>all roasties are now like this on twitter and instagram and deviantart and tumblr and basically everywhere else
i fucking hate them, their jokes are shit, their interests are shit and they care too much about muh politics
All roasties are now like this on twitter and instagram and deviantart and tumblr and basically everywhere else
you reap what you sow organo
Then why are you making threads dedicated to their discussion? Do you enjoy being outraged? Are you a masochist?
Redpill: Just don't look at, talk to or think about these women???
Nothing really changed.
Women were always shit, it's only thanks to the internet that you can actually see them without their usual charades.
>Nothing really changed.
True, but I think it has less to doe with the internet and more that they're pretty much allowed to ride the cock carousel and be slutty with almost no real consequences.
I wished they cared about politics. They don't. They're just liberal because it's popular among youths.
Most liberal girls have conservative boyfriends
all bpd should rope
>they believe in political ideas because it's popular
this is what conservacucks actually believe
Girls like this should be gassed -- fucking trash art/hipster shit-tier, overly-ironic, nihilistic, daddy-issues, roasties
these exact type of girls in the op make my dick diamonds
also pic related does too
Women are like this, though.
Look into pretty much any political group that isn't directly beneficial to sluts (ie. not pro-choice groups) - it's men who keep it alive and working, women only pad numbers and ignore their professed beliefs as soon as it is convenient.
I dated this girl. Dont do it to yourself, its not worth it
It's true though, they just follow whatever is deemed the most socially acceptable stance. All major forms of media push a heavy liberal bias and they eat it up because they're told it makes them good people
i like them broken, depressed and cock hungry with daddy kinks. she'll ruin my life but the buckets of cum will be enormous until that point
Are you retarded? This is is exactly what happens, women aren't actually interested politics, only the social status and virtue signalling they get out of it
You've obviously never had your life ruined by one of them then.The fun doesn't come close to what happens after.... but yeah I still think about fucking her like every night.
Wait until a decade or two and they'll be washed up single moms desperate for a relationship if they aren't married.
>almost no real consequences.
There are none.
why what happened after the relationship user
Many of the types of girls described by OP have serious issues beyond what's already been said. From my own anecdotal experience, nearly all of these types of women have cycles of misery that usually involve alcohol/drug use as a coping mechanism, and it always ends up putting them back where they started- miserable, lonely, and wondering why they haven't found a good man/achieved success/been able to go beyond mooching off of their parents. I've messed around with some of these types, and their lives are all depressing, but they have zero self awareness about their situation. In some ways, I have to pity them. They're like stray poodles, totally incapable and incompetent on the basics of independence and normal life.
Found a white knight, never fails!
>that mom bit
funny, BPD chicks always see mothers as rivals? I talked with one bpd chick in high school and when we got closer she wouldn't shut up about my mother, like wtf, we're both 18, sorry I can't afford to move out?
this, I guess they're like those plants that catch flies because of their aroma. Betas are flies.
I know a chick like that, I feel pity for her, but the moment you get close to her she'll just tear you apart.