>that guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
>that guy whose weight loss plateaus at 400 pounds and thinks 290 pounds is an acceptable goal
>that guy who makes the same thread about shorts every week
I'm aware it's my fault that I am a fat fuck in basketball shorts at least I'm trying to remedy my horrible life choices.
>that guy that freezes an entire water bottle and constantly sucks on it and crinkles it between sets
>that guy who wears basketball gym to the courts
based basketball shorts in the gym poster never stop
>that guy who makes the same comment in the same thread every werk
>mfw the only people who give a shit about what you wear to the gym are out of shape blubber whales or deeply insecure chads.
have fun watching me work out.
I go naked and the gym thots stare at my tiny circumcised penis
>that guy who does a 2×5 on squats then calls it a day
>that guy who needs to sit down to curl
>that guy who scans a machine like a weirdo because it's his first time using it
>that guy who spends $2 on water after every workout even though a shaker came with the membership and the water fountain is clean
>that guy who is a plumber and wears his workboots for workouts
>that guy who always has whey handprints on the bottom of his shirt
we can make it, user!
>that guy who judges people
>Basketball shorts
>Wasting money on expensive gym clothes and not buying used clothes at a good thrift store saving you money.
it's me
they're comfy as fuck and look a lot less gymcel than > faggot attire
These threads have been made since at least 2014.
Pick one.
I can't stop
>that guy who breathes between sets
>That guy who wasted millions of money for some thermal bullshit leggings because his beloved fitness youtuber wears them too. He even used the affiliate link and promo code to buy them.
I get nekkid in the showers and my kin look at my short fat stubby uncut foreigner penus.