>tfw rare emotional boi
What are you Jow Forums?
Tfw rare emotional boi
>tfw rare emotional boi
Another fake infj
INTP autismo reporting in
Unbearable autist reporting in.
Depressed INFJ here. No one loves me and my life is devoid of happiness, but at least I'm not an INFP.
i got INFP -T
what is the meme on this
me here
generic r9k user number one million
you should have been born a woman.
is it more commonly female? tfw i also have been diagnosed with panic disorder which is more common among females.
hello fellow INFP-T
enjoy being a girly boy, it fucking blows chunks
Im an INFP girl and I can't imagine being a boy with my personality type. There are really no redeeming masculine qualities so you might as well get to moisturizing that boipucci for your future husband.
What's with all the introverted intuitives on r9k? Do we think it's because those types are more likely to gather at places like this or because people like to larp as "cooler" types to feel speshul
thats my plan unironically because I'm so so so fucked in terms of just being a functional male, especially with the whole hypergamy chad meme shit thats actually kind of real. Girls just flat out dont pay me any attention at all because to them im just a gayboy, so I might as well all in
the thing is that i'm not feminine at all though. i'm 6'2, have a manly frame and and pretty outdoorsy. I am bisexual though and use "uwu" a lot.
yeah im 6'1 but ive been slimming down to harness my inner twink boy powers because fuck it i might as well give it a go
eh, if you come off as a nonthreatening gayboy and are decently cute (which you probably are if you are an INFP) you can get some weird intense friendships with some occasional sexual stuff. If you come off as thirsty and straight GL as its probably not gonna happen unless you get a more masculine girl who wants a pet.
>pretty outdoorsy
You don't sound like an INFP unless your idea of the outdoorsy is daydreaming about living in the woods while getting cozy at home.
god damn id be fine with being a pet to a more dominant girl but those are impossible to find. I've had plenty of intense friendships with girls but it goes no further since I feel biologically incapable of initiating. I need to be pursued, I physically CANT pursue because I just lose interest.
>your idea of outdoorsy is daydreaming about living in the woods while getting cozy at home
h-how did you know user?? i am trying to become real outdoorsy though, i've gone on a few hikes lately and i enjoy camping. i also have a small collection of cacti and other succs that i like to take care of.
i also have a pet cactus
Typical INTPbro, are most people here also INTP?
I'm so sorry, man. Sometimes God just looks at the face of a little baby boy and says "fuck 'em".
Cause I'm an INFP and just as self-deluded about that elusive "one-ness with nature" that I only really appreciate in the abstract before or after the fact while completely losing any sense of the present when out pretending to enjoy myself doing it.
Wtf is with us and plants? Its roses for me.
Ben sharpiro blasts liberals assholes with knowledge and basically you are fucking stupid.
it was my sisters but she was neglecting it and its partner died so I stole it from her and now I take care of it, even now that we dont live in the same place anymore either
I got pretty much the exact same score on mine. Welcome brother.
i don't think i'm deluded, but maybe that's the delusion speaking. I really do enjoy nature and try my best to be out as often as possible but it's hard as a NEET with crippling anxiety, no money, and little access to transportation. I usually rely on my mom to take me places
>the "role" of an INFP is simply to inspire superior types into carrying out their values and ideas in the real world
>our best outcome is being that incompetent manic pixie dream girl muse who vanishes by the end of the movie
tfw have to try to be a MALE muse
this fucking sucks. In what universe do manic pixie dream boys even exist? Like dont get me wrong im trying but its hell. HELL.
write something with cute girls doing cute things and one of them is your self insert
i keep alternating between ENTP and INTP
but i'm gonna take this test again
do you think personalities are capable of fluctuating, or that this test is simply inaccurate? maybe a little bit of both?
Tests are usually inaccurate but they're good for being a quick way to find out what type your probably are. If you really are looking for accuracy, look into the eight cognitive functions. Each type has a certain order of them they prefer to think in, it's cool stuff.
im always xxTP
changes all the time but heres what side of the bed i woke up on today
>carl jung
based chad, fucked his patients and held true to the philosophies of the red pill meme also a natsoc
i suppose it's just common sense but i feel like we hold tests to a much higher regard than we should as well, we almost do with anything because of our innate tendency to trust, all they really are are systems of ideas created by other people, a developed opinion of sorts, and i don't mean all tests, because many are much more objective than others (blood tests for example, but i wouldn't really call those "tests" per say since i'm using the more conventional definition), then again , i guess the case could be made for almost anything, eventually, we'll just have to accept something
aand i got INTP-A, i fucking clicked the close button on my browser instead of the settings menu so i had to reload the page from my browser history but it doesn't look as cool as the other screenshots ;c
can someone explain what the different variations of letters after the XXXX personality and what they mean? i.e INTPA-A, INTP-T etc.? can't believe i haven't noticed that from my previous tests
i feel like INTP's are always associated with STEM and shit but i'm very dissatisfied with that because i don't think it's always so, like i have a really low numerical intelligence and have a relatively difficult time grasping the full scope of certain concepts within STEM, mainly in my ability to apply the knowledge i've absorbed, and so i focus more on abstract concepts and the humanities as a whole moreso philosophy because it requires little effort for me to apply the knowledge i've absorbed in debates / conversations and whatnot, and maybe they are, and maybe when that takes off i tilt towards "ENTP", but then sometimes i'll become unfulfilled with the subjective nature of such subjects and want to look towards more objective answers and so maybe then i tilt towards "INTP"? idk
does anyone else here fluctuate between personality traits on this "test"?
