Why is it that people who are racist tend to be extremely stupid?

Why is it that people who are racist tend to be extremely stupid?

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I don't actually hate niggers per se, it's just nigger behaviors like homophobia.
A nigger who doesn't nig is basically white.

actually it's vice versa.

Also it's because they are unable to think properly so they go for the easiest option. That being foreigners are bad because black and not because of different culture.

Charles manson was smart tho

They just are.

They literally voted for a guy who's in debt to the Russian mafia and is blackmailed by the FSB.

There are highly intelligent racists like Terry A. Davis, I don't think they're extremely stupid. It's just trendy and edgy to hate niggers and jews right now because Vladimir Putin has been investing heavily in the alt-right to destabilize the United States and the EU, and the US has lost control of its own propaganda machines. Regardless of whether you are a right winger or left winger, this is inarguable.

Dumbasses discriminate by color

Smart people discriminate by color and a whole bunch of other attributes while denying being racist.

>Henry Ford was stupid
>the founding fathers were stupid
>Einstein was stupid

Why are r9k users liberal retards?
And why are you out of your containment site

There are niggers and then people who just so happen to be black. The niggers act like monkeys and fit the racist sterotypes perfectly. The people who happen to be black act like fucking human beings. Same thing thing with queers and people who just so happen to be gay.

stupid people are overtly racist. smart people hide their power level. yep, i bet you feel pretty dumb right now

u were doin fine til the last line
that was pretentious af

>why is it that a group who negatively generalizes other groups tend to be [a negative generalization]?

You are stupid if you are not racist imo

They're 'neckbeard smart' not stupid

Christopher Langan, the man with the highest IQ in the world, is racist. /thread

You should ask black lives matter not Jow Forums.

Lots of people who blame others for racism can't tell difference between nationality and race. But I guess any person who feels any type of hate for someone based on their experience with one or two people from the same group is somewhat stupid

Stupid people always blame others for their problems

Description of millennials

It's white males keeping us down

asians have the highest iq and they are extremely racist

You seem like the person to dress up as a vagina and march down the streets for rights you already have.

Theres a shitload of information on the correlation between being a retard and hating minorities. Just do a quick google search you stupid nigger

why are communist males all low testosterone?

Attached: commie (2).jpg (756x1024, 51K)

Because you have to either be slightly below average intelligence, or decently above-average intelligence to be a racist these days.
There are more people dumb enough to be racist for dumb reasons than people smart enough to be racist for smart reasons.
And most normal people just understand what society tells them - "racism is, like, bad, okay?" and don't ever question it

Racism is racist

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>exceptions to the rule

>like homophobia
Because that is exclusive to black people?

Nobody mentioned white people. White people always think everything is about them. Guilty conscience?

why so obsessed with white people?

>makes ridiculous claim
>this is inarguable