Haven't come here regularly in over two years. Is eggman still alive?
Haven't come here regularly in over two years. Is eggman still alive?
Other urls found in this thread:
His fans helped him move to Normieville, CA. Someone posted pictures of him with an attractive woman. There was also a rumor that he also dated a transwoman. I never heard from him again.
He got extremely drunk, blacked out on stream, stripped, threw up, and almost died of alcohol poisoning. He concluded that he should stop streaming and from that point on he's been off my radar.
He started dating anastasia spangler, got cucked, went back to normal, dated Pizza (trans) then idk he got a proper job or something, his youtube account got flagged so he quit making videos.
Hopefully he's dead.
He's dating a tranny
What's this guy's actual name or handle? I can't find him by searching "eggman"
Thanks, fellas. Did he get a job out there? Last I remember he was working at a grocery store in the Midwest
search r9k eggman or toby reynolds
His snap chat was "mills wood" or "thenewformula" I think. Couldn't tell you the last time he uploaded a story though
Yeah he's still alive, haven't seen him use his tripcode in a very long time though. Last I checked he livestreams at "egg white livestreams" on YouTube
yt is egg white livestreams
Mills Wood is his real name
jesus fuck what happened to this guy
Yes. He is immortal. Stop posting him.
He had a cute gf at one point
Is post 2015 r9k even aware of eggman?
what a lucky faggot i'd wife the shit out of her
hope you enjoy getting NTR'd
post more eggman pics
red like red, haha red colour
haha damn he red ha
Why'd the fuck you come back.
Eggman was the only namefig i liked
He's done for good now. Deleted twitter, snapchat and is about to delete YouTube. Says he's going to become a trainhopper.
He finally cracked bros.
hopefully not.
hes the biggest normalnigger to come to this board.
please don't do this eggman i love you
Yeah, he became a 9/10
Eggy finally accepted her true self last year. She's been on hrt for 10 months and is looking better every day.
is there a mirror of the drunk stream
This. There are 8/10 ripped gymcels here who are less normal than eggman
I hate that he has a following. It just shows what a charade this whole board is.
Alive and well. Luckier than any of us.
how many girlfriends has he had? this one, pizza, anastasia and the one he met playing wow?
Who is she? How did fucking eggy get a woman like her?
its not hard to enter a loveless cucked relationship, he paid for her stuff pretty much
Eggman is diagnosed autistic you guys have no excuse, he has had 4 gfs
He's a weird case of autism where he improved his intellect somehow. He started out 100% retard, and built his way up to a reasonable communicator. Or at least that's what he claimed in one of his yt videos.
Wait he started out as like a non-verbal retard then evolved to mild asperger's? He skipped the Chris-chan like middle stage
Stop lying he didn't delete his twitter.
he's tweeting fresco memes right now
eggman please i know you're reading this
make yourself known
please come back to us eggy
He became trans
i'd do him wow
he was a faggot kike from the get go. Jow Forums just gave him hair loss.
bring back eggman
bring back eggman again
He became a qt trans nature lover.
i will fuck his butt
that's the last i heard of him anyways
Bros, he met this whore through Jow Forums on some kind of /soc/ connection on kik, omegle, or something like that. She was selling herself and nudes of herself the entire time they were dating. Egg man would do double work shifts, and she'd be using his computer to milk other Jow Forums betas. Never trust cuties, especially ones that would ever call themselves a femanon.
Reminder that eggs and pizza are MEANT TO BE
If I were eggman I'd put up with it honestly
Why hasn't Pizza shared a new image of herself in so long? Did she get ugly and self-conscious?
better than pineapple i guess
eggman is trans now i matched him on tinder
Trips of satannnnnnnn. Ekcekcekcekxsj
eggy come back i love you
we need the clips lad
I wish I had one tenth of the looks, charisma and life experience of the egg
meh what does he got to lose
got fat is what I heard
also hormone replacement has stopped helping, like pizza hit a plateau
His camera hit the ground and nothing was visible but I got this vocaroo.com
That "thing" looks disgusting with all the face piercings and shit. I honestly can't tell if it's a woman or a transgender male attempting to be a woman.
Where is Stanley these days too
He is my favorite
Did he literally just scream NIGGER for 6 minutes straight? Jesus Christ. He must have been so fucking drunk.
It was a camgirl that he thought was a good idea to meet up with. There weren't much details, but it's clear they weren't together long at all.
eggy you normie bastard
Wait, so she dated him? Or she just came over to suck and fuck him because he gave her a lot of money? She looks like a drug addict slut with no job and just tries to mooch off people for money. Also are those video stills from cam videos she's done? Or was she at Eggman's house or something?