Would you date a girl who is universally unattractive?

Would you date a girl who is universally unattractive?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.nz/search?q=Вероника Зайцева&oq=Вероника Зайцева&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59j69i61l3&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

why would i date someone who i dont like?

depends on her personality.
Love is blind, attraction is not.

i actually like the idea of an extremely ugly but not grotesque partner like this.

I'll turn the question around would she date me?
The obvious answer is going to be no.
Why you might ask? regardless if a woman is repulsive by all standards even to those with none why would she settle for the rest when she can hope for the best?

Why do you think you are unIovable?

I have and after a month she broke up with me.

multitude of reasons
which would involve doing a self analysis that would be biased. in other words i look like a scary biker/hobo/prick people judge off looks so i roll with being a scary looking biker dude who also kinda looks like a hobo and also is a giant prick.

i'd date this one because she's modest and has a nice body

she actually has a really sweet voice.
i would date her and we will save up for plastic surgery.

link? i wanna hear her voice plz

its been so i long i forgot her name but she has a youtube channel somewhere out there.

stella artois/10 would smash

If she had money and was willing to spend all of it on me. Also if she agreed to let me fuck other bitches on the side.

I'm dating an ugly fat chick. I love her as a person and it's alright. But I've showed her other girls ive been with or had the chance to be with and it makes her feel insecure

lso basically what you want is a female version of a betabux provider. Nah gtfo, you deserve to rot in your loneliness, assshole.

Veronika or something?

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yeah youre an asshole fuckhead too. kys

Attraction is subjective. Different people like different things. I once had a major crush on a chick in high school that I thought was super cute but everyone thought she looked dopey for whatever reason.

Well I've got a live in girlfriend who is sleeping naked next to me. So not lonely. I've got much better options so yes I'd expect her to bring more to the table.

>I've got a live in girlfriend
I was asking robots, not normalfaggots like you. Kys

Your op made no mention of robots.

Poor girl. Id give her guilty sex but not date her. Im sorry for being shallow but its how I feel


Found her vids

finally! i was looking all over and couldnt find it

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Is she fat? Is her whole body gross? Girl in pic probably has nice butt. How unattractive am I in this hypothetical? If it is just girl in pic I might consider it depending how desperate I was at that time

You don't sound that bad. If you really want to date someone just lower your standards and try to be nice to the person you want to date

Id date an ugly girl, just not that ugly

google.co.nz/search?q=Вероника Зайцева&oq=Вероника Зайцева&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i59j69i61l3&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

This is her name I think, can't post as Russian character are not allowed on Jow Forums

If I liked her personality yes

(you) never stood a chance


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this girl has a fucking bomb body

No, i have at least somewhat symetrical eyes, a normal nose and non fucked up face format, i would settle for a looksmatch but she would probably still go for a 8.5/10 or 9/10 dude

I probably would if I liked her enough. But you all go on about her body like its amazing when it looks normal at best. There's not that much variation in bodies, they tend not to be disgusting naturally. As if it's surprising an ugly girl doesn't have a hideous body.

no because im not ugly or desperate enough

im just an average looking, some what Jow Forums autist

>Tfw remember this thread 3 years ago and posted in it

I have been here too long

I don't know why so many decent or really attractive men do this. He was a pretty cute guy.

You get used to any face, she is above fatties in my book. Lights out and from behind are the best sex positions anyways, and anyways you wouldnt even need that becuase you get used to a bad face.
Bad face beats bad body every time

i feel like if she got a few plastic surgery operations, some botox and used makeup she wouldn't look that bad, could even bump up to a 5.5

if she wore masks i'd fuck her though, specially from the back

she'd look even better if she did squats and got breast implants

literally anyone in any 3rd world country would fuck her and even marry and have children with her though

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I wouldn't date any woman ever.
They're fucking useless.

And now for the most original answer of them all:

Because that's genuinely the best that guy could do on account of the fact he's not a literal 12/10 chad.

That a girl or a trap??
The benefit of dating a homely woman: chad is less likely to fuck her behind your back. Just hide her tits and make sure she dresses shitty in a way that hides curves cuz chad will bang even homely chicks if they got big ass and titis.
So yea, for us betas homely bitches are a gift from god

You are absolutely pathetic if you seriously think that. A guy can't get a girl if he's a complete sperg.

>this is what underageb& still delude themselves to believe
Hilarious. Don't come crying over here when the stark reality of real life sets in.

i seem to like all the features most normalfaggots dislike anyway e.g. armpit hair (and not the "whoa i'm a feminist xdd" type, just a natural, modest bit of hair there), pubic hair, azn genes, shortness, so an accumulation of all of these would probably make a pretty ugly lass