Should I convert to the blackpill? Anyone have any experience with it?
Should I convert to the blackpill? Anyone have any experience with it?
the only pill you need
>hang out with people
>exercise so you aren't a depressing butthole that nobody wants to get sucked into
>have some sort of group thing you do that you like so you have things to look forward to and people you can relate to
>eat a decent meal with alot of vegetables, don't do nigger meme diets unless you are a pro athlete and are getting paid for the suffferring you get with them
>have lots and lots of fun
>if you've known any drug fag or alcohol fag who has ruined his life with substances you should never take any advice from them because their conclusions are based off their highs and not reality
>work some job, any job, don't randomly decide you have a passion that needs chasing. Spend time developing your passion when you are free to do so and then discover how you can become a professional using it. Everything from English to your autistic 2d perfected dick is worth money to people.
>practice the way you think, telling yourself you want to die or that you hate yourself over small mistakes or mild suffering is pointless for you in the long run.
if you have real issues write them down and go to a therapist, they will help you organize a program to solve them.
Once you truly give up on everything, and I mean really give up, not just say you give up, not decide to give up, actually fully give up, you'll feel a lot better. Nothing matters, but that's ok, you don't have to worry about it. It's a long journey, but there's peace at the end of it.
>therapist meme
No thanks. I was at one for the past 3 years, managed to help me sort out my ''clinical depression'' but only with the help of meds, anything past that like talking to each other about stuff was completely fucking useless and they just annoyed the fuck out of me since all the therapists I had were cocky young women thinking they're oh so good at their line of work and knowing how everyone worked.
>it's over
take the reading comprehension pill
Accept that you are so ugly and mentally scarred, barring magical luck, you will be a virgin forever. This is incel.
Most of blackpill is sociology behind why bluepill/redpill are only for mentalcels.
Its an easy cope to fall in for lazy mentalcels so fucking actually examine yourself.
Your missing one user, the white pill.
>be me
>blue pilled
>in love
>she cheated on me, heart broken
>red pilled
>work out, get Jow Forums, 1000lb club, clean room, ect.
>I'm now able to get stacys no problem, 8/10 or higher
>but I'm not happy
>black pilled
>realise all Stacys are good for is a hole to fuck
>she wont ever enjoy my manga, vidia, anime, cosplay, ect.
>white pilled
>realise I dont need stacy to be happy
>realise I'm happy doing the things I love
>stay Jow Forums in the hope I'll meet a girl who will be happy to share my interest
>but if I dont it's ok because it's better then faking interest in sportsball and normie shit
Take the white pill user, be happy that you can enjoy your hobbies, get Jow Forums and stay that way, try to find people that share your hobby, you will find her eventually.
>black pill
>its over
Its more like
>who gives a shit
d00d take the iron pill that's the real color of happiness
first thing the redpill tells you is to find a male therapist. Preferably a war veteran
Black pill is best man.
I used to be a poltard ect, and then I took black pill and I care not for the jews and white race ect.
Once you accept you will an hero one day, you feel much better and enjoy watching your life get worse.
Why don't you make that day today faggot
Anyone who claims to be blackpilled is a fucking liar. Everyone who is actually blackpilled is dead because they killed themselves.
take the "yourself" pill.
>what do you mean by that?
don't waste time chasing after women; spend time on developing yourself. women are just a utility for us to feel good, so we're in it for ourselves in the end anyway.
>eating feels good
>playing video games feels good
>living lets me do that all day
guess I'm back to being bluepilled oops
what is this? a posture fixing pill?
when you dont care about anything then there is no reason to kill yourself because you can still ejoy hedonism
Are you a third world we? If not, get a third world qt slave.
>>eating feels good
no, its a agonizing chore for me now
>>playing video games feels good
I aint played vidya for months and tahts all I used to do, depression is a cunt I just cant enjoy it anymore
>>living lets me do that all day
Yeah it lets me suffer,honestly only hanging on so I dont upset my mum but who knows how long that will last.
Nice edgy post,
final result of black pill is suicide or complete apathy
take the bodypillow pill
it feels good
Blackpill is obsolete. I subscribe to colorlesspill.
>it didn't even begin
I feel like this advice only works if you're in a city. I live in the middle of nowhere with a population of 1800 people and there are no clubs or group shit or anything here to meet or hang out with people. The closest "city" of 10000 people around is about an hour away and also does not have these things. Problem is, I have too good of a job and benefits to leave since I'll be going right back to shit pay comparatively other places.
>he took the colourlesspill
m8 try the voidpill
>'it' doesn't even exist as a concept
>if you know ans drug fag never listen to their advice
ye, all consumers are exactly the same and not a single one of them might have good advice, sure.
Its not like there are people put there who are doing drugs that have a better grasp on life then you & objectively turned out better than non consumers.
Nah that could never happend
1 is a bigger redpill than 2. 2 is the real blueipill. It reads like this:
>Consume, goy! Hehehehehe you'll surely win if you spend all your money, time, and effort toward things that won't help you in any way, shape or form goy hehehehehe yeeessss!
I live in a city where the core population is 1.7m (over 4m including periphery). There are extremely few clubs, and no activity groups at all.
But no matter, that normaltard's post is just that: normalniggardry. Ignore it, it doesn't apply to robots.
Yeah, I get the feeling most clubs and groups are composed of people they already know anyway, so it's not like they'd actively advertise themselves to others unless money making was involved.