Do i have a small penis

Its 4.5inchs is that small or just under average?

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I believe it's the average.

half an inch under the American averaged and an inch below world average

4.5" hard or soft? If hard, it's under average. Make sure to measure your girth too.

In the UK where i live I'm getting averages between 5 and 6

Really? No trolling? Provide sources, please. I thought the average was 4.5 inches.

Sorry that's really small. Most girls wont be satisfied unless its 7+

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average is approximately 5" worldwide
you're little bit on the smaller side but don't worry too much about it

Sorry bro, but that's pretty solidly under average. There's pretty much no country on earth where the average it that small.

That's the it's okay to be a tiny dicked faggot average the government props up to encourage the production of more tax cattle.

average hard is 5.16 inches, soft is 3.61


hello Elliot Rodger

Average in New Zealand 5.2 inches
TFW 6.5

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Wow... fuck. This is very disconcerting.

>South Korea exists
try again
t. gook

Japanese men average at about 4.3 inches tho

honestly, just learn to give good head and you'll be good enough.

thats below average, loser

you won't be able to beat /him/ op.

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The average in the US and Germany is almost 6", you small bro.

T. coping dicklet gook

The only data there is on that is survey's but those say they're larger

Imagine not having atleast 6 inches, LMAO.

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cut your damn nails.
also, i feel like i remember this penior. have you ever posted it before?

I keep cutting my nails but they keep growing back every week and the feeling you have when you just cut your nails is annoying. and i have not posting my dick here before.

the feeling goes away when you cut your nails regularly

well regardless remember to moisturize

>tfw 6in from morning wood ; barely 5.0 (almost 4.9) when I'm looking at lewds online.
God fucking damn it.

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>Its 4.5inchs is that small or just under average?
4.5" is definitely small. In order for sex to be satisfying it has to be at least 6" I think. My ideal is 8-9". 9" is where it starts being too much for me. It varies by each girl. Maybe I'm just not the tightest girl and need more size than most girls.