ITT: Bone chilling sentances
>so what kind of music do you listen to user?
ITT: Bone chilling sentances
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Why should we hire you; What makes you stand out from the other candidates"
>"So what do you do for fun?"
>so what music are you listening to?
I'm listening to a podcast. normies hate anything long and that requires more than 10 seconds of attention and will therefore leave you alone
>"So do you have any hobbies?"
>user how come you're 12 year old brother has a gf?
"what hobbies do you have user"
I hate this question. I say I hate music, even though music is one of my few joys.
>so who is your favorite candydoll model user?
I just say I'm too busy. I have a second job. I say I read if they keep asking.
>what is your political affiliation user?
Have a seat...
>Hey user!
>why are you so quiet, user?
I don't get it. Just tell them what music you like
"You're a really nice guy"
not op but I'm guessing it's something exotic for normies, and they'd want him to explain what his music's all about and give them a sample. idk about you but for me talking about myself is the worst fucking thing in the world
True robots don't enjoy talking about themselves.
Brings the opportunity for judgement and criticism.
>Can you talk?
"So, any new girlfriends?
>Hey, so I need to talk to you about something.
>So, theres something I wanted to ask you about.
>What is that supposed to mean?
I hate facing the music, I always feel like I did something wrong even if I did nothing.
>i dont care much about hip hop
>i still listen to rock whether its old or new
how can i acquire zoomer taste
i don't remember making this post but there it is.
>OMG user talks!
I know this has been said before.
Just listen to young rappers on youtube or something my dude
Listen to XXXTentacion and realize that it all sounds exactly like that
>get asked a question
>they don't actually acknowledge what I said and immediately return to talking among themselves
and people wonder why i'm so quiet
Kind of tricky, but it's more of a show of how you think. Simply put, just pick a skill, and explain a time whne you used that skill effectively. Skills are common, but experiences are distinct.
>Why should we hire you user? We want people who are a cut above the rest at our corporation
>Well Mr. Employer man, I would say confidently that I have great interpersonal skills. In my yo7uth and college years, I spent a great edeal of time communicatign via online chat boards with anonymous internet strangers.
>Using this board, I was able to foster meaningful relationships and engage in thrilling discussion, all the while remaining in the comforts of my home.
>I've also learned many other skills, such as analytics when checking false source, to skills in debating and mediation between discordant parties.
>that being said, i would leap at the opportunity to apply these skills in a meaningful way at your company
getting hobbies isn't hard. You're probably on the computer a lot so find a project that you can apply yourself to. Programming or learning a language or anything along those lines.
>What is your greatest weakness?
I never understand this. you should live your life seeking novel eperiences so that you can gush about yourself when given the opportunity. Or at the very least, have novel opinions. that means more than "Fuck Trump" or "Ethnostate now". Read books and reorient your mental spheres. fantasize and dream in obtuse and fascinating ways. dare to be different, and you'll find plenty to talk about.
>sometimes I try too hard and push myself to the limit when I don't need to
Screw that man. Music is a personal thing. you don't have to be a trend slave. Find people who enjoy your spheres of music as well. I'm a Tom Waits guy myself, and no one in my age group has even heard of him. But idgaf. You shouldn't either.
>Hey, user! Are you sweating? Are you nervous or something?
I'm still not over his death
>what are you listening to?
>mfw uncensored no love deep web album cover on my phone
>so what kind of music do you listen to user?
retro games music and wrestling entrance themes
How's that bone chilling? Just tell them what you like
This questions is kind of tricky too, but it's still just a sort of test. you want to show how that weakness is turning into a strentgh, but you need to pick an actual weakness.
>user, what's your greatest weakness?
>well mrs. employer lady, I find that I have a hard time sticking to one task at a time.
>I always like to pile on extra projects and take in work even when my plate is full.
>I like the idea of being industrious and getting lots of things done, though realistically this isn't always possible.
>So, I'd want to improve by slowing down and devoting all of my time to individual projects to get the best result,s instead of a bunch of okays scattered around several projects.
Or something to that effect.
>so what kind of music do you listen to user?
mainly indie rock, stuff that's interesting to listen to
Didn't even know he existed until he was dead all over instagram
and then you wonder why you don't have friends lol
i'm learning japanese but then i'd basically be outing myself as a huge fucking weeb
>so what kind of music do you listen to user?
>Son, there's a girl/guy at my work who's son/daughter/niece/nephew works at [insert company name] and they have an opening right now...
>user eat that already you are so picky!
Eating disorders make a regular restaurant dinner a nightmare
>"Why should we hire you; What makes you stand out from the other candidates"
The next time I do an interview my reply to that will be
"Why do you need other candidates"
>retro games music
thank god I'm not the only one. When anyone asks what music I listen to I say some shit like jazz just to conceal my autism power levels
might sound stupid but "I've heard about you"
still haunts me to this day because I have no idea what the fuck they meant by that
gonna assume people said shitty things about me but why
not a question either but related to yours, i fear
>ohhh so YOU'RE user
>you're bones are cold user
Actually a good reply. Thanks user.
>tfw guy I knew my whole life introduced me to his gf by ironically calling me "legendary"
I revealed my powerlevels afterwards.
I'm not going to pretend to be nice after shit like this.
>oh I brought my girlfriend by the way, (gf), meet user
>talk about something
Are you fuckin kiddin me? Metal. That shuts normies right up.
"oh like metallica?"
Yeah sure.
End of convo.
you listen to actual trash user maybe you should just lie
you too
>what's with your eyes?
>Why are you so cold, show some emotion!
>dont look that angry
that's basically what it was
but I literally never met the person
they just went to the same school
Not OP but I don't like this question because I don't listen to music. I don't follow bands or genres, it isn't that I hate music, I just don't find it interesting enough to follow it or download songs.
Holy fuck we're a rare kind user, to me musics just there as nothing special but everyone swears by it like its life itself
for more reasons than one:
>so when are you gonna get a boyfriend
vidya soundtracks
The one that makes me shiver at night...
>tell me about your last girlfriend
Do people make fun of you implying you are a faggot?
>"So what job are you aspiring towards in the future?"
Exactly this, true robots hate talking about them selves
"What kind of music do you like?"
At that point I start naming JoJo stands until they fuck off.
>Hey, what you've been up to?
>"nothing much.."
Pic related
>so what kind of music do you listen to user?
i wished more people asked me this because it's only thing i can talk about interestingly
ariel pink is probably the best zoomer-core i can think of right now
>"so have you met your internet girlfriend yet user? your dad and I are very curious"
good strat mr robotto
>go on, user, put a music of your liking for us
>what do you do during your free time, user?
I've given up and just tell people I'm into ambient and dream pop stuff, or "pretty much anything haha" if I'm not in the mood
>Tell them slamming death metal
>normies leave you alone
Problem solved
>tfw music is my only hobby
>when someone asks me what do i listen to i get sweaty and nervous
>"uh m-mostly atmospheric music"
>blikky got the stiffy
what do they ask you instead? that's always what people ask me when we're getting to know each other and i hate it
Holy shit, hang yourself
I just always answer with "igorrr". Oddly enough a lot of people seem to like or apreciate it
That's the point of giving a vague genre. YouTube links don't exist in real life, and people aren't actually interested enough to say "Yeah? Well show it to me."