Way too early you spastic
>thunderstorms today
>rain tomorrow
>heavy rain on sunday
You'll just have to deal with it sunshine
Found a lump under my armpit lads, should I be worried?
its armpit cancer, they have to remove the arm
I'm sorry but I'm afraid you've got armpit AIDS
i have concluded that DM and Pubes are one in the same!
i'll tell you what lads, I fucking HATE tourists
Going to play Final Fantasy X all weekend
Reminder: Apu frog, wrestling and comfy are all discord paedo dogwhistles
Ur mean and sofi hates you
had to have 2 wanks this morning
Stackin my millies
Is anyone else's older brother shorter than them? I see memes and I see real like evidence to support than the younger sibling is always taller: Liam and Noel Gallagher, all my friends, my dad and uncle.
Morning lads, what we all having for breakfast this morning?
For me, it's granola.
Fucking DWP, guess I have to deal with this now. No idea how they came to this conclusion given how i'm literally disabled and been in and out of hospital three times this year.
My older brother is 5'10 and I'm 6'1
Just got an epilator delivered lads. Wonder if they hurt as badly as people say
Where do you live that tourists are a noticeable problem?
Sounds like you're the runt lad lmao
My younger sister is taller than me, lad.
whats your disability friend
Subway bacon and egg sandwich.
What are you a thirty-something woman
Cystic Fibrosis, fucks me up in too many ways to list but it's mainly destroying my lungs and sapping my weight. Been in hospital three times this year for infections.
>Morning lads, what we all having for breakfast this morning?
Pain au chocolat.
Nothing other than a suppliment milkshake to make the meds go down
Hey granola isn't that bad, especially if you get the ones with chocolate bits
27 fucking degrees and it's raining
happened to me too laddy. gotta get people of bennies dun they
Join a hard left, anti capitalist agit org. Quote your membership as a hobby/interest and (made up if you want) activities with them as personal achievements on your CV/on application forms. You will never receive an interview.
>Cystic fibrosis
meme disease. Time to grow up and take some responsibility for yourself.
ah sorry to hear that, is there an organisation that can help you appeal?
Excellent choice lad, where'd you get them from? The Lidl bakery ones are the best imo
Just remembered this gem for some reason.
lidl choccy twists are great too. gotta get em when they're nice, warm and melty tho
All seriousness you can get them from not washing deodorant antiperspirant off, say you're like me and you wear antiperspirant all day and then get a shower then put it straight back on so you don't sweat in bed you're armpit doesn't really get to breathe and I kept getting lumps. Try wearing less and if it doesn't go go to the doctors
who do you relate to more, Jeremy or Mark?
I'm not worried about that part, i'm certain that the second I go into detail about my medical condition in any interview i'm never hearing back from them. Nobody wants an employee that has to take two weeks off every couple months and could then sue for disability discrimination if fired. I'm just annoyed i'll have to deal with the whole process even thought I know it's not going to amount to anything.
My clinic has a social worker that's been really helpful with all this stuff, i'll give her a call sometime in the next few weeks or so to see if she can help. I kinda doubt that the DWP have bothered to even talk to my doctors despite all the documents I gave them.
Here's a (you), don't spend it all in one place
i hate to being a nice guy, i hate being myself lads
So what do you do all day? Sit on Jow Forums?
choon lads
I think they're both too exaggerated to be really relatable in themselves, it's like they are two halves of one complete person. I think I relate to them both in that respect, Mark is like my overly analytical and neurotic side, Jez is like my avoidant childish flippant side. I think this was probably deliberate, like it's a reflection of the writers different mental states
yes please daddy, nice and hard
I try go to the gym regularly to keep myself from wasting away and i've also been busy lately looking at houses to rent so I can get out of my parent's attic. But aside from that and doing my treatments then yes, I sit around on the internet cause most of the time i'm lacking the energy to do anything else meaningful.
Woke up halfway through the night with spasms in my leg fucking hurts like a mother ducker.
drink more water and hit the gym
Want to hear about my adventure lads?
So because I pulled an all nighter but was really struggling I downed 3 cups of coffee, I'm a total idiot because I never drink caffeine so I have no tolerance for it so 20 minutes before I had to leave for the job centre I was on the toilet and while on the toilet I threw up loads into the sink. Then had to rush out the house, with my stomach still in pain and still needing to be sick. My mum made her fella give me a lift which was nice of him since it's really far away but he hates me. The job centre made me volunteer so after my visit I had to go and hand a volunteer form in, they said they're not sure if they'll take me, they'll get in touch with the last place I volunteered and see if I'm reliable and also they need one more person to contact. What a joke, why always say you need volunteers if you're going to do that to them? Then I had to run into a pub to throw up again. Then my mums fella came back to pick me up at the car park, I couldn't find the car so he rolled down the window and yelled my name really loud. Everyone stared at me and I went bright red. Then on the way home he kept the windows down playing old love songs at full volume, not the sort of music I'd expect him to listen to at all, very surprising and odd and a bit embarassing again.
My life is very boring, so this counts as an exciting time for me.. Now at least I can sleep all day.
I live in West Wales, there's loads of caravan sites and holiday parks out here
I really don't want to offend you, but "useless eaters" should be euthanized. It's nothing personal, but I really don't want to spend all week working to support someone whose existence is a burden on society.
You don't lad, because that's not how taxes work.
I suppose I could grow I'm only 19 and still growing little by little
I mean what's the point, guys with Cystic fibrosis only live till their late 30s, I can't imagine that, knowing you're going to die soon and there's nothing you can do. I mean we all know we are going to die soon, but people like that have a date set in stone so to speak. It really does suck. I wish they'd hurry up and find a cure for it, people on here complain about life a lot and I do to but 38 years really isn't much and will go fast.
