Stop posting anime you animefagbois

stop posting anime you animefagbois

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old stereotype they look like this now

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Now I can't tell whether to call him old bastard or newfag.

ngl this will be me in a few years

i'm embracing my ultimate onions existence now that i have a weeb gf. i don't care.

that s o y

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Nu-weebs are Basedboys.

neckbeard weebs evolved into sois/bugmen, this isn't 2010

now i feel like a boomer

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This original comment thing is kinda gay

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if you have a weeb gf it is your duty to correct her and make her patrician or at least a "mid-2000s" weeb not the kind who associates with bugmen

pic related is you


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Why am i kinda jealous of that lifestyle desu.

these people get owned on /jp/ they wouldn't post there but the rest is accurate

i think pic related suite you better

forgot the picture fuck


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need more 'i'm SO depressed wanna kill self' references in there need to leave

ironic basedboys out the rest of you can stay

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I would never buy an xbox one, asshole!

Godamnit I'm gonna get flamed for this but...
Lost Pause is a pretty cool dude.
A little cringey maybe, but he seems like a genuine guy.

That's a 360.

Stop telling people to kill themselves you hatefilled nerdy little weasels. Your knowledge and intelligence does not make you a superior being, you are in no place to call anyone a "retard" ironically or otherwise. I understand that you have shitty lives because you're ugly or your parents hate you but that should make you more compassionate and empathetic, not a nasty little scuzmo.

I go to Thailand and have sex and I'm 26 and live with my parents