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Can a trans person get buff natty?
Bentley Hall
Grayson Richardson
They are already injecting tons of hormones into their body. nothing about them is natty
Jeremiah Bennett
Fuck off (((faggot)))
Camden Cook
> you need to respect somebodies right to act out their gender identity. whats inside their head is real, not whats on the outside.
> its not OK to be disgusted by this, keep that in your own head. Actually, you arent allowed to think it either. Your disgust is hate and society needs to change you
Easton Lee
Fuck, this kid better be Chad, he was pumped with T in womb already. Do you imagine the impact on the development?
>tfw ywn roid at age -9 months thanks to your fother
Why even try.
Zachary James
Disgusting, mentally ill abomination.
John Rivera
>>Jow Forums
Easton Garcia
This... so for this herstory of people kind there was never “sex reassignment” surgery. How is this shit accepted at all ever? Not natural not normal not acceptable
Kayden Turner
>That Scar from the tits that were cutoff
Fucking Disgusting
Thomas Gomez
Stop endorsing child abuse, consigning these kids to suicide. Fucking scum.