Planning my second cycle
First was 14 weeks test e 500mg a week
Went from 21% bodyfat 205lbs to 168 12%
I plan on starting a bulk cycle next month
Thinking either test with a low dbol dose for less water retention
Or tren ace/test e
What does Jow Forums think? Im aware of all the side effects of tren. My main concern is hair loss mostly, I didn't lose any hair on my test cycle but what concerns me is i've heard tren can still thin your hair even if not predisposed to male pattern baldness. Is this true?
Share experiences with tren and test
What would you recommend?
Planning my second cycle
What's your diet gonna be like?
>taking steroids to cut to 168lbs
>taking steroids for this
OP, please tell me why you did this and how much your lifts increased.
I wanted to cut without losing any muscle and strength, my diet has and always be really clean. I was somewhat overweight, i originally cut to 180 but lost another 10lbs post cycle due to water and glycogen loss. I plan on bulking to 185-190 this cycle
Tren is insane. You never know how you'll react. The trensomnia is no joke. I laughed it off as overblown exaggerating. I CANT SLEEP. I JUST WANT TO SLEEP. PLEASE KILL ME, AT LEAST ILL BE ASLEEP FOREVER. If you're in for lean gains and absolutely must add something, just add EQ.
My lifts increased a good amount despite running a huge calorie deficit. Compounds increased around 20lbs. Isolations went way up.
>implying you need roids to cut
It was gonna be tren ace plus test e. I chose ace due to its short half life allowing me to discontinue use should terrible side effects arise
If you're trying to bulk up hard, go with deca and get a little bit of bloat. If you're trying to go lean and longer cycles, go EQ. Both with test are good. Save tren for later.
Please. Take my warning.
>roiding before u even hit 1/2/3/4
ffs plz tell me this is bait
Cheers, was thinking test again with low dose of dbol
1/2/3/4 is a made up standard. Roiding before you get to it isn't magically bad for you like you seem to. Think. Maybe people could post actual advice like what Jow Forums is for
Mfw this isn’t a LARP
Yea just adjust your AI accordingly. I'm sure you already know if you aromatize a lot or not by now but dbol really throws that shit out of whack.
Good luck!
Thanks mate
I have done two tren cycles. The sides are simply not worth it. The second time I did 1 gram / week tren e .. 3 weeks of no sleep.
Eve if you dose small, tren will fuck you up. Do test e is the way
Don’t take what I said or these other lanklets said seriously. You’ll probably be thick and ripped while we’re still bloated or lanklets. 90% of the people on here would juice if they had the balls. Only take what I said seriously if you’re white. If you’re a nigger, go fuck yourself
Post body
God that’s unfortunate. I genuinely think I’d kill myself.
plastic surgery can fix all of his face problems
it wont fix his ugly fucking kids. He’d have to mate with jawbeast to unfuck those genetics
It’s gonna take a lot of donor mandible to reconstruct his jaw, you need a base to work from and I honestly don’t think he has enough.
>t. Male nurse
It’s probably from mouth breathing while drinking gallons of Mountain Dew daily so not entirelt genetic. That nose is kike-tier though
Op here, im white, thanks for the actual advice. I guarantee all the trolls here are dyel or too pussy to touch gear, cheers
Did you lose any hair? Any other side effects like anger, acne etc?
Good man
stfu faggot
i hit 1/2/3/4 in 3 months of lifting and this faggot needs to roid to even come close to that
fuckn pathetic boomers shilling up this board with shitty standards
OP is a sad pathetic human being /: bro wyd here anyway you have your own sub section with the other degens @ fraud
At time of writing there is no fraud thread
OP here, I just wanted that extra help cutting. No shame in getting help when you need it.
Natty lifting is just plain stupid and inefficient. Pic related is my before/after.
OP here, that is not OP lol. Youre a fat mess. Stop pretending.
OP here, don’t believe this larping nigger. He’s just jealous of my progress.
Actual OP here. Hate or call it fraud but you can’t argue with these results
I’m not sure if it’s actually you but these are actually impressive results, after your next cycle you’ll literally go from dad bod to ripped in 1/10th the time it would take as a natty
This is unironically me.
That isnt fucking me.
Hahahaha just eat less nigga put down the fork lmao
I’m not sure if it’s actually you but these are actually impressive results, after your next cycle you’ll literally go from dad bod to ripped in 1/10th the time it would take as a natty
Lol what a loser. Just like all of you frauds.
>cut as first cycle
test doesn't really increase TDEE and you have literally no muscle to lose so you just wasted gear. Good job faggot. Should've just taken DNP and been done with it in 3 weeks.
Idk how
>PhD in broscience
Should I do my curls upside down for maximum peak gains?
