Would society change if women were taller than men?

Would society change if women were taller than men?
Also would you like to live in such a world?

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no and also no originally

Instead of your pathetic femdom fantasy playing out, what would really happen is the same thing that is already happening. It doesn't matter if the average woman became taller than the average man, there still would be some outlier men who were taller than women and those outlier men would get all the women just like they do now, only there would be even less of them in your scenario.

No, I like small cute girls.

Of course it would change. Instead of the top 0.1% of men reproducing exclusively, it would be 0% of men. Women, after all, would never settle for someone smaller than them even if the death of civilization would result.

Guys would be physically weaker, taken less seriously. Encouraged toward more subservient roles. Being small is now a masculine trait. Being large is now a feminine trait. Dating preferences would develop accordingly. Assuming this is a brand new reality where the gender dynamics were always this way, than women would actually be turned off by tall men and such preferences would never existed in the first place.

Feel like pure shit just want to rub my precum saturated cock on a girl(female)'s creamy vulva

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>men are super strong Neanderthal tier
>women are incredibly tall and feeble
sounds alright
you realize we're all 5% Neanderthal for a reason

I dunno, they'd have to be PRETTY TALL to be taller than me. They definitely would need bigger cars.

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this art style turns me on
also tall women = longer legs
more legs = more sexy
where do i find this shit?

If men have strength from ancestry, wouldn't the women in this world just have even more of it ?

All women would fuck the chad on the far right side of the bell curve and men would be taller than women again in a couple generations

I think what said is much more logical in that scenario.

Kind of how like manlets are now, right?
>Implying manlets don't compensate for their lack of height with bulking-up

>Kind of how like manlets are now, right?
What do you mean?

I was being sarcastic.
Manlets overcompensate at the moment. If all of men were manlets smaller than a man should be (i.e. smaller than a woman) then they'd try to compare dick sizes/muscle mass to compensate. If anything, men would get stronger, since men can no longer sit back and get the girls by simply being tall.

I would actually have a chance in this world . Yes!

That would suck but more likely they would have evolved completely different instincts than our women would. Petite cute men would be chads and 6 foot tree bots would be flooding r9k with no gf post.
>tfw Stacey said I was too tall. My 5"5 brother gets all the matches. One chance at life etc.

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am I retarded or are her arms really long

For what purpose? Would women be expected to pick up the slack and take on traditional male roles involving heavy lifting and manual labor? No? then there's no point.

Just because you're a beta manlet doesn't mean everyone shares your weak boy fetishes. You might as well start sucking cock now and get it over with.

No, and yes thats my fetish

This, women hate manlets and if every woman was taller than the average man they'd settle for no less than 6'5 and up.

Fetish artists tend to not be very good on average.

I already live in this world. 5'2", gf is 5'4" and still growing, sister is 6'2" and me aunt's are taller than me dad (5'6? 5'8? Around)

I love it. I'm a Dom but it's so fun to Dom a "giant".

The 80/20 divide would become more like the 99/1 divide.

If men and women just swapped their average heights, and men started being like 5'4 on average and women being like 5'10, then women would just only fuck the freakily tall men.

Basically, just try to imagine how often you see freakily tall women who tower over even most of the men around them. Not very common. Now imagine the genders reversed, and ONLY men that rare ever got to have sex.

There are many species where females are taller which can serve a variety of reasons.

Name one woman you know who wants to take on male societal roles, warts and all.

In our time women are gradually beating boys in graduation rates. But yeah being a guy isn't really fun

i just want to crush ONE inch tall boy

is that too much to ask?

You only get one so try not to break him.

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Don't know
Dear god yes

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Because schools are female led spaces and women don't know how to deal with male students so they drug them until they drop out or suffer mental breakdowns from the chemical cocktails.

The educational system has become extremely anti male and society suffers for it.

just ask manlets about the "society" they live in

Women are already taller than me, though.

They would be even taller compared to you then.

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it'd be exactly the same except people wouldn't make fun of manlets anymore.
Sign my manlet ass up.