Honestly I agree, if I was gonna have a kid with CF i'd want to have him aborted because my life sucks. But i'm here now so you gotta deal with it. On the plus side wagies only have to support me until i'm 40 at most.
Yeah, part of me wants to work and contribute something to society, and I managed for about 6 months with a shitty job just above minimum wage but knowing I also won't get to retire and won't live past 40 makes it a lot harder to get movitated about entering the work force that doesn't let you rest until you're in your 60s.
>interview went horribly
>interviewers staring into space, not interested
>cut interview 15 minutes short
>they called today to tell me I got the job
what job is it lad
Indeed.com is doing my head in I need to actually look around town for job postings
What's the job? oegano original
you have no self control, eat too much and exercise too little
>you're just the right kind of spastic we are looking for to represent our brand.
>welcome to the team.
I don't want to upset you but how do you deal with knowing pretty much when you're going to die, or that you have to waste your childhood in school even though you wont live a full life? I don't think I could cope, people with Cystic Fibrosis are strong.
It's a genetic thing right? Did one of your parents have it? If so I guess they're already dead. I think it's really fucked up to have a kid if you have that. Also when did you find out?
Job with a law firm, working in the tendering process.
I'm on the beach for a week and always I see a cute girl around my zone. She look like Alexandra Daddario and she is shy and little autistic too. Too bad that I'm a creep.
So are you a lawyer or what?
Pretty much agree with this lad.
I think they are written intentionally so people can see themselves in both of them?
>Too bad that I'm a creep.
and fat and ugly
Post her Bobby's loddys
Nah, working with lawyers to write and edit bids for work with other firms.
Cheers lod, been sweating like a bastard in this heatwave so I've been putting on deodorant like 3x a day
Don't worry about upsetting me, I accepted that my school years were wasted when I was 16. I left sixth form after the first year because I knew there was no point going to uni and getting a huge debt that I would die before paying off. Luckily I found a job pretty soon after leaving that let me save up some money as a safety net but then my health nosedived and I had to quit.
>its a genetic thing right
Its genetic but you can be a carrier without knowing or being affected by the disease. You need to have two copies of the fucked up gene to actually get CF, my parents both had one each. So it was a 25% chance I would get it, 50% chance I would be a carrier and 25% chance I would not be a carrier. I have a younger sister and she got the lucky 25%, so at least she doesn't have to worry about her kids getting it.
Not him but how do you mean?
It's extremely hot lads, gonna go out on my bike along the canal, hope I don't die of heatstroke and fall into the canal or sommet
Taxes don't go into a pot to pay for things, they are just a means of taking money out of circulation and keeping our currency valuable. Things are paid for by issuing debt, which is why we need to remove money in the first place.
There is a relationship between spending and taxation somewhat (more debt issued means more money needs to be removed to avoid devaluing the currency) but it's not so literally tit-for-tat, the government do not use your taxes to pay for things as most people think. The only real limit to our spending is material; how many bricks we have to build with, how many doctors there are to hire and so on.
I can link you an article explaining it by an economist if you'd be interested
Only ugly.
I would be interested yes
>I can link you an article explaining it by an economist if you'd be interested
Please do
here you are laddy
Good website in general if you're interested in this kind of thing
Timothy James Byrne videos are ody comfy
might need to start watching impact now
also worth noting that with , he stuck around in the comments to do a Q&A. There's loads more info on this buried in the comments so I'd give it a look over too
I'm impressed at the amount of lads that have been searching for jobs and getting interviews lately, making me proud boys
yep my oldest brother is shorter than me and my other brother. funny thing is, my mum's side of the family is short and my dad's is quite tall
he really did get all her traits whilst i got my dads
>hurrrrrr u can't compain about the heat it gets to 110281283918231 C where I live
yeah in your air conditioned room you nonce
If u search for a job ur a fuckin poofta
how about this snowboarding lass killing herself then lads
you can have a job servicing my cock lods
probably got molested by her coach.
i saw she died on the news but they didn't give a cause of death.
Stupid roasties lad nothing lost God bless
Got to get enough money to be able to move to the US for when the UK becomes entrenched in an unwinnable race war.
working for yourself is the way to go
which british overseas territory would move to lads
Lads I have a new theory about the English male social hierarchy.
You have the top 10%, who are the elite. Intellectuals, lawyers, doctors, professionals, artists, etc.
Then the middle 80% is comprised of men who can be roughly divided into three categories: top banter lads, deanos, and eggmen.
Then you have the bottom 10%. The robots, outcasts, homeless, etc.
What do you lads think?
I work in a warehouse and have no air con at home, and 45 degree days are becoming the norm in summer. I'm fucking exalted, it's only going to get hotter from here on in. This is going to break so many people, they fall to pieces so easily in the heat. The molten globe will be the great Equalizer, Suffer you fucking peasants.
My plan is to wank enough to save enough cum to. Open a bank
I think that any typology that tries to box people in like this is overly generalising desu
Buying your way into a US visa costs millions. No job will ever pay you that much.
The dominoes 1.99 lunch deal is an absolute livesaver.
>tfw everyone is a judgemental twat
I'm just doing my thing leave me alone
Maybe you're doing something stupid lad
I had someone call me Sideshow Bob on a train yesterday because I have curly hair. people are jerks
I disagree lad. Ultimately people are unique individuals, but they have more similarities than differences.
What do you get for 1.99?