How would you rate me?
Do you use logic?
Depends on the subject. Issues with people I use emotion, issues with other things I try to think it out.
Im different, but is there really any difference to some one who likes people and some one who doesn't? "like", as in, "can stand"
Reminder that INFP is the trans personality type.
Might want to consider transitioning if you are INFP.
Redpill me on the masculine qualities INFJs have.
The boys aren't alright
please dont do this to me :(
I thought I was past this
>be me
>one of if not even the most common type around the world
>still nearly no other ISTJ on Jow Forums
The gang's all here!
How fucked am I?
the logistician reporting in m8 :)
I'am istj. Do you want talk about something or what? I usually in read only mode.
is this good or bad, you tell me
this means nothing to me
>tfw infp
truly the worst feel
only desire is to cuddle ;w;
INFP too many feels ALL THE TIME!
im you, but the lazy version
nah I'm good. Still nice to see some other ISTJ like you and are around here. But why usually read only?
Also check'd
Just a reminder:
If you're extroverted then you are not a robot
even though being an I, wanting to be with other people but not being able to sure makes you a robot. BTW the only real robots are so autistic they might not even solve the captcha. They also don't have to. They've got passes. I don't since I'm also a cyborg
Just don't want to talk. No particular reason.
intp, the robot combo
pretty ironic but I think to know how you mean it. The F isn't that weak I guess...
Why are 80% of robots INTP? Is everyone with this type doomed to suffer?
INFP, have sex with me please
Its basically the "smart... but lazy" personality, you know why you fail at life but you are to lazy or reserved to fix it, sad really.
I've done these tests and I always get ISTP
I think the problem is the extrem self awareness. I reevaluate every move i make. So i rather do nothing.
infp suicide pact when?
>tfw enfp master race
Autist #5 here
What we doin bois
lets just start a cult of art and emotional support for all the lonely INFPs out there and be close friends BUT NOT TOO CLOSE BECAUSE INTIMACY IS NOT GOOD.
I should've been a girl (female).
>Tfw being so smart that you start questioning existence itself
>have 50 (FIFTY) percent chance to be born female
>end up being born a infp male
count me in
>tfw dumb INTP
I sometimes think the person im talking to hates me for an unexplainable reason, so just leave and stop talking to them.
Allrighty then feels realy bad
Hi, fellow Mediator. Hope life isn't weighing too heavy on you.
Yes or you say something or act in an certain way. And immediately after that you question yourself how that was perceived by other people. Every interaction is exhausting.
you puny little INTP-T incels
INFJ aswell
>also INFP-T
Got the Adventurer
Hello I am the doctor
>Hello I am the doctor
thats nurse
Shit man that's true, I'm not a woman though.
I kinda agree with the fact that it says I'm good with medicine since I've been on numerous drug binges earlier in my life.
I got ISFP-T
ENTP is literally edgy meme personlity
> Rick
> Bojack Horseman
> Joker
> Tony Stark
> Deadpool
> Doc from Back to the Future
> Hank Moody
> Tyler Durden
Holy shit I feel like some school kid hitting the edgy teen phase
ISTJ-T here. these things dont feel accurate, like the answer is always one level of abstraction away due to the vague questions. guess thats what psychiatrists are for
I always get a "I could deconstruct your personality right in front of you just by this one interaction and because of that I feel superior to you because you are more shallow than me but oh shit that's not something I should feel now and it's probably not true but I think I'm supposed to feel bad about that fact but this all happened in one instant and all you asked me was how my day was and there is no way I could explain all of this and I don't care about exploring the topic of how our days were to be totally honest with you" thing happening in my head and it's pretty annoying and makes me a terrible person in addition to the usual socially anxious stuff
Being a male INFJ is suffering.
Exactly it's a weird thing between iam superior and iam a fucking looser. Constantly questioning everything.
I had a friend who always characterized it as a subset of depersonalization, where you're aware of yourself in the moment, and the person you are talking to, and it's perfectly real with no subjectivity, but that doesn't make sense since the person who is observing you and the other is also technically you but it feels like a totally objective observer of both of you. It makes interpersonal relationships hard to develop to say the least
It's equally suffering being a female one.
I know what you mean. Happens to me when i talk in front of multiple people.
One other thing that happened :
I Once looked into a mirror and asked myself : who the fuck is that guy? Like it was extremely surreal. Scary shit
Loving to reading everything I write/listening to my own voice and thinking how awesome I am is more of ENTP or ESTP trait?
we are truly all robots here
Not her, but INFJ-As can be assertive, dominant, stubborn, and charismatic.
Enfp gang
Might just be a Ti thing combined with narcissim
Are any of you female by any chance? I really need an ENFP gf.
We have the same results haha
Most people are intp including me. Makes you really think if we really only compose three percent of the population haha. Though it could be that most robots usually just have an intp personality
Edgy on the outside, pussy on the inside: that's the ENTP way
Alright someone give me a quick run down. Payment is pic related .Went from intp - isfj - esfj
Diagnosed mood disorder. I feel like all of them depending how i feel in the moment.