why even lift if china dolls dont care about muscles?
Why even lift if china dolls dont care about muscles?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying women aren't the same across races
>implying they don't care
>implying they don't prefer muscles over twinks
Who cares about Chinkerinos
Just last week there were 10 threads a day about braphogs and now you fuckers are obsessed with asian girls. Jesus Christ get your priorities straight Jow Forums
>implying they don't prefer muscles over twinks
>tfw you think Jow Forums is hivemind
This, but there is a limit. Asians tend to go more for ottermode than farmboy stongman.
imagine unironically being attracted to asians lmao what the fuck
>implying young girls don't universally buy into boy band twinks.
Isn't that universal tho? Women of all races would pick otter/farmboy rather than roidhead or even standard bodybuilder.
From my own anecdotal experience, western girls (any race) prefer hulks. Asians like athletic builds.
>calcium skeleton
now remove her makeup
Serious question who's the one who started that stupid hand gesture and what the fuck does it mean? It looks so autistic
>straight up poverty tier sexdolls
now why would anyone want to do that?
if you get ones of these, get her make-up tattooed to her face so
I don't know, but it kind of look like the money handsign
to be fair, everyone here does
it's a korean thing and it's a heart
let me tell you the truth about chinks OP
1) they love money more than aesthetics
(just look at most men there ffs either twigs or bloated pigs)
2) you can lift all you want and they will NOT be impressed by your size,
they would even roast you if you got the least bit of bellyfat after a bulk (real fuckin' talk here...)
the only build they'd go crazy for is your typical Ottermode
3) they're shallow and uninteresting. even more so than the average white chick surprisingly. only good for a few lays and 1 or 2 dates.
source: lived there
How the fuck is it a heart?
>they would even roast you
Yeah I stopped reading there, go back to hr you baboon.
i think he meant like a literal heart and not like
dunno about you but a ton asian chicks dig my muscles
>caring about what gooks think
No, they go for walletmode.
>asian braphogs
if this is true that is the most cringiest autistic thing I've ever seen asian do
It's absolutely a heart that picture user posted was representative. I thought it was a bunch of koreans talking about their cheddar and then they told me, they all do it.
autism is an asian trait
oppa saranghaeyo~
Wow that's some of the most autistic shit I've ever seen, and I'm an engineer.
unironically lifting to attract k pop idols with my chad physique/face/dick
Some korean girls taught that to me, it's pretty cute imo
I still think dabbing is the most retarded thing I've ever seen.
it's way less obnoxious at least
Because while they might like twinky Asian boys, they also want a muscular white dude to pound them into the mattress.
I don't think so. It only seems so because its a local thing.
Big titty asians are olev
making a small gesture with your hand is less obnoxious than making a full upper body motion.
That I agree with.
because I like women who look good without makeup and clothes
Because Japs > Chinese
Because Koreans > Chinese
Man, I don't know what it is, but I've never clicked with Chinese people. I've gotten quite close with Japs and Koreans, but never Koreans.
>I've gotten quite close with Japs and Koreans, but never Koreans
>Japs and Koreans, but never Koreans
u wot nigger?
Never Chinese, excuse me.
oh, some chubby shapeless thot who knows what angles make her look curvy
I'd be impressed if she looked that curvy at a standard angle
asians are KNOWN for deception
>saggy deformed tits
>weird shape
>again with lowered angles to look pear shaped
>obvious work done on her face, and usually when theres face work done, there's work done in other places too
sure showed me
Why do so many Asian girls do the *SNAP* pose nowadays? Are they secretly all adding us to their cringe collections?
This bitch looks like a monkey. There are better korean instathots to follow.
Current favourite
Korean instathot directory (click on posts for IDs)
i lift to get to ottermode, i cant lose OP
Look mate I’m not defending her or anything just trying to show you what she looks like. And yes she has had a ton of plastic surgery
okay, correct myself, I like women who have curves NATURALLY, aka from estrogen, not from eating horribly and having it sucked from her stomach to her ass
surgery, unnatural women to me just scream liars, cheaters, infidelity, and infertility
Agreed. Sadly it’s very rare to find natural thicc asians, they are like unicorns
i made this tuberculosis heart for you oppa
it's hard to find NATURAL asians in general, almost all of them go ham with surgery and makeup, or when they are thicc it's like jessicababyfat, square butt, barely thicc, only looks curvy at certain angles
if that's what you like it's fine, but pulling the ~le superior asian waifu~ card and using girls who beat themselves with surgery is like trying to claim tyrones are the most Jow Forums of them all and using black dudes who pump themselves with steroids to prove it
They're getting thiccer
can you post more of that hottie
damn i wanna make out with her wet sloppy pussy
>monkey ears
only in photos kek, never genetically
Let me tell you about a place called the Bay Area.. where are my abg loving anons pic related
It makes no sense to me. Seems like bestiality
they said natural
color me convinced
And.....BOOM goes the dynamite.
I detest the west coast and everything about it...but if I have to go to that evil hell on earth to fuck beautiful golden thicc Asian wimminz then.
...I guess I'll walk through hell to get to heaven.
then you're gonna be hella disappointed when trying to find a naturally thicc asian irl
Wtf that is some straight up on the spectrum shit
my nigga
Trust me the only unnatural thing in them is that bubble tea, or boba teas as they call it here.
Its really the only reason why I bother to stay in this shit hole. They are attracted to milktea shops and trendy stuff.
Spotted the jealous plastic surgery stacy
well im white so i could give two fucking shits about any other race when it comes to sexual relationships except my white wimmenz
>tfw most of his photos will get me banned
lol bay area checking in.. the asians here have rotting teeth and are a most likely in sexual debt working in massage parlors. if they speak english well then they are white washed and just as shitty as any other modern woman
>keking at that square man-shaped body
tell me again about how your pure cakeface azn waifus who live in plastic surgery capitals are all natural
does she get em out?
This guy posted underaged pussy and it's okay.
My dick
My heart
So...I'll have to get into tea and try to be a hipster.
Fuck that.
How hard would I have it if I only have a nice body okay face and a giant dick to offer?
Im not from LA buddy
If the only Asians you find are in the parlors, or are white girls with slanted eyes you are looking at the wrong place.
Try south bay
>being that used up underaged
wow if i get big and shredded i can get a fat chink gf. good deal
Never got the appeal of asian women.
Anyways, here's my ranking:
god: western euro, middle eastern / arabic
top: northern euro, mediterranean, indian
mid: american / mutt, south american, jewish
low: chinese / japenese / korean, slavic, native american, pacific islander / oceanic, mexican
bottom: southeast asian, black
yeah, I make a distinction between mexican and south american.
Yeah man it's the tits bro.
your picture is of a hapa i'm pretty sure
yeah idk, I just picked a random bitch from my random bitches folder
idc about "purity", my ranking was just in general
The teas here don't have hipsters unless you go to Sf, and the Asians there are low tier. Boba places are basically the asian starbucks without the hipster. If you aint down to try anything new, raves are your best bet, but typically meeting an ABG or azn is like meeting any girl. You just do.
>he never met a mexican
I pitty you user
>sees attractive white woman
>s-she must be hapa!
y'all did the same shit with katya lischina until she posted her family on IG, your Jow Forums buddies aren't gonna kill you just because you find a woman white cute
You're talking about the ACTUAL Asian girls, not the whitewashed American gooks that Jow Forums raves about.
>fat stinky hoes
no thanks