Ayy who /ephebe/ here

Ayy who /ephebe/ here

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i wonder how long before this thread 404s

After seeing that webm, perhaps

8ch has this board back?

What webm user? Oreghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

You know he meant gif

Oh. Actually thought he was referring to a webm in a different thread. That gif did not do much for me.

Post webms before thread gets shoahd

Seriously though. Is hebe back in 8ch or?


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Psh pleb. hebe master race here.

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A bunch of hot 15 year old girls came into the restaurant I cashier at today, it was hard not to make lingering eye contact with them.

not yet,
>not original
>fuck M0D5

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That's not illegal user.

Whoa now user why don't you just sit rigght over here.

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also who keeps making those, that's the 2nd one I've seen

No idea, here have a another qt

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What's ephebe? Is it like paedo but for teens? Shouldn't that be banned from this website?

Ephebes are attracted to 15-18 year olds.
>Shouldn't that be banned from this website?
No it's not breaking any rules it's just a picture of a clothed girl.

so essentially its being attracted to girls who are hitting puberty, you know, when nature tells us to be attracted to them?

this is an important question that needs answered

No by then girls have finished puberty, girls hit puberty at 9-10 these days.

No need for it, /b/ spams cp all the time if that's what your looking for.

i, personally, have never seen a girl younger than 13 look like they were in puberty

Puberty is a lot more complicated then you think it is user.

we /hebe/ now
I recently had a dream where a (probably 10 year old) girl hung from my neck with her legs around me, she said something about my "meat percentage", and got real close to my face, maintaining eye contact, shortly after I nervously and slowly started groping her ass since I was already holding her, but not for long before I woke up

I think she was trying to guess how much meat I ate since I ate a bunch of sausage pizza, her hair was short (for a girl) and blonde

You are a true patician user

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I just didn't want to be creepy.

You guys are weird. I don't care about child molestation and I have nothing against pedosexuals, but how can you find young girls attractive? They're tiny dumb looking malformed freaks and seeing them fills me with loathing and disgust.

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In my experience lolis aren't creeped out by me creeping on them, they smile at me and seem flattered.

Nice cherrypick Jow Forumsnigger.

btw that wasn't my first kind of dream like that
I've had at least 4

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this is an fbi honeypot to get people to spill their spaghetti dont fall for it

Teen girls are usually not attractive unless they look older, me cherrypicking doesn't change this.

Reminder 8-14 is the peak hottest age group, objectively.

>pre-teens and teens

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An 8-year-old has not developed their sexual characteristics, so what exactly do you find hot about them?

That's just your retarded opinion user. Females basically hit the wall at 18 these days, lolis are objectively superior in every way.

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cute, pure, tight, virgin, and flat chest

Not really, most girls under 18 look like kids and and it's off-putting. Top left is more attractive in that pic, bottom right looks like she'd say some stupid shit all the time and her body wouldn't be sexually developed.

you're overthinking this big guy

>Top left is more attractive in that pic

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Cuteness of youth comes with a lot of other horrible shit about kids, though--cuteness is also not the same as sexiness. Pure? Why is that attractive? Is there something about defiling young girls that's appealing? Flat chested women are not attractive. You might as well fuck a little boy.

I suppose chloe is more attractive now as well?

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>that jawline
please tell me you're joking

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>You might as well fuck a little boy.
If you insist.

Yeah, I'd much rather be around top left than bottom right. Top left you could have a conversation with and share mutual interests and whatever. Bottom right you could only diddle her gross sexually undeveloped body because children don't offer anything with their personalities.

This is the classic script for being socially acceptable, hiding your real feelings and providing a respectable "mature" rationale for not being attracted that's intended to make you look deep. In the event that it became legal, you could even use this as an excuse as to why you're not pursuing them, since they would be able to be even more selective than older women and would likely reject most guys.

Oh yes definitely more attractive now.

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>Is there something about defiling young girls that's appealing?

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>muh personalities
Women no matter what age don't have personalities.

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I don't care about being socially acceptable, I genuinely do not find girls that are under 16 attractive, and most 16 year old girls are not attractive yet either. They have weird dopey faces, they have horrible personalities, they're boring and not many of them have nice tits and thicc asses.

Stop arguing and post more gifs like OP's.

Is that Dio Brando?

Yeah they do, most of the time they don't have good personalities, but even talking to a girl with a bad personality is preferable to talking to a stupid fucking kid.

plus they are very likely to be sluts

You obviously just hate kids then, I find them great to be around because they remind me of how wonderful it was to be a kid.

I don't have a fixation on purity, so as long as a girl isn't used up and gross I'm not that bothered about her sexual history as a factor in finding her sexually attractive. In fact, being a slut implies that the girl actually enjoys sex which is somewhat attractive in its own right. On the contrary, kids are awkward and unsure and they don't really enjoy sex, but I suspect that's a bonus for pedosexuals because faggots like Shadman usually portray children as being confused or naive in their sexual activities.

I've talked to quite a few pedophiles and this is a very common theme among them. It's not just that they're attracted to children, it's that they're fixated on youth. A lot of them are weird NEETs who infantilize their language, watch cartoons all day, wear diapers and other weird and degenerate shit. It's like they're eventually going to be transage or some shit.

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>talks about lolis
>posts PTP

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People like to fuck what they lust after. Appearance, feel, and smell are very important. This lying routine is intended to be segued into the next part which goes something like, "Well I guess I just look for more in a relationship, some meaning", "I remember being 13. Hang in there, kiddo. One day you'll realize there's more than just physical attraction", or something about being immature and stunted and having "nothing to offer" in the intellectual and conversational department and being "threatened by a 'real' woman".
"You're sick", "scumbag", "seek help", all part of the virtue signaling/maligning soundboard/wordbank.

I don't do any of that, I am a neet though. I just find life as an adult extremely depressing and unfulfilling is all, every moment as a child was like an acid trip.

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nah, I've always been attracted to older women
not for any moral reasons tho, that's just the way it's always been

I don't really are about any of the shit you just said, I'm not attracted to young girls because they're not physically attractive to me first and foremost. I have nothing against pedosexuals and I don't care if you molest children, but you guys are still fucking weird.

Yeah that's the kind of thing I'm talking about. Pedosexuality is similar to transsexuality insomuch as it's about escapism to an alternative and idealized identity.

Well a lot of us never experienced teen love so I suppose you have a point there.

That's pretty much everyone. Youth is appealing in all ways. People that deny it will simply place emphasis on various things you couldn't do as a kid or a teen, but it's a lie or at least deflection.

I genuinely did not like being a child. I don't like being an adult either, but I'd rather be an adult than a child. My best years were from 15-19 playing World of Warcraft all day as a NEET.

Same I was attracted to lolis when I was there age and I never stopped being attracted to them from there on.

>their age.

So being a teen is great. You are conceding to what I was saying. Youth is wonderful, having a youthful body is great and the girls are attractive. Being attracted to youth is not escaping anything. That would be like saying it's escapism to enjoy fruit when it's fresh.

You must not go outside. Girls as young as 10 start growing breasts nowadays

Playing World of Warcraft and not working or going to school was great. Being a teen was shit.

Being a teen was eons better then my life now, but's that's me.

The eternal debate rages on. I just want to force my physical and mental essence upon a young girl, and jar the direction of her life forever.