bombs ever detonated.
So should go into robotics repair and maintenance
Yeah, except they are already developing robots that will repair other robots. Try again.
Become neet like millions of others and live of corporate US goberment money , or learn a craft skill robots can't do
UBI when?
These will be the first jobs replaced by robots within the next 20 years:
>Drivers(Self-driving cars.)
>Programmers(Robots will do all the programming.)
>Waiters like those robot waiters in Asia.
>Writers(Actually getting very very close to this. Check youtube for videos. There are already robots that can write short stories. They are even working one that writes scripts for movies.)
>Journalists(Reporters will be safe for a while but those that write the news articles will be replaced.)
>Factory workers
>Surgeons(This will be one of the very first after self-driving cars replace drivers.)
>Military pilots
>Data entry
After 20 years:
>Security guards
>Card dealer at casinos.
>Infantry soldiers
>Commercial pilots
>Robot repair jobs
Eventually, they will replace police but it will take decades after the other jobs because people won't accept them at first due to lack of empathy. If you want job security become a politician, psychologist, engineer, lawyer, doctor, construction worker, dentist, or actor.
neet renaissance lel
less workers = less taxes
less taxes = unsustainable welfare
they also want to increase the age at which you retire
the world is becoming a big large 3rd world shithole
the whole world is becoming a 3rd world country shithole
This is why people are starting to freak out over the realistic possibility that the rich are just going to wipe out most of the world's population. You can't have billions of people on welfare.
Activate technological unemployment
I feel like any job where you actually need to navigate a property is stable. what about pizza delivery... driving is replaceable but there's no robot to knock on your door.
more noteably electricians, plumbers, maids
I just want to let you know: this was the first time I've seen these. I should definitely watch the matrix. Thanks for sharing, user.
Imagine beeing this retarded.
>cheaper workforce means cheaper products
>establish a basic income if there aren't enough jobs for the population
>since products are cheaper even people on basic income will have a increase in quality of life
>the people still in the workforce will earn alot more so they can also pay more taxes.
Funny that you mention pizza delivery. Look what Pizza Hut is working on.
>Self driving vehicle that keeps the pizza warm.
>Texts you when it arrives at your house to go outside and get your pizza.
Any mechanically complex and dynamic physical work won't be automated for a long time (if ever).
[citation needed][dubious]
That cant work: robots cant invent or think on thier own. If this happends they will need some kind of consiousness.
and that's why welfare now keeps the sheeple under lock and key
hope you get eaten by the monster under your bed, you paranoid freak
he probably means code monkey, which is what most programmers on r9k would actually be
Microsoft is already working on AI to replace programmers. Their goal is to completely replace all programmers with AI by 2033. We have had AI that can write basic programs since 2015.
>Microsoft writes code writing robot
>everyone but Satya Nadella fired
Everything is coming up Satya!
so you have to go out in the weather, possibly across your property or down stairs, then open a car door, then grab all your food, then finally lug it all back?
Idk if it would win with consumers.
>human interaction not being the worst part of delivery
id walk outside for that
plus I bet I won't have to tip the fucking car
So what the fuck going to happen to the rest of us???
Theres no way the elite of the world are going to let billions of people exist on welfare, they will kill us all off.
cant get replaced if you are a neet just like you cant get cucked if you dont have a gf
u wut m8
they're gonna pay us to exist because they cool brah. besides, all you gotta do is study 40years to be eligible for a job lazy scum
yeah I would love it too plus it could be cheaper. but fact is most people are normies who want it asap.
>Surgeons(This will be one of the very first after self-driving cars replace drivers.)
Confirmed for having no idea what surgeons actually do.
Welfare = Bought Democrat voters
It's not even a little unobvious, you commie shill
>rich kill off 99% of the population
>now no one is making any entertainment
>rich people commit suicide out of boredom
Computers and robots will provide them with most of their entertainment you idiot.
And if they get bored of that theyll probably do bizaree things to have fun like genetically engineering dangerous animals to huny or going to mars for vacation.
If computers are that advanced, then the nerds that made them will be the ones in control. The rich are reliant on society giving them value, the moment monetary systems collapse they become useless.
Just because somebody works a low-wage job doesn't mean they're stupid or worthless. Kys boomer.
Socialism is the only solution to an increase in automation tbqh. UBI and social welfare programs are just bandages meant to prolong the existence of capitalism. We need worker ownership of the means of production.
>neets talking about politics
>neets crying about being enslaved to the government instead of corporations
>using a $60,000 robot to flip burgers
it makes more money back in the long run
Kinda does user. Poor you.
I find that incredibly hard to believe since it can't even do its job properly and it has 20% annual manintainence fee.
i find it funny that they still need a guy standing next to the robot arm
Can it spit in your burger?
Go back to your singularity basement.
stfu kid.
my job is to program stuff to replace your job.
this "threat" has been around for over 60 years. people just move on to easier jobs while getting paid more. unemployment is still low. if you're educated, you still make a good living. technology is still shit, people have trouble printing a document in most offices
eat le cyber shit.
time to become a radical anabaptist
>mfw IT people literally do nothing
Keep on dreaming big boy.
>tfw you will never be an international jew
born in the wong genome