Today is my birthday. 27 years old

Today is my birthday. 27 years old.

And i never even kissed a girl... I'm not even fat

tried tinder, but it seems 5/10's cant even kiss a girl anymore, they just want 6.5/10+

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happy birthday sugarplum! :]

Fembot here.
If that's you, I'd fuck you, if you're close enough.

Try meetup and meet girls there. Took about 3 months to get a GF with it. You won't have to deal with the 10:1 ratio like you do with online dating.

I'm 24 and haven't even held hands with a girl before. One time a girl hugged me because it was my birthday and her breasts felt so soft it was the best feeling of my life. I ended up asking her out and she thought I was making a joke and told other people and I was made fun of for it. Other than that hug I've never had any other contact with a girl.

not me

and i dont even want sex, i just want to love, just like a teenager

yup im the same about to turn 27khhv tinder was a fail and irl i dont exist to women

I had almost the same experience, it was in a haunted house ride in a carnival, it was dark and a girl held my hands in fear

thats it

not op but I was actually considering going to writing meetups since the gender balance seems to favor males, how did u meet ur gf?

Its over if you're sub-8/10

Why are you complaining about your virginity, then? Save it for someone who can love you.

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If you start working out you would look like the irl version of Wreck it Ralph but let me tell you Im a 28 year old user and fucked 6 or so girls in my life and in the end its not worth the risk you take with modern women anymore who can #metoo your ass at the drop of a hat. Sex is also overrated imo yeah it feels good but the moment you cum you realize how nasty it is and what your risking by sticking your dick in the biological equivalent of a bear trap

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>looks the 35 yr old ver of my teenage brony nephew that was raised by his sjw psycho mother
rip my nephew's future self.

They have these social groups in some areas. This social group eventually had a "Stoplight party" which means all the single people wear green necklaces, taken people wear red, and single people who aren't confident wear yellow. Then you just look for the green necklace girls. It's probably not done by most social groups though so you will probably have to find some other way to discover the single girls.

I'd probably be a virgin still if I didn't lower my standards to abysmal degrees.

I'm not proud of myself but yeah.

I unironically watched that show for the storyline and feels because Im autistic but I eventually came to my senses and stopped

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how low are the girls?

i tried with fats and ugly ones, no success

I'm not complaining about my virginity, i'm saying that i cant even kiss a girl for the first time, they dont want a 5/10

You're giving them a false sense of ego. Don't treat them like a goddamn 6/10. I mean. It wasn't a sasquatch but she was like 4/10 with the snapchat filter.

You gotta be an assjole to the ugly ones.

Just found out my entire family went to a bon fire party behind my back. Didn't even invite me. Solely because I'm ugly in the face. I truly have no one not even my own family.

my nephew is a porn addict, he was staying up so late to jerk off to ponies that they diagnosed him narcolepsy. and and he sexually assaulted hi cousins in a pool once. kid is a lost cause for sure.

>sexually assaulted his cousin in the pool
I trust you know where you are and that youre gonna have to greentext that for us

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hey user i turned 27 5 days ago. happy bday to us :)

tfw no gf