Can't drive stick

>can't drive stick

anybody else?

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real robots cant drive
sorry op

I drive stick all the time. You just step on the break and move it down to the big D and you're done. You go forward. Easy peasy.

You're not the only one

its not that hard to learn, user, as long as you have access to a stick shift to learn on

>drive stick

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upset about this because I was refused a job on the basis that I couldn't drive the company van (stick shift)

I kept stalling the car when learning and had to settle for an auto. Am I unironically autistic?

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Real men drive stick.

It's not hard dummy
>clutch in
>1st gear
>start letting off clutch and lightly press accelerator at the same time
>when clutch bites release and accelerate normally
>repeat for next gears
The biting point becomes much more forgiving as you rise through the gears.

This is a purely American thing.

I actually never knew Americans hate stick shift like cancer until recently. One more reason to laugh at you retarded yanks. I can't even believe how mentally challenged you must be.

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you had to learn it in a day? a lot of people can't learn it in a day

i taught my nephew with a 30 minute lesson. (he already knew how to drive an auto)

it depends on the person learning and how good the teacher is

I'm American. My dad has had the policy to get all of his children standard transmission cars for their first vehicle. I think I'm a better person because he made me learn stick. I am way more focused on the road and aware of my surroundings than my friends with automatics. I think making standard transmissions mandatory would cut down on Stacies texting and driving.

Unless you have a learning disability you should be able to pick up the basics right away. If the person gets a shitty teacher who overloads them with engine braking and rev matching right at the start they'll probably get confused but that's about it.

>drive a 75 ford highboy
>3 miles to the gallon
I'm happy I'm contributing to the collapse of civilization cuz I'm prepping for that too

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i made my nephew start forward movement by using only the clutch, over and over again. starting from a dead stop is the only difficult part. once he got a feel for how the clutch engaged, it was easy peasy after that.

I have average IQ and it took me a few days to learn how to drive a stick while having 0 experience on the road.

Learned automatic, will pick up on stick soon. Although I did motocross for the longest time, so I'm used to clutches and gear shifting and all that. Shouldn't be too hard

and by 0 experience I mean I haven't driven an auto before

this, my whole family has had automatic transmissions my entire life and the only cars ive ever owned didnt even have a manual option.

the only chance i got to learn to use a manual was on some commercial lawn care equipment while i was working at a golf course. i got the handle of it and could see why people like driving them over autos but i left that job 5 years ago and havnt touched once since.

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My family exclusively drives automatic and acts like I'm some sort of magician because I can drive stick.


What is the purpose of driving stick over automatic?

In my 20 years of existence ive only seen 1(one) car with auto transmission.

Is it common in the usa

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You're in total control of the engine and it's a lot more fun.

>mom keeps btfoing transmissions in automatic
>ask to take a ride with her to see wtf she's doing
>she tries shifting it through 1-D in motion as if it's a stick
>tell her you can't do that because autos aren't meant to be shifted in motion like that
>"well why the hell are the gears there then? how are you supposed to use them?"
>tell her they're meant for towing or extended time going up/down hills
>"well i asked my friend and she said that i can just shift when i hit 3000rpm and it won't do any damage, it's something wrong with the car user"
>ask her what she thinks the horrifying noise is when she shifts
>"that's just the sound of the clutch engaging! i know what i'm doing user i've been driving for 30 years and blah blah blah you think you know more than i do?"

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>Is it common in the usa
Unless your car uses a diesel engine, you can expect it to be running automatic in america.

I don't drive at all.

>start letting off clutch and lightly press accelerator at the same time
>when clutch bites release and accelerate normally

As a 10 year stick vet this sounds easy but it is not in reality.

Throttle response and bite point vary between cars. I have started my Honda on a 25% grade, but I have stalled trucks, sports cars, and Toyotas on flat ground.

You need to shut her down, my man

If you can't learn how to work a manual transmission then you qualify as brain damaged. The only tricky part for a beginner is getting the car to start moving from a stop. Everything else is disgustingly simple, unless you're trying to be a rally car driver or some shit.

you wanna know how i can tell you are from a 3rd world country?

