whats your ideal height and weight in a woman?
Whats your ideal height and weight in a woman?
Under 120
Under 5'9
Fembot response rate hasn't been as good as my last run during 2015 though so while those are ideal, I'll still if do you if you don't have a cock and are located close to Maryland.
Height depends the weight for me.
If she's average height or tall, I like skinny. But if she's really short, I don't mind of she's a little chubby.
Girls that are bigger than me aren't really appealing.
4ft10 or 6ft4
>idea height
whatever height the girl who loves me is
>ideal weight
whatever weight the girl who loves me has
So I suppose, if history is anything to go by, 0 and 0.
5'4" (162 cm for you third worlders)
90 lbs (41 kilos)
>whats your ideal height and weight in a woman?
180 cm and 55 kg
5'4" or shorter
250 lbs.
158 cm and 43 kg
>under 120 but over 5'9
Ideal is less than overweight and not scary underweight. Height isn't really that big of a deal to me.
No no, that's fine. If under 120, you can be w/e height and still look go. You missed the important part anyway which is location. Where you at?
And of course, you're only looking for someone taller than you, who also happens to be chad at bare minimum.
Taller then me. (Im 5'8 and a half.) Idc about weight unless she's a landwhale.
200 or more
Funny how a numerical robot doesn't see numbers as content.
muh dick. Good tastes user
How tall are you? Hair color and eye color? Pls stop crying.
no specific height or weight, they just have to be shorter than me and weigh less than me.
Not really, I don't care about height
5'11 and redhead.
Just don't be obese. Short girls can be hot, so can tall and so can my own height. Just be a healthy weight.
I am far from Mexico considering I'm in Montana. You sound pretty hot. Of course personality would be another matter. I am 5'6" myself with brown hair.
Redheads are beautiful
4'10 - 5'2,
90-110 lbs
But it's more of a kink, personality is prior
Are you Castiza or from recent immigrant stock?
what happened with your wife?
ideally, 6' at least
160 lbs, mostly muscle pls
I need strong children
20-30% bodyfat
I like them tall
I'd take anything, as long as she doesn't smell bad and doesn't look like a troglodyte. i just want to hold someone.
You beggars can't be choosers.
OP didnt ask what height/weight we would settle for. OP asked what our ideal was, retard.
5' - 5'6, ~200lbs
They asked for ideal, not what we'd settle for.
Yeah, personality ends up being more importan.
Mmm thank you
Not immigrant. Mexican for at least 4 generations.
picture is not related
Nothing wrong with you personally. You're just too far.
Name is "the doge reborn". Take a wild guess.
Are you talking about a man or an ogre of a woman?
Why did you ditch your wife? She seemed nice
Well before you think of what could've been I should disclaim the last 3 white Mexican girls who hit on me didn't succeed.
I'm not picky.
5'0 to 6'4
not fat
must be healthy, no big genetic deformities
don't care if you have an ugly face
must be at least 75% white
must want kids
desu if you are tall that's good because i'm 6'4 and we can breed a new race of giants
>when all the serious answers are under 120 or want amazons
why even live
Not interested so don't worry.
Any height.
Less than 25% body fat.
I live in fear of getting married (or stuck in a domestic partnership or whatever the fuck) to a woman only to have her put on like 50 lbs in the coming years.
obviously an ogre of a woman. I myself am only 6'. I need someone my height or taller so my children will be tall, or ideally taller than me.
blood is legacy, and I want men to look upon my line and know instantly who and what my legacy is.
as long as she's not fat i dont care
>ideal vs acceptable
3'6" 70lbs
Go fuck your mother
>if you are tall that's good because i'm 6'4 and we can breed a new race of giants
based fellow giant breeder
I need an amazon so I don't hurt my neck looking down.
>115-130 lbs
ive never met a tall, attractive, and secure guy who likes short girls. sometimes 2/3 but never all 3.
t. a tall girl (not jealous just observation)
I'm angry about how it ended but I don't hate her. I'm not going to air our relationship details on an incel forum.
Your idea to selectively breed children started out well. Then it got retarded when you made height your main criteria.
It was mentioned that you cheated on her. Why would you cheat on such a qt
under 5'6
under 120lbs
This is news to me. Where did you hear it mentioned?
About 5'4"
About 110 lbs
5'9" to 6'2"
125-145lbs (whatever's average weight for her height)
Some thread on here or on /adv. About some tripfag she met on here
height was just an example, you dumb nigger.
