>your type
>type you get along with best
>type you dislike the most
>type you wish you were

Also, does anyone have that intp bf meme? Please post.

Attached: intp.png (1280x1720, 1.49M)

mbti is the only reason I come here anymore

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I thought extroverts were the intimate ones.

I can only say from personal experience, but I would assume 'intimacy' would come from the difficulty of breaking into an introverts inner 'dimension'.

Reminder that if you're ISTP there is no hope

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Havn't seen this one before, nice chart.

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Jesus Christ that ENTJ shit is spot on

(i like infj's fuck the rest of them)

>Nothing makes them happy
>Lots of things make them happy
You only have one chance at life, and you were born an introvert.

bump for phone reasons

Fuck, I'm an INTP guy... what's the meme

>only people we can love are sociopaths and sadists
Why God why

I did this a couple times over the past year but i've never really looked into it. I got INTP everytime I did it, what does that mean?

It means to kill yourself unironically

Yeah. XSTPs sure are traditional as fuck

>mfw ENTP
Literally the intuitive chad
I also have no idea on why people force this ENTP+INFJ thing. I hate them

>literally anything but pic related

Attached: neckbeard.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Which type has the biggest boobs on average?
Which type would want take pride in their breasts and want to flaunt them if theirs were big, and which type would hide them away?

Attached: Hanako.jpg (1000x696, 159K)

why though?


Whenever I take this test, I always either INTP or INFP

Is there something wrong with me?

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>Close friends with abominable humans because they're super amusing
>Date an incredibly warm INFP and logically guide them out of being depressive

Feels pretty good.



Cool horoscope thread dipshits

>INFJ, IxxP, ENFP (Male)
>IxxJ, ESXP, ENFP (Female)

Attached: danganmbti (1).jpg (2760x7004, 999K)

>Able to entertain themselves with simple and isolated activities without having to rely on others
>Need other people to be content, even when they don't want to
Grass is always greener, man.

ENTJ masterrace reporting

>ywn be as happy as an ESFP
They're literally entertained by fucking walking, this is ludicrous

Took the test for the first time and got ISTJ-A.
Did I win at life?

congrats on being an unironic psychopath

I love being the 5th reincarnation of Hitler.


Does that make ENTP the ironic psychopath?

cause that person wanted to be edgy on the internet

More charts and images please guys. Dump your loads on my eyes

>mbti thread
>no charts or memes that hit way too fucking close to home
shut it down

+32 Depression unless you find yourself an enfj friend (ironic but honestly they're the only people (singular for me) that I can really click with)

Of course, but we are self conscious about it.

INFJ male.
i suffer so you don't have to.

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highly original bump for a highly (un)original thread


What does it mean?

Absolutely any girl (female) that is cute, loves me, and give me phisical affection. But I guess that's too much already

No you don't. You suffer because it turns you on you psychopath

Can confirm

Attached: ISTP.png (1121x772, 124K)

You win at being office drone.

i wish that were the case. i want to be happy but it takes a very specific set of circumstances. there is no pleasure in being pessimistic and depressive all the time, i realize how much it hurts me and i hate it. my emotions and intellect are my only sources of strength so if they're not balanced i quickly become unstable. weird as shit and probably defective but that's INFJ in a nutshell. for years i always mistested as INTP but that was a defense against feeling too much.

>Feeling too much
>Misstyped as intp
so as an intp if I stop repressing my emotions will I be an infj too? Honestly I'm confused by what you're trying to say

i see how that's confusing, sorry. i think INTPs with healthy emotions present as uninhibited and almost childlike to others because they are able to express themselves and pursue their interests freely. their ideal state is being immersed in ideas while having a strong group of people who accept them as they are and can also be used to check ideas against. like imagine you created your own playground with all the wacky monkey bars and platforms and slides you wanted, then found that other people really enjoyed playing on it too. correct me if i'm wrong but to me that seems like the ideal INTP state.

for me, for what i believe is INFJ anyway, the ideal state isn't inviting others into my mind so much as maintaining a balance between myself and others. i want to discuss things and have deep relationships but it's primarily emotional/supportive rather than intellectual. in my perfect friendship i wouldn't have to let anyone know that i've been reading about husserlian phenomenology or distributed algorithms, there would just have to be a core understanding and unconditional support for one another on an almost spiritual level.

does that make any more sense?

