Discord General /dg/

Post your discord servers, your tags, your stories, and your shitlists here

Attached: fuckin faggots.png (1600x1600, 35K)

>forest fire
>jelly toast
>mongo monol
>sad man
>the communist kanna guy

Oklahoma BUMP

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hewwo ^o^

>im not on this list, neither is any of my contacts
feels good man

maybe they should be on the list user

what a bunch of fucking fags desu, heres some more people

very cool dude to talk to

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Pienempi kuin kolme#0641

desuka is just a autistic girl, but i still love her.

shes a fucking freak thats what she is

>join server for sharing a specific type of fetish porn
>it has user classes (or whatever they're called)
>find out over time almost everyone in the class for women is a tranny
>they add a selfie channel
>it's almost entirely ugly trannies posting their cocks
>there's a channel just for bantz
>rules get changed after a bunch of trannies get butthurt over banter in the banter channel and leave
>banter-er gets banned for it
>only stick around because my suicidal thoughts get a lot worse when I don't have the people there to chat with

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> alai
I have him on discord but have never talked to him and don't remember adding him
Why should I avoid him?

/8tVMU :^)

>sneakiest sociopath oat
>not on list

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he doesn't really use discord anymore

so what are you stalking all of them?
who the fuck are half of these people
who is plusequalsminusk

Do mexican qt fembots have discord?

Do NOT bring my oneitis chaotic into this autistic kiddy drama

>who is plusequalsminusk
uninteresting retarded edgy faggot who's a cebruz/chaotic wannabe, but i've only seen him on steam

figure out what this means

post his steam and tell the story

onto you

join rat for the best vc experience r9k has to offer and a shit text channel thats full of spam.
no illegal shit here as well, so dont worry about your discord account getting banned.

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unban me danny you fucko

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who are you guys? orig

who tf you calling danny, my name binky

try this instead

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I love Magma and his ginger baby

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>associating chaotic with servershit

Comfy server wgddzG

Why can't you retards keep your drama on DISCORD instead of Jow Forums

hop on discord and i'll tell you :)

Yea ik you're binky but get Danny to unban wtf
Kys +=-k

forest fire is a good boy, leave him alone

he's a disgusting faggot

orig a inal

Forest fire is my son back off haru you faghot


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dgg Nn6Cr9c

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this server changed my life
i met my e-wife on it
spic orbiting server

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copying and pasting from the /soc/ thread
21/M/Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a CS student at the University of Victoria, and I'd like to meet somebody who'd like to make games with. Anyone interested in design with the .NET libraries, Flash, PS, Gimp, or has experience with modern GM language, Python, SQL conversions, Ruby-that sums up the stuff I'm using. I have autism so I'm kind of retarded. If you know anything about memory caching or database software or are knowledgeable with using things like JS or Canvas instead of GML I'm interested in learning from you. Likewise with Blender or After Effects I'm completely in the dark on the most obvious things people use these days to make Ko00l Gltzhz afeXts and stuff. I'm artistically motivated above anything, but immersion having so much to do with programming and methodology comes as important, especially for someone with, "ideas".

Besides that my interests include screwing around, a general avocation of benevolence, the history of the 19th/20th century, learning languages (but don't ask me to speak any lol), music (but I already have enough friends who like that) and HOT FUCKING TRAPS snowshoeing.


i need fwends

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i don't want more lurkers/ghosters in my server

who's this guy, why's he on the shitlist? only familiar one

am bored and open to talk about anything really

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I fully expect my server to die considering there's no specific thing it's based on (You can just talk about whatever on my server) but I put work into it and it's icon.


Well literally two seconds after posting the link someone joined said "Gay" and left

I give up fuck me

yeah sophia's a dumb whore

took me longer than usual to realise the full extent of her BPD though so good on her, but maybe that's just because I'm an autist

THis fajNCr

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you missed PeterP

Reminder not to mix with r9k discords unless your only goal in life is to become a narcissistic hyena absent of all form of empathy that will one day realize that the toxic environment has just made you far more depressed.

the only two i've come across are dormin and sophia. both faggots

because you would be wasting your time.
you cant have meaningful conversation with him but if you are looking for entertainment go ahead.
him being kicked and banned so often is telling.

whys sad man on the list?

oi what did goose do wth

is he? didn't know

Especially Rat Torture, which is where many people in the aforementioned shit list come from. That server and its users are simply disgusting. Those people are beyond saving.


I want someone to give me new music to listen to, hit me up if you like indie trash like car seat headrest or father john misty.
Also anyone that're into aquariums/fish/that sorta stuff add too.
Honestly add me if you have a pulse thanks.


Come say hi
pic related

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That's some femoid I ""dated"" a while back, she has a complete lack of feeling for the people she talks to, made me think I was something special to her and blocks me on a whim.

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what did she say that made you feel that way?

any fembot discords?
i wanna talk to females

You can't throw around horrid insults at people you talk to and then tell them to kill themselves and get surprised when they delete you first, especially when you're the one who threatened removal to begin with.

I'm surprised danny isn't on this list.