Hence why I mentioned I would like my wife to be muscular. I want my children to have not only large frames but also large muscles. Lanky arms and long legs, slender thick fingers, strong jaws, and my "armored" cheek look
Ideally with grey eyes and platinum blonde hair, but I wont complain if it's golden hair and turquoise eyes.
Intelligence and dedication are also things which I would prefer my wife to have.
Strong bones are also a must, if she has weak bones it's a deal breaker.
there is also a "blood disorder" that runs in the family that I'd like to keep going, it actually isn't a disorder unless one is out of shape. Basically the blood clots more easily, it's also known as warrior's blood since it decreases the likely hood of hemorrhaging or bleeding out. The only thing is when your old and fat your cholesterol or whatever has a 50% chance of killing you.
Basically I need to breed giga chads and it begins with my wife.
gotta think these through
5'3-5'6, 100-120lbs. Height is flexible as long as the body type is the same.
Height: Don't care
Weight: Less than me or real close to it
I care more about what they're into than what they look like
4'8 feet and 39 kg, anyone higher than that is considered FAT and a MAN
I'd appreciate it if you could find a link.
Just stop. You keep digging yourself deeper in your hole of retardation.
my children are going to bury yours
Too bad you lost that qt of yours
I can get another one but I need to do it before my youthful good looks run out. At the same time I also need to spend my most of my youth to build the career foundation for where I need be in the future. I'm not optimistic about balancing both and if push comes to shove, I'm going to prioritize career.
I've been low effort looking online thus the return but response rates have been poor compared to before. I wonder if all the girls are on dating apps like Tinder now and channels such as these are dying.
How many girls have you had sex with? This guy named oscar took most of the girls on r9k
>anything that's not too tall or short to give her (and by extension our children) health problems
>not fat (lower than 24 BMI)
Height: 175cm
Weight: fit chick with curves
pussy niggas in this thread. give me a woman i can sink my teeth into. i want the biggest woman possible
Wait, were you that Doge guy who fought with Jow Forums many moons back? You were also on reddit, if I recall.
How have you been, brah?
So Basically a female soldier from halo or samus from metroid
I'd like a girl as tall or taller than me. 165cm I guess the ideal bodytype would be fit-thicc but anything other than obese is already good in my book.
She probably weighs like 90-100lbs.
5'0" and under. 100 lbs and under.
This is a sweet answer.
I like short and slightly stacked, with a good deal of muscle in the lower body.
My height (5'9) give or take 2 inches, girl could be an asslet and/or a breastlet as long as she is not fat and has pretty face
as tall as attainable
I don't want my kids to be manlets, women are just a means to reproduction and caring about them is why you're posting wojacks like a feelsy little bitch
Bra size: D
Any hope for me?
85 lbs
because I'm the best :)
Yes because women can't be robots.
You can just go to soc or r9k, post your stats with the offer of a relationship and get bombarded by tons of orbiter, and propably even more if you lost a little bit of weight.
This but I'm ok with 120lbs.
height literally doesn't matter to me. As long as shes not round enough to roll off the bed when i push her down onto it
probably not. Im 5ft4 myself and under 100 lbs. still feel sickly and undesirable because I have no curves. Im currently working on gaining weight though so hopefully get my body into shape
>5ft2 110lb
how do we feel about this lads
5-foot, eight
144 pounce
Height: 6'0
Weight: not fat
Under 80kg
Over 175cm
95-105 lbs
120-125 lbs
>in a woman
I know my weewee for "height" but I never measured it's weight
I dont give a fuck as long as she GOT A GREAT ASS
You could still easily get a bf if you just put in the tiniest bit of effort into finding one.
Either really short or taller than me. I'm 6ft so not many that are taller. Weight doesn't bother me so long as they aren't morbidly obese. A little chubby is fine but healthy weight is ideal. Not like I could ever be that picky though, I'll take what I can get at this point.
no female should have trouble getting a dude to like you unless you're incredibly unfortunate looking (and even then, really) and/or suffering from extreme mental illness
how can you fail on easy mode?
Shorter or the same height as me, preferably going from 4'10 to 5'7. BMI can be anything under 30. Possible exceptions may apply.
5'10 130-150lbs
this is fucking bait. stop trying to chunk up and see:
40kg and under, tall
I'm 5'4 and hover around 107. Who would date me?
ideal height:shorter than you, giraffe
ideal weight:thinner than you, whale