ITT: autistic things you do daily

ITT: autistic things you do daily

i like to blow raspberries really loudly in the middle of the night and then i curl up under my sheets and giggle and squeal uncontrollably

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after i wipe my ass i hold the toilet paper as close to my nose as posssible without touching and i snort as deep as i can and try to make myself throw up. havent thrown up yet.

thats fucking disgusting you filthy fucking pig

either contribute to the thread or fuck off fag

I do everything autistic. I don't even want to tell you guys what an autistic spazz I am it's so embarrassing, but only in private. In public I am a regular insecure person. Is this full-blown autism?

sometimes when i bite off my finger nails ill tickle my eyeball with the longest nail and pretend im getting a secret surgery to make my eyes into lazer robot eyes

I still do those autsitic hand flapping.
I also cant sit still when listening to music. So I walk circles around my room.

This reminds me of something
>Be 5th grade
>On class trip to a camp
>Guys in my cabin won't shut the fuck up and let me sleep
>Make wretched farting noise with my mouth
>Entire cabin falls silent
>They all start panicking and crying about a smell that isn't there

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based libtardposter

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I talk to myself constantly about a wide range of things. Sometimes I just talk about myself in the third person, describe how I'm feeling as if I were a character in a book or compliment myself. Other times I give really detailed lectures about topics I'm interested in or feel strongly about. Sometimes I just practice making different accents or babble nonsense. I do this pretty much any time I am alone, which is nearly all the time.

i always have thoughts about making loud noises in quite places without being caught and it makes me laugh until i have tears in my eyes.

doesnt really matter what kind of noise although the louder and funnier the better. like farts or burps or a window shattering or just yelling

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>hurr durr smelling shit isnt gross you pleb, calm down libtard

grow up dude or get off this board

Fuck, heres a weird one
>twist pubes
>get them to the point that they are like a stiff string of sorts
>cut it
>insert lotion on the middle of my penis
>rub the pube on the center of my penis
>eventually rub that same lotion pube string thing agaainst the top of my ears

you leave you fucking normalfag

I make up fake characters and plan what kind of music they'd listen to and other irrelevant shit, sometimes I try to figure out what they'd say in my situation. If I think of something that makes me socially anxious and I'm alone, I rub my hands with fingers apart really fast. I try to mind control people with my thoughts alone. I'm starting a one person club, and I want to have activities and even a club newsletter. If I think of cockroaches I have to do a hand motion so hopefully they won't come into my house, but sometimes I have to do it a few times with a very exaggerated motion and think "NO" or "FORBIDDEN"

Full blown is when you're an autist in public

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randomly make faces and then slap my face until the face goes away. and then i fake cry like a old british lady.

i dont know why i do this.

you shut your faggot fucking mouth you fucking nigger

At least im not a normalfag :^)

I just wrap myself up in a burrito and don't leave. Annoys my gf tho.

>doesnt attatch his fw
why do you normfags do this?
>look mom i said it again!!!!

>annoys my gf
leave normie

Everytime I get McDonalds, I come home and eat it in front of my PC. I put several sergey pictures on rotate and imagine I'm having lunch with Sergey, sometimes I'll laugh knowing his jokes probably are really funny, othertimes I just stare into his eyes while I take large bites.

little ironic no?

actually sounds fun

>blow raspberries
I hate these two words together.



I compulsively shout profanity, make obscene gestures, and make violent repetitive motions when stresses. Tourette's Syndrome is pretty autistic, but you learn to work with it.

Attached: Tourettes_Guy_Screwed_By_Dairy_Queen.jpg (480x269, 15K)

Give it a shot, user you wont regret it, if you dont have lotion, be a real sick fuck and use spit

i fucking love stomping around my house and cursing wildly when im pissed or just really anxious. it calms me down and makes me laugh somtimes


I really enjoy listening to music, but I have to pace while listening for some reason

Oh yeah, I mean tics are like sneezes, sometimes they do feel like a good release of stress. More severe ones with really grotesquely creative profanity can be a little distressing, but the tic is just a symptom of your brain suddenly fucking up and surfacing disturbing content to your consciousness, at least in my case

Its super autismal, but at the end of the day it can be pretty fucking funny. The Tourettes guy is a god damn champion

Checked, also you should check into tulpamancy you might be interested in it