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I was able to drive around the block a few times. Maybe I just need more practice.

even third worlder shitskins drive stick because too poor for automatic
you're a failure

Im from Hungary my friend

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I drove stick in my grandpa's car. Very strange, but I could tell you have more freedom with it. Just not for me, though.

>driving school lesson in twenty minutes
>last time the instructor was an old man and told me I need to improve a lot
>tfw already been doing this for a month and final exam is in a week or two
I hate being a failure in everything

Just relax faggot. Some instructors are a lot worse than others but generally criticism is just meant to let you know what you're doing wrong and not a personal attack. Don't take it to heart and don't freak out if you do something wrong.



i hate driving stick because it just adds one more element that i can fuck up

Try living in Europe automatic cars don't exist

I just learned how to drive auto and I'm really interested in learning stick but no one in my family owns one.

I probably could drive stick if I really needed to but not well. I got some lessons from my parents years ago w/ stick but never really pursued it and never owned a manual.

>tfw started crying from the instructor's yelling
oh my god i almost jumped out of the car because of the same

>crying over words
lmao get a look at this gayboy

>smug about being bred into using inconvenient outdated technology
I don't get it
will continue to enjoy easier driving

Not driving stick is like not knowing english or being a virgin, you always feel like you are missing out.

I still feel like I have a low form of PTSD from my instructor yelling at me too. Always gets my heart racing when I think about it.

>be a britbong
>have to learn stick
It takes a bit of practice user but it's both that hard. Currently learning at the moment.

i actually think driving stick is really fun. once you learn how to you really never forget. its cool to be involved in making your car go.

Could be. You're nervous as it is and having someone yell at you just makes you panic even more. I failed my first road test because I got some fat (like literally tilting the fucking car when she got in) sheboon bitch who had an aneurysm at everything I did and made me increasingly nervous. It helps if you realize that yelling at someone is a sign of weakness though. It means you're either too retarded or too mentally unstable to get your point across in a rational way instead of going full ape mode. Ignore it and don't let it get to you in the future.

What a fag

Manual is the patrician taste for drivers.

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same happened to me. I only have a driver license for automatic cars because I was unable to shift the gears..Im just too retarded.
But having a stick shift driver license in germany is crucial because germans still live in the last century and therefore they dont use automatic gearboxes

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Do none of you autofags understand why people prefer stick? It's because a manual transmission puts you in complete control over the engine. They're much more responsive than relying on a computer to do the work for you.

I just drove manual for the first time in driving school. I thought it would be hard to get it going, but the car was pretty new and would go with just 1st gear and releasing the clutch. I will probably test my dad's car soon, so I will actually get to see how it is to operate clutch and throttle at the same time.

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>have license
>still can't drive

I'm learning to drive at testing ground. Of course I sucked at basic exercises driving manual first time. Next week I'll have city driving and final test is three weeks from now on. And this thread is killing my confidence to 0.

I am 27 and I can't drive at all

if you haven't driven an auto newer than 2004, yeah sure that makes sense

Do you have a license?


>go to a first drive with an instructor
>can't switch speed from 1 to 2 for an hour
>instructor starts to scream how stupid I am and he never met such an idiot student like me
>start to cry
>he starts to shout more
>open the car door and ran home

I didn't try to get a license since that and I do not intend to. It sucks because many jobs require it.

Wouldnt say its a lot more fun but i feel much cooler when driving a stick. Also in my country driving auto means youre either a woman or a pussy.
Another good thing about manuals for us europoors is that its cheaper to repair it than automatic transmission

even the best auto is still not as fun as a manual

>paying for Jow Forums
your opinion doesnt matter

Nice made up story faggot. Every third student is like you for instructors, theyre used to that.

How can you switch to 1 and not be able to switch to 2nd? I don't get it.

>They're much more responsive than relying on a computer to do the work for you.
I own manual but ive used moms auto a few times and i can say that this is bullshit

How come? It's not very hard, you can learn to do it if you really want to.

More fun, and you get much more access to cheaper cars. Plenty of decent shitboxes available if you can drive manual.

I have been driving stick for 2 years now
Got the license two weeks after my birthday

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Do none of you calculatorfags understand why people prefer mental arithmetic? Its because a manual calculation puts you in complete control over the numbers. Its much mire responsive than relying on a computer to do the work for you.

