I saw some people fucking like this once, but out in the woods. How common is this? Is it happening all around us...

I saw some people fucking like this once, but out in the woods. How common is this? Is it happening all around us? Ever see it yourself?

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I hope this becomes a thing and people just do this regularly.

god i wish that were me (the guy) i hate being incel

this picture make me want to have sex

this picture makes me feel a lot of things but ultimately it just makes me sad

Very often. You cant exactly lie on the ground in place outside the home to fuck unless its a comfy floor. I used to work in a historical park n always found thot getting fucked like this

Me too, the degradation of women and their lack consciousness for their depravity is very depressing

I want to see this happening on every street corner. Make this shit legal!

no it makes me sad because i'm not the one cumming inside her while fucking in a bathroom

O-oh... your a sleezy robot then... well have fun with your whores then user

yeah sorry wasn't thinking too deep into it. you're right tho at least

Nah dude I don't wanna see people banging in public. There should be some safe fuck zones though where all bets are off and you can get freaky

makes me angry

That's brilliant. It would be like a nude beach.

It's the American pastime

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That's from Czech Republic. Her name is Anouk AKA Alexis Crystal.

Saw a chav couple doing it in the woods on the grass,
I can't even fap in this forest without getting ticks on my balls, they must have had them all over

they all look underage delete this

go to any campus party with woods nearby and take a pee there

I've had my fair share of sex with various girls (8 exes/gfs in total), but I've never yet had sex outside. It's not very common, but it happens.

I have never seen it except in that one clip between social worker and black teenager refugee. I can't say if it's common. Could be, among brainless hoes with no self respect and their men.

That's suspicious. It's probably some Asian mail order wife being fucked by her middle-aged ex-incel nazi husband.

>n always found thot getting fucked like this
Thots are brainless animals who have no self respect whatsoever and have cunt in the place of their brain. And that's why men love to fuck them. Because there is something mentally wrong with the way men's brains are wired: instead of fucking the women of intelligence they want to fuck these brainless animals, thus bringing down the overall intellectual level of entire humanity. Men shouldn't be allowed to choose who they fuck.

intelligence doesn't make my peepee hard user

It's a reflection on your intelligence or lack thereof then. You are stupid and threatened by intelligence.

>Anouk AKA Alexis Crystal
Is she a porn stard or just a common RETARD?

>intelligence doesn't make my peepee hard user
Well of course it does not. Because there is something mentally wrong with the way your brain is wired. You should've been able to conclude that on your own though, if you're IQ is at the normal level.

Not if you mention they are!

t. brainlets projecting

>porn stard or just a common RETARD?
I meant porn STAR, not "stard". Haha. We could call them "pornstards" though as a lot of porn stars a pretty retarded.

t. brainlet threatened by non-brainlets

How do you know that she doesn't enjoy this? What makes her depraved vs the guy in the photo/\>\?

Women don't enjoy sex unless they're whores

Retards who can't come up with anything better than baseless accusations of projecting to invalidate other people's points, need to have their heads cut off and thrown to lions to be eaten, as it's the best purpose there is to said heads. :)

What if it's with her first and only long-term relationship that she has married?

>Women who enjoy sex are whores

Correction by Patrick U. S. Syles

i know how you feel op i came home to see my gf like this one day

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You would say this about your faithful girlfriend or wife?

I did it. When i was younger. It's a stupid risk to take considering it can land you on a registry

DESU it's hard to do when ur girl is 5'8 and ur 6 ft :/

What kind of twisted country puts people in a registry for having sex in the woods?

why are so many western women either in porn or have some form of nude media of them out there on the internet
why is it like this, why are most women like this now
someone answer me once and for all

Was it just me who thought the giant black bag was his cock at first? Just me?

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Young people with high libido do this shit, because they literally can't control themselves and sex is exciting and they're passionate about it.

I'm a kissless virgin and 28, if I ever meet a woman she's gonna have experienced all of this and find sex a bore, and look for other things in relationships, she'll probably just want to get it over with under the covers in a dark room.

Fucking tragic.

Yehudi and Commies

called a sex offenders registry.

Outdoor sex is absolutely amazing, though I have no idea how common it is

But why? Who cares if you have sex in the woods? It's not that you are doing in the town square, you are in the fucking woods goddamn

Pretty common in Italy. We had a serial killer that murdered couples that went out to do outdoor sex.

People are fucking every second of every day. All around you.

>killing sex addicted normies
He was doing God's work.

Yeah like asking for a smoke.

pic related what does it make you tyink

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>pic related what does it make you tyink
That that would be way more sexy if she was naked.

I don't understand, why can't they just wait to get home? Is fucking outdoors a fetish or something

>Is fucking outdoors a fetish or something
If you're one of those people who think anything that isn't lights-out in bed in the missionary position is a 'fetish', then yes.

don't think like that at all, now answer my question properly you brainlet

the other day i heard that my crush fucked with her ex in a lot outdoor places because that was his fetish, i don't want this feel bros...

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>Is fucking outdoors a fetish or something
I don't know, but it's definitely fun.

It's how I lost my v card, and recently too. Started night walking on the golf course here and by chance met a fembot-like girl who did the same. After going around together for a few weeks we started fucking but out on the golf course so yeah pretty much like OP pic we just found a tree for her to lean on.

Golf courses at night are awesome places to fuck; just avoid the sand traps.

I'm enjoying it yeah, we just go around at night together, talking and looking for places to bang.

When I was younger (34 atm) I would fuck any place I could it was exciting and all the chicks I was with loved doing it never got caught that I know of..

Lol thats some slav shit user

I would like to say it's more like a porn fatansy because just thinking about it the smelly semen can attract alpha male bears and they can kill you and fuck your slave with it's furry penis and...jesus I need to watch some furry porn.

why is she wearing a cross