
I just turned 18 and I’m 5’5” so I’m desperate to grow a little more. Where can I find good mk667(pill form) and what side effects did any of you all suffer?

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If you're prone to anxiety it definitely causes anxiety. Who knows WTF it does to you mentally long term.

It probably isn't going to appreciably affect your height my dude.

gl friend

a whole lot of hgh will be needed if you want to grow a few inches. mk677 won't do shit.

this is going to be a very very good thread

At this point 2 inches is all I need. And I probably Have anxiety(never been checked) but I’ll deal with it

I hope so my friend :)

I'm prone to anxiety and testosterone has totally made it go away. Just do steroids, OP.

Fucking faggot, it doesn’t cause anxiety