/wageslave general/

> Wake up at 8:00
> Catch bus at 9:00
> Get to work at 10:00
> Schedules until 6:00
> Fucking coworker is late and comes in at 6:30
> Been working 8 hour shifts this entire week
> Get off at 6:30
> Catch bus at 6:50
> Get home at 7:30
> Take a shower
> Fall asleep
> Wake up at 8:59 thinking I slept all night and it's in the morning
> Post nap panic
> Try to figure out what the fuck is going on
> Realize
> Go back to sleep
> Literally nobody snapchatted me all day
> Not even the girl I've been talking to
> Wake up again at 10:00
> Hungry as fuck
> Have 12:30-9:00 shift tomorrow
> Debating whether or not to stay up and eat or go back to sleep (not tired anymore)

Literally my ENTIRE day is fucking wasted with these 8 hour shifts. Why is this shit legal? It's fucking crushing and I've only done 3 of them in a row.

My fucking legs hurt, my fucking feet hurt, I'm grouchy as fuck when I get home because I'm so tired...

And to make things worse, My new fucking manager is scheduling me a 38 hour work week because I'm a fucking part time employee... WHY IS THIS LEGAL???

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I also have a fucking 5 day schedule, which I HATE.

I do NOT want to turn into a fucking routine going zombie who lives for the weekend. Fuck that.

Guess y'all have to overthink your career choices.

Made some pizza rolls because I'm not gonna sit here and waste away... Not sure when I'll get to sleep.

I'm a dog trainer, It's literally my dream job, yet my manager is working me too much. I never asked for this any hours...

And they literally have me do all the hard shit because I'm young... I've hauled fucking kitty litter for an hour because everyone there has a "bad back..."

And the coworker who was an HOUR AND A HALF LATE, that made me stay for half an hour after I was scheduled gave me a A FUCKING ZUCHINNI TO MAKE UP FOR IT


Whats wrong with 8 hours goyim its only 1/3 of your day HEHEHE
>1hr unpaid preparation
>1hr total commute
>1hr cool-down after
>1hr lost time bc tired
>were only 16 waking hours not 24
>end up with 4hrs real free time

why don't you buy a used car or something?

get experience and go on your own. working corporate is shit. I worked in corporate dog grooming for 4 years, now I'm at a smaller shop, better hours and the owner wants to sell to me.

theres a light at the end of the tunnel, but it doesnt happen overnight.

>tfw 40 hour a week debt collector with no sick days, vacation time or health insurance

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I don't see your problem. If your allowed to have a half hour brake in these 8 hours it's some good shit.
Don't have to wake up too early and done with work early enough to spend the evening with friends and/or family.
You just shouldn't go to bed that early. If you're already tired after only 12 h being awake there's something wrong. Maybe you haven't slept enough the day before.

>wake up late
>in work 8:00
>sleepy as fuck
>go up to one of the offices nobody goes to
>log on pc in case someone comes in
>sit on Jow Forums on phone for hour already
>will go eat in half an hour
I'm so tired, thank God its Friday.

I worked as a debt collection company, it was a call centre and they had kpi's for everything it was fucking horrible
5 years later and I now can start late, leave early, shit any time and have lunch whenever I feel like and my boss loves me & I love the work I do

Dont be a pussy user, i do 58 hour weeks. five 10 hour days and one 8 hour day. every week.

Ive been working 6 days a week 10 hrs a day we can make it brobot

>be a statistician
>roll into work an hour late
>talk to some cute freshmen ESL jap girl on the elevator
>make jokes with my boss for two hours about nyc and students
>go on pol for 3 hours
>leave to go to my other job with fat booty Latina boss
>we get beers after 30 min of work

Mfw I make 160k a year doing thus

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>tfw work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week

When i worked i would do 3, 12 hour shifts on casual and make as mucb as someone working 5, 8 hour shifts.
You get used to the long shifts and having the extra 2 days off was awesome.

I wanna start my own business now though and i think i found a ez way to make bank with minimal effort, just some tech knowledge. Buy my course for 5 simple payments of $9.95 and learn my secret.

I ... I guess I dont have it that bad when I hear some of you guys.

I even have a gf that cleans and cooks for me. I work 42 hour weeks. I even have vacation amd health amd accident insurance. Also work comfy as a design engineer.

>>go on pol for 3 hours
based and redpilled, I been saving this (You) just for this special occasion

>wake up at 2pm
>scroll until 3pm
>get ready
>leave by 3:40pm
>get food on the way to work
>get to work by 4:10pm
>start at 4:30pm
>get off usually 11pm, 12am, sometimes later
>go home
>browse internet until whatever hour of the night
all i want is a M-F 9-5 job. why is that so hard.

That's nothing

This is 40 hours a week for the PAID time, we get an unpaid 30 minute lunch so the time spent at work is actually 8.5 hours. My commute is 35 miles one way, mostly highway. Takes 35 minutes - 40 minutes to drive to work.

>wake up at 4:45AM
>rush to be out the door by 5:15AM
>at work by 5:55AM
>work until 2:30PM
>home by 3:05 PM
>in bed by 8:30-9PM

I dislike life

good boomer meme.

There are two things I don't get. One, why do people like getting to work early? I mean like 10-15 minutes early. They always end up sitting around for 10 minutes and sometimes they even rush their breakfast at work.

Secondly, why does everybody try to "banter" with me like we're friends? If they're friends with other people at work that's fine, and I can get along with them well enough, but I just want to get my work done and go home. I sometimes make jokes to pass the time, but that's it.

>wake up at 7
>doze til 0710
>at work by 8, ez drive to work
>pump out day
>get home at 430
>have 6 hours to do w/e the fk i want

whats wrong with 8 hour shifts?
I came from 12 hour shifts and this shit is fckn ezmode

Idk man I do overnight stocking 6 days a week 48hrs and barely notice it
Been almost 4yrs and I'm way beyond where I ever thought I'd be in life
Hard work doesn't pay off after 3 days

Because they're eager to get their job done and aren't miserable cunts while doing so

get a moped
have more freetime

Must be nice working a job where you don't have to deal with people. Just the social aspect of office jobs feels like a second job to me, on top of my regular job.

Between that and receiving zero vacation time as an Amerislave, I've burned out of every job I've ever had before my one-year anniversary.