Idk man, i got infj and infp a few times already but i am happy still.
You have to make peace with yourself man, i used to be sad all the time when i was younger, but i just accepted things are the way they are.
You have to learn to enjoy the full spectrum of emotions, even sadness is something to cheerish, as it makes us more human.

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I get it now, but wouldn't social harmony be more of an fe (intp) thing than an fi(infj)?

Fuck that I'd rather just keep numbing myself with some sweet sweet druggies

Any good test user?

user, please, think of your health, of your future
Or just keep pumping those babies, at least you are happy

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Artificial happiness > no happiness imho senpai-a-lam

thank you for that, user. it's sobering and reminds me that even in the worst times, something good can always come of it. the current of life is strange and turbulent but it flows cyclically and can always be turned around. how old are you now? is there a single type you think you are or do you not worry about it much anymore?

Fe is a feature of INTP and INFJ but it's underdeveloped in INTP because it isn't a priority. i look back to when i was a kid and i was contemplative and inward-searching but not primarily cerebral/detached like INTP. i would always be looking after others and making sure they were enjoying themselves. i drew people together for some reason. when i became traumatized i lost belief in myself and others and began heavily using introverted thinking (Ti) the way an INTP naturally does, so i went many years suppressing my need for deep relationships because the thought of being in society only brought me pain.

should i just kill myself?

Oh fuck are you me? I've always either scored intj or intp, but I've always had that need for a deep connection, I've always surpressed it because of a fear of intimacy. Idk I'm still searching for myself so I grasp at any straw I can.
Another note, I thought the dominant function (comparing fi and fe) of infj was fi, intp being ti ne fi se.

*Intp being fe not fi

i was never sure what caused a fear of intimacy but i definitely get that too. it seems like INTJ or INTP would be less afraid of intimacy and more afraid of simple commitment - INTP especially, as they tend to have loose attachments as it is. from what i understand INFJ tends to have a very strong sense of self that remains hidden except when they are able to have a deep connection like what we're talking about. INTP seems more "accessible" if you're able to first find them and get them talking, which is the hardest part. INFJ makes themselves available and open for the most part but only a select few will know what they really believe, what they think, who they are.

i think you might be confusing those for INFP, which is primarily Fi Ne (ask an INFP how they are and the answer will always be "i'm FiNe"). theoretically it's possible for INTP and INFJ to appear similar if they're using functions in a different way. like an INFJ on speed (me right now) will be more comfortable with introverted thinking, and an INTP on acid will have an easier time letting go of their conceptual frameworks in favor of experience life from a more integrated, social point of view.

>I don't care about what types other people are, and am alone
>I wanna be myself

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Fuck acid that shit made my thoughts run times faster. Both times I did it with (whom I consider) good friends, yet still ended with a bad trip and cried my eyes out the next two days
Shrooms on the other hand really make me feel like myself
And you're right I did mistake infj with infp
But the fear of intimacy, I always blamed on logic, and being a thinking type we generally adhere to sound logic. I.e. I share x with someone well now they have info about me they can use against me, therefore not sharing x is safe and correct

Can anyone describe intj?

Also tfw able to share with user but never with real people, even best friends
Feels like a 4/10 could be worse senpai

I have scored intp twice when we took the test my senior year in high school psych. I really don't know what that means for me is it autism

>your type
>type you get along with best
INTJ, INTP but any thinking type is good company

>type you dislike the most
any F type
>type you wish you were
I love being an ENTJ

any other ENTJs here?

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Only entj friend of mine is a total sociopath, lies so often we can barely tell when he's telling the truth and probably a narcissist too, but he's a cool guy and one of my best friends

>your type
Enfp ,
Im not a w hiney primadonna ! What
I only weep , indoors.
>type you get along with best
>type you dislike the most
S ssessesTs
>type you wish you were

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t b h sounds like me from what my friends say

the way I see the world is out to get you and it's better to step on other people than to be stepped on

And that sounds just like something he would say lmao. Entjs are cool I need more of them in my life

ahh, that makes sense. shrooms aren't as crazy, you have more control and feel like you're almost being reborn instead of just being an empty vessel for everything to rush into at once.

