Will purposely getting scars and cuts on my hands make me look more badass and attractive to women...

Will purposely getting scars and cuts on my hands make me look more badass and attractive to women? Pic is random one from google

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Better to have them on your face. That only works.when they're on their period, tho.

No, I am sorry to say, but you will seem either unironically edgy or suicidal.

Believe me, I have tried to do this.

Learn from the mistakes of others.

lmao, i've done this myself, usually they just don't notice the scars and still think that you are a loser.

Learn how to cook. Youll end up with fucked up scared hands, and youll know how to cook. Its a win win

>Will purposely getting scars and cuts on my hands make me look more badass and attractive to women
dude I've got scars and trust me they don't care for it nor do they think its badass unless you are a chad.

You need a story to go with them or you look mentally ill.

halo/horn effect. if you're already unattractive the scars will look retarded to women, if you're attractive then the scars will look badass.

Should just do a bear claw mark across your face everyone will think that's badass on anyone and you won't have to even tell the story

If you want a permanent reminder that your value system prioritizes validation from women, go for it.

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It only works if it makes sense and even then it's not a big deal and won't magically get you attention if you aren't already somewhat likable, interesting, and attractive. A burly dude with really rough hands that are covered in scars is different than a lanklet with soft virgin hands which are inexplicitly covered in scars.

you might seem more attractive and badass to garbage tier women but any sensible woman will be seriously turned off if/when she finds out you got those scars intentionally. just like how any reasonable man wouldn't be interested in a girl with a bunch of self inflicted scars.

>be me
>130 pounds
>basically human skeleton
>be machinist
>always getting bad cuts on my hands because im a dumb shit
>somewhat attractive at first glance, girls have approached me before
>immediately leave when they notice my zebra striped fucking hands
why even try

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>how'd you get those scars

Scars do not make you cool, they make you ugly and an outcast. People always assume when you have scars that you are a bad person and they don't even give you a chance. My face is badly scarred from an accident when I was 11 years old, and all anybody can see when they look at my face is my scars. Women avoid my gaze and refuse to stand or sit next to me in public spaces. Even most men don't like looking at me. But sure, fuck up your hands with scars, you'll find out just how much pussy it gets you (none).

Yes, girls love that
Make up a really cooI story too

I'm a machinist too and you're retarded if you get your hands cut up enough to make it look zebra striped.
I've got scars too but it's really not hard to NOT get cut up in a shop... unless you're retarded.

I have a bunch of scars all over my knuckles from punching recycling bins and the number of girls interested in me has gone from 0 to 0 so I don't know what the fuck.

hand scars are for autists and clumsy people,chad scars are on face

That's gay op. Will make you look like an emo girl. If you're going to self harm, do something worthwhile.
Start punching the wall so skin on the knuckles is bruised and fall on gravel purposefully to graze knees and elbows. It gives a rugged appearance and they'll think you're strong and get into fights a lot. Start simple exercises like push-up, pull-up, nothing /fit tier.
Trust me, it'll boost your confidence too.

Scars only look cool to tribal island societies. In modern culture they're just a deformity.

get yourself a black eye here and there, that'll do it :)

I think you severely misunderstood the chicks dig scars meme.

They're really not attracted to cutfags so those tiny cuts on your arms would make you even less desired than you already are.

people will notice if it was self inflicted or if it just happened

No, you need a scar going over your eye from your forehead down to your cheek, and also poke an eye out so you can get a neat eyepatch. Chicks dig that sh*t bro. Pic related

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It'll look like you're insecure folk who self-harmsdefinitely not attractive to women

this is obviously no
do callused, rough hands make you look attractive is the better question

If you knew how to cook you wouldn't get scarred. Idiot.

no, they will think of you as some deranged creep who plays the knifegame when he is all alone

No. Wear an eye patch and grow stubble. It makes you look cool.

Don't hurt yourself in an attempt to get pussy

Says the fuckwit who got some chink pregnant with a retarded looking kid

post face, I'm very curious

Start working on cars, your hands and arms will get fucked up, you'll get calluses, and you'll have an actual hobby that isn't jacking off and video games. Bonus points you'll look handy and have something to talk about with women.

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Either you look like you have mental health issues or you look like you've been a dumbass in your working place and sticking your arm inside machinery. If you want scars to look cool, you have to do proper scarification, which is an offset from tattoos.

> hey, how did you get those scars? what crazy stuff did you do?
> I... I made them myself on purpose. Wanna go out?
> Sorry, I just realized I have to go.

Does this look asian to you?

Attached: date night 2017 3.jpg (953x2545, 439K)

they think you are a cutter

Pic related is a scar I purposely gave to myself.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-28-00-10-56.png (540x960, 325K)

Worth noting that a self inflicted knife wound from say, a serrated blade or something will look completely different then if you got it legitimately. You can always tell.

Well that looks less cool than I had imagined.

If you're lying at least try not to pull pictures by looking "facial scars" on Google ya dingus.


cut your dick off please

No it will make you look like a fucking wierdo.
>t. I used to get those marks from wrestling and jiu jitsu practice.

It's a dumb idea.
My suggestion for attractive hands:
>work in the garden with tools with a wooden handle
>go to the gym and lift without gloves
>buy a punching bag and punch it with only a wrap on your hands
>start woodworking with traditional tools

Do this and you'll have strong callous hands by the end of the next year

facial scars increasing attractiveness is a dead meme. walking down the street with these ive had literal boomers stop and stare like the judgmental fuckheads they are. do not inflict scars upon yourselves robots

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Fatman it's been so long, how have you and your kid been doing?

could pull it off if you got tan and buff

>tan meme
only boomers find tanning attractive

He is well. I'm tired as shit and half my workplace missed the hell out of me since I get shit done. Life is ok now but itll be better when he sleeps more

keep believing that friend
not being pale as a ghost is one of the prime indicators for women about the health of a male

keep chasing that nigger tone, namefag

It only works if you have a rugged appearance in general but it doesn't necessarily increase attractiveness. I got stabbed in the face by my fat mulatto cousin when I was 12 and I have a scar running from a bit above my brow down to beneath my eye. I shave my head down to 0 so I'm constantly hit with the "wow user you look like a bond villain xd" but it's not in a demeaning way. If it is I'm too autistic to pick up on it.

looks badass user, get Jow Forums and roasties will be all over you

That's good shit, glad to have you around again.

I never left. I just stopped posting for a bit.

it can work if you are a chad
>pic related

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Only work when you are good looking

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>user after giving himself facial scars to look "badass".

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Didn't that guy get uranium somehow?

Trust me self harm is not worth looking "badass" for girls.

It'll make you look like a junkie.

The DIY nuke guy.