...said no person ever.
Dont try to act clever.
Stick shift is for slavic waifs.

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>the CHAD hominem
pwned me

Made up story my ass. It is one of my worst experiences in my life I still feel bad when I think about it.

Here in eu we have 3 pedals. The third one is for switching speed 1 was okay but I hadno fucking clue how to use it for 2.

No way this is real

I feel so sorry for you. I'd kill myself if I carried her genes.

listen to your boomer mom, she's been driving for THIRTY YEARS

You are a dumb pussy.
I can tell you never driven manual.

When I push the gas my car goes. When you push you auto it will literally take a second to react or switch gears. Thats what all the auto cars did that I drove. Its fucking shit.

Driving stick isn't special and practically useless unless you're working with trucks or some shit. You aren't top shit, especially when you constantly burn the clutch to show off, and you fucking stall in traffic. The meme of how "Driving stick will keep people focused" is pure bullshit.

Praising stick shift is the most normie thing you can do.

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It's literally the exact same process for every gear friend.
>foot off accelerator
>clutch in
>gradually release clutch and apply accelerator simultaneously

videos like this piss me off IRL
if your family doesn't own a manual you're fucked and end up in fuck nowhere on the side of the road

My dump truck is a diesel 4speed with a low gear put the transfer case in 4lo and you could walk faster than the truck of you put a brick on the gas. Of it was automatic probably wouldn't be able to get out of it's own way

Got a 460 in that SOB?

Fuck off normies don't talk down to me

lol lazy Amerilards

t. British, have to learn using gear stick

this. you should give it another go, user

You said you didn't know how to shift so I explained it to you. If your instructor couldn't teach you what I just said in 4 lines of text then he's retarded. Now you know. Srs breh try it again at some point with a different instructor now that you know the basic framework of it.
To brake don't worry about engine braking and rev matching at first. Just apply the brake without the clutch and when you drop to around 1000rpm shift to neutral. You won't stall unless you come to a complete stop.

I drive stick and I agree

t. I actually don't drive stick and I'm larping because I'm mentally ill

At least the guys who stall out in traffic are learning how to actually drive instead of driving a computer like a pussy. Also
>especially when you constantly burn the clutch to show off
pic related

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pls explain braking more i'm retarded

I can't drive at all, at least not in suburbs and certainly not in a city. It terrifies me.

It depends on the car utes have easier clutches than cars. Also bigger engines are a bit easier. A worn out clutch on a car is easy to learn as its so worn its very forgiving on a shitty shift. Heavy and new clutches can be hard enough to drive when your actually ok and im talking bout hill stop start in the city.

>Throttle response and bite point vary between cars
It's a matter of practice honestly. Manual transmission elitists often say that it's all the same thing but it's not. I learned driving stickshift on a beat to shit Ford f150 with one of the oldschool gearshifts longer than 15 year old me's leg. It was really fucking gritty. Then I moved to a kia rio with a nice, crisp gearshift. Difference was night and day.

The ability to drive a manual transmission well doesn't come from being some sort of fucking stunt driver. It just comes from being patient enough to learn how your vehicle works. None of it is rocket science.

Or not being retarded and knowing how to walk and breath at the same time.

I can't drive automatic or stick
I can only ride a motorcycle because I biked everywhere ass a kid

>Praising stick shift is the most normie thing you can do.
Who even praises stick outside USA? Stick is almost standard in most countries.

Try explaining to a shit driver with an automatic how, in the old days, you'd have to: to turn the wheel, pump the break, work the clutch, shift the gears and pay attention to traffic at the same time.

>never drove on the interstate
Can't do it bros. I did it once and had crazy anxiety and was always on edge.

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Just keep to the slow lane and go a bit under the speed limit if you're nervous. Don't feel pressured into speeding just because everyone else is doing it. I take the Taconic State Parkway to work everyday and it's fucking insane, the limit is 55mph and I usually do 65 and yet people are still flying past me, some of them are easily doing 100+. Just focus on keeping your car where it's supposed to be and watch out for retards that fly into your lane without checking their blind spot. You get used to the conditions after a while.