>But the fear of intimacy, I always blamed on logic, and being a thinking type we generally adhere to sound logic. I.e. I share x with someone well now they have info about me they can use against me, therefore not sharing x is safe and correct
that's extremely logical and also seems very pessimistic, as in you have learned not to trust people through negative reinforcement (we are on Jow Forums after all), and/or you lack understanding of others which causes you to mistrust/misinterpret their intentions. what do you think is at the core of this fear user?

tfw. i really appreciate the exchange we've had though. this is probably how we'd be if/when we find ourselves and begin opening up to the world a bit more, no? i think it's a nice reminder that things aren't completely hopeless

Oh I know the root cause(s) of it all, and ya I know 4chins isn't helping. But honestly the only reason I'm sharing is because we're user. What are you going to do with this info? Unless you dox me you aren't going to do anything that would ever offend or hurt me, meanwhile people outside of anonymous places can use anything and everything against me. Like said, it's either step on or be stepped on, so it's much easier to not be stepped on when people don't have that leverage on you.
I also appreciate being able to share all this with you though, it's nice to know that there are some good people out there

>My closest friends have all been INTP or ENTP, but I get along with most types really
>Hard to say, but probably ENTJ
>I don't like being INFP, but I don't want to be any other type either.

>liking infjs
You are estp

Sounds like you're just not very intellectual and not that it has anything to do with your type. Some INFJ like discussing intellectual subjects in a lot of detail, some don't.

Yes, since no ENTJ can like INFJ at all, right? Really surprising an auxiliary and dominant Ni type could get along.

holy fuck



ENTJs usually don't get along well with INFJs and vice versa. ESTPs on the other hand tend to really like INFJs.

Everything about ENFPs there is true

Better an office drone than a suicidal neet.

A very toxic mix of ENFJ and ENTJ.
Type i get along with best: don't even know.
type i dislike the most: dumb types, such as ENFP, ESFJ, etc
type i wish i were: none, really

I'm ITSJ and my hobbies are reading books and going to work.
Hate watching sports.
Fuck this chart

>Not really sure. Best buddy's an ESTP though.
>Honestly, I'd say xSxJ. I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of telling both my manager and another coworker to go fuck themselves at any given moment.
>I'm happy with who I am. I wouldn't mind being ENTJ or ENTP though.

>a very toxic mix of ENFJ and ENTJ
same, user. theres nothing i want more than power. its like an addiction, and i will do anything to get more of it.

Attached: 1493246036298.png (1128x1002, 105K)

>thog no caare
>see above for answer

like some sort of Dio Brando with Arthas... maybe a bit of Light Yagami on it


Hate Entp and Esfj

Like being myself

hi thread.


t. aspie

Attached: image.png (793x761, 827K)

the first two especially, but i can see the last...

I tip my fedora to you good sirs. We're being ironic, right? It's very INTJ in here right now

I enjoy a lot of those activities, ISTP here. However, most dont make me feel better when something is wrong. I have to get to the root of the problem when something is wrong

hi this is a nice image may i save it

t. asspie

i don't mean like "i'm gonna conquer the world by manipulating everyone into being my pawns and become an evil master with my superpowers" type of shit, but getting people to support my causes and convincing them to do things without they even realizing it while schematizing my plans inside my mind is the way i deal with life

t. fellow asspie, i mean

only if you can offer an image you think is worthy of trade fren.

reporting in boys still unhappy with everything though

i hope this one gives you as much pleasure as it gives me.

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i got ENTJ how fucked am i?

Attached: 1517355696755.jpg (315x315, 40K)

this is an acceptable trade fren, i will gladly do business with you today.

I am istp and my best friend is infj.

this means a lot. i'll promise to look after your image and give it a good home. here's to good business and good fortune mi hombre

Attached: fly dad on the rocks.jpg (1024x680, 89K)

Yeah, no
ur just j elus. Sweetie