You're stupid, i was lifting for almost two years before i decided on gear. I had plenty of muscle, but also plenty of fat
In username type whatever like I have “Boomer Dan” then with no space after the username type two ##
On mine it is Boomer Dan##
And then after the two pound keys type a password for your special code
I love black cock, yum.
Nice try nigger wrong password
Still no trip code you need to type something after the Nignog##
Ok I figured it out. This is me btw.
OP here to OP about my OP while OPEEING.
I want to suck your cock, boomer dan. Mmmm I love being a sissy tripfag.
Come to daddy
>I had plenty of muscle
Sure buddy
Put me in the screen cap bros
Anyone have any advice on an oral to go with my cycle?
For 6 Weeks: Winstrol (Winny), 40-80 mg, ED
For 6 Weeks: Epistane (Epi), 40-80 mg, ED
For 6 Weeks: Anavar (Var), 40-80 mg, ED
Just want general info / what you think is best etc.
Fuck all these cucks in this thread. Ran tren first cycle was lit
Hair even got thicker lmao
Everyone seems to be shitting on OP but one of the primary uses of Test is cutting, why is everyone being retarded?
Hair loss can show much later after you cycle and it doesn't start once triggered. Yes, it can happen in people not predisposed. The key it so simply not take very much- 500mg should be fine but more than 1g per week and you're playing with fire
I'm not on gear any more but Tren fucked my sleeping patterns up too badly and was generally just a pain in the arse remembering to take more than 1 thing but some people love it for cutting
>i hit 1/2/3/4 in 3 months of lifting
No, you didn't
>OP is a sad pathetic human being
Says the guy shitting on people in internet forums for losing weight
It's clearly a joke because of the gyno you tit
hahahahahaha what the actual fuck?!?!?!
Test can only help you keep muscle mass while cutting and fucking 75mg per week would be more than enough since you have literally zero muscle mass.
You wasted money, time and got gyno. You're a fucking retard.
Tren on second cycle! LOL!
this is genuinely going in my cringe compilation
>test doesnt help you cut
how do I know you've never taken any steroids?
fraudsters are
s e e t h i n g
>running a cycle when you're literally a beginner
Lmfao kys faggot
if bulking then epi if you HAVE to choose from all that dogshit
you don't faggot
now explain how test supposedly "help" you cut more weight
Must be bait. I looked better than this before I even started lifting.
>needed a cycle to get intermediate lifts
holy shit
your test lowers when you cut natty
more test = higher muscle mass = higher metabolism = faster cut
fucking brainlets i swear to god
>more test = higher muscle mass
fucking bullshit
more test ALLOWS YOU TO HOLD MORE MUSCLE MASS, get it faggot? If you're big like fucking Big Ramy you need more test to hold on to unnatural muscle mass. Faggot like him can cut super hard and won't lose muscle mass because he doesn't have any.
>higher muscle mass = higher metabolism
So you are trying to tell me that more bodyweight = more tdee? WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?
He started as a dyel faggot and end up as a dyel faggot but with bit less bodyfat. He would get literally the same effect without test.
You're a fucking natty retard with zero idea about steroids. All you know is fairytales about magic properties of steroids heard from other coping natties. Every faggot who is too scared to pin his ass claims that steroids put muscle on you without lifting, on a fucking cut while pinning fucking trt dose.
once again i repeat for all natty fags thinking about cutting on test:
Based + redpilled
Guys, i have a chance of getting some good Winstrol.
How much ml should i get for a good cutting cycle ?
i can get 10 bottles of 1 ml
And what do i combine it with ?
I'm not talking about OP you cuck
Test definitely helps you when you cut you absolutely brainlet
Should you bulk on your first cycle?
Of course, but denying its cutting effect is so fucking stupid and shows that you have no idea what you are talking about.
>roiding for this
what a retard, please stay away from tren as you are retarded
Ayyy godspeed son! I miss feeling like superman, youknow the feeling of knowing that i can throw a nigga across the room and other niggas know it too
Did you use caber?
Considering using it again i did 12 weeks and went from 210 25% to 200 12%, had threw in some var 80mg/d for last 4 weeks, really helped me out in cardio
You should go with ace, and not do ridiculous dosage numbers you utter faggot
>Your test lowers when you cut natty
Broscience PhD right there, bro!
I did the same and I visibly gained muscle and added 90kg to my total in 20 weeks despite dropping 10kg
bro I get that your mad at OP for being a retard, but don't come in here and say test has no place on a cut. That is some kike tier bullshit
Test has no place on a cut
source: ops pic
>don't come in here and say test has no place on a cut
does he looks like someone who needs test to preserve his muscle mass?