Explain this Jow Forums !!!!!!!!

Explain this Jow Forums !!!!!!!!

Why do small dicked white bois have higher standards than the BBC?

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She should stop doing angle photos. Anglers are for fish, her body type calls for harpoons and a crane.
She has more folds than a katana forging process.

Fat women have worse cope than robot incels.

Blacks would fuck anything that's not on of their ugly girls

They don't they just rather fuck men and traps and "boipucci" whatever that is...as clearly observed by watching r9

I should write this down. Might be useful.

if they turned her away, how would she know their dick size?

skinny boys = small dick
dadbods = big dick plus great stroke game

>still believing the BBC hoax in 2018
Never change Jow Forums

>still being assblasted about bbc

Just post your gay porn and shut up fag lol

She's just mad because she cant get white guys. You know someone refuses to give you something and then you act like you didnt want it in the first place? Same thing
>white guys reject me, w-who cares, i didnt like them in the first p-place

Pic related

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fat white women look like grotesque hogs

Oh no, anything but this. Now I wish I'd swallowed my pride and fucked a fat coalburning whore. :(

it's posts like these that make me kek and stay in this shithole

>She should stop doing angle photos. Anglers are for fish, her body type calls for harpoons and a crane.
10/10, did you write that yourself?

>black guys stealing the fat girls
The power of bbc

These are Asian male(s) running sock accounts. A literal Asian doctor was caught recently doing this.

A legitimate answer, it's basically the only way to reverse the financial gain in a relationship. 99% of Relationships, the guy pays for all the girl's stuff.

However, big black guys are able to flip this on fat white women who have no chance with them normally. Knew a tall, fit black dude that looked good that would always hook up with fat white chicks then live at their place for free, having them pay for everything

Is anyone honestly bothered that black guys are fucking all the landwhales? I feel like we can't get rid of them fast enough.

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it's literally a wannabe tranny

It's almost as if selectivity of partners has lead to some sort of long term gain.

do you really think you can please me, user?

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as an average whiteboy I can pull the top-tier from all races
why the fuck would I bother with landwhales and uggos

>a chad can pull the top-tier from all races

it's fine if you're a streetshitter or some other type of genetic mistake and think whitey is chad whatever he does, but I can promise you that the gains in pusy I would get from being actual chad, are almost non-existent
the hottest chicks will give it up for whiteguys without thinking about it too much, it's in their head

lol i looked miss isa lacrux up its a trans
but my dick got diamonds because i thought she was a women

Yea if white men didn't get stigma for dating brown people the world would be a lot whiter.

They can have them.

I'll never understand why I see a absolutely ripped black dude with a literal 350lb white land whale who gets winded walking from the handicap spot to the store entrance.

It can't even be the fat ass excuse either, fat women have absolutely disgusting asses that look like lard. Can any blackbots chime in?

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Yeah I noticed that too. Like, I can understand being into big asses and titties but i've seen 10/10 black chads date women with cottage cheese thighs and ass that looks like a wad of pillows.

How does she know they have small dicks when they immediately turn her down for being fat?

>tfw Arab and Latino and still bigger than any of these averages

Still a goblino but lucked out on penis size at least.

Also why do Asians in the west have bigger dicks than Asians in Asia, they're only a few generations removed?

source on this original claim?

Blacks have the same thing, native Africans are short as fuck but African Americans are tall

>no avg length greater than 6 in
>no avg girth greater than 5 in

Something about this feels like fake news perpetuated by an international coalition of dicklets trying to normalize their boiclits. I doubt the true average (for caucasians) is less than 6x5

That's the darkest shit I've seen post your source faggot

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The source is listed in the top left of the chart, retard.

I dunno really it kind of reminds me of the mommy fetish it's disgusting but it still gives me a huge boner occasionally. But majority of black guys I know who did that normally ditched them within a year although the occasional one stayed and they seemed pretty happy together so really it's a lot rarer then any other race mixing couple and it normally doesn't work but sometimes it somehow works and don't ask me how.

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>its rare
my ass, where you live?

we have higher standards because we're superior

The UK mixed race couples here aren't fat then again majority of the UK is average however I have noticed more skinny black guys going out with skinny white girls it's weird

No fucking way it hasn't to reach at least 5.9 my dick is 6 inches how the fuck is that not the average

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oh, that's across a whole ocean I wont claim to know anything about the dynamic there

in the american south I can tell you for a fact that any black dude down here could have a stable of no less than a dozen 400lb white women that will spend their life in servitude to him, as long as his dicks big and he has money

even the poor ones can have one or two, but if the white whale acts up and isn't super submissive, he probably doesn't have a big dick, otherwise they treat the black dudes like literal god-kings

>big dicks get bbws
>small dicks get lolis
seems fair to me

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I don't, I'd fuck any woman and I like milfs and bbws.

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Thank you water-Jesus

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I think this all has to do with African men's preferences because cultures that span from a widely famished area tend to see being larger as ideal because they aren't starving.

In all seriousness though why do all fat chicks have to be insecure as fuck when it comes to this stuff? They will do anything to save face like in OPs photo yet how hard is it to stop eating like a fucking hippo bitch? Its not that difficult to lose weight, just put down the fork and go for a jog instead.

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Shit then that sounds good

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Protip: If a study on penis size relies on self reported data and not actual measurements, it's garbage. Studies that use actual measurements end up with stats similar to those.

No, Western Africans are tall.

that's not a fat chick, literally look it up its a sissy trap thing