I never tip. So the delivery guy is always mad when he delivers to my door...

I never tip. So the delivery guy is always mad when he delivers to my door. I work as a manager at McDonald's and can guarantee that my job is harder than his. Should I feel entitled to getting tipped on every successful order?

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No but you should expect some centipede pizza in your near future

Who tips? I'm an aussie and never have to tip like a cuck,

If that happens then I'll call the store and get his broke ass fired.

If you dont do that in america they might poison you
i dont get why foreigners cant figure out why

in ameriland tips are sort of calculated into their wages, so they take up the work under the assumption that there will be extra cash coming their way. Thats a good reason to tip if you're happy with the service

however at some point burgers turned cowardly and started tipping everytime, hoping to not get shit into their food. That makes tipping pointless and just a form of tax dodging. This IMO makes it ok to ignore this "custom" most of the time.

>as a manager at McDonald's

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anyone that believes they have to tip to avoid having their food messed with is a bitch
they also accept the job knowing some people won't tip and it's not my problem when they're making $100 a day

>i dont get why foreigners cant figure out why

It's because nobody understands the wierd 3rd world conditions you people force hospitality workers to endure

Is $100 a day meant to be impressive or something?

you follow countless social conventions on a daily basis. you understand the rules of what's going on and you play by them. can you just drop the faux-autismo act and just tip the damn driver?

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can i ask how often you order from there and if it is the same delivery person everytime...?

nope. here in flipland a tip is not even expected and is considered a bonus to them. idk whats wrong with your wagies.

no! my 2.50$!

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Enough with the preaching and just delivery my fucking pizza you worthless scum. The weekend's on its way and I'm hungry!

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I order there (Pizza Hut) once a week. On pretty much the same day and often around the same time. It's the same driver on many occasions. The bastard had the gall to flat out tell me that I should tip on one occasion. Last time he got pretty pissed too.

>tipping in a country with a high minimum wage
I never tip

kill yourself you tiny dicked Asian loser

inb4 "Drivers get paid minimum wage by the restaurant!!11"

Not my problem bucko.

This obese chick named Amanda Slaughterback who worked Dominos with me saw an order that one delivery guy complained about.

She slide the frozen dough of zaa against her disgusting cunt, an then each bread piece, and then the toppings, and then she took it into the back and went full bottom down, and rubbed her asshole over the cooked zaa and laughed, then wiped her ass with napkins.

I should has seriously reported her to the police. But the delivery guy took it...

all over like 10... at the most...

Awww someone's mad that they got stiffed. What are you gonna do? Spit on my food you degenerate?

The more degenerate thing is to even open yourself up to these types of things. A true non-degenerate just tips and avoids the possibility of the lower class dredges striking back against their Masters. What are you poor or something?

Do you know how dangerous delivering pizzas is, you retard?

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Think about how happy you could make someone by giving them a generous tip. Does that do nothing for you?

You poor baby, you must have it so hard.

>poorfags will never know the satisfaction of seeing Akhmed light up with joy upon receiving your 18% tip

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Imagine getting killed over a large stuffed crust Pepperoni.

>dossnt know what a service fee is
>doesnt know that delivery guys pay for their own gas
I can already tell that you are a cunt of a manager and no one likes working with you

Why should I cough up a tip on top of a "delivery fee"? Uber Eats drivers don't get tipped either.

I only tip blacks and whites. And Asian males if they're over the age of 35. Spics and muds are not getting anything from me.

For now. I'm pretty sure tipping is optional, now. Eventually it will be pretty much expected. Which is total bullshit ... Uber was invented on a no-tip premise. I always 0 tip out of principal on Uber. I always tip everywhere else like at restaurants or with delivery or taxis but not with Uber.

It was two pizzas and one of the dessert Hershey pizza things, also a Pepsi iiirc. The guy they killed was a fedora wearer, and posted cover songs on his youtube. He had a decent voice. Police checked his pockets and found their receipt and address.

>tips blacks
why tho?

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I work in sales and make customers very, very happy. I deal with up to 15,000k sales and don't see a penny of that. I am on minumum wage with a measly 100 bong bonus IF we hit over the target.

I've never been given a tip and don't expect to, if you don't like your working conditions request a pay rise or find another job.

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>a flip browsing 4chin
i didnt know u guys had internet

Thats a huge milestone for most people here when they dont even deserve half of that in a day

you dont make `4/hr as a manager though you fuckface. drivers/servers depend on tips. the two are not comparable. I delivered pizza for about 3 years and it sucks when people dont tip. I didnt care like other drivers did because because Im not dumb enough to depend on a job like that to actually support me and was just doing it for extra cash but still, it was frustrating. especially when it was a far away delivery and they stiffed me. super close ones I didnt care or old people because I expected that from them.

they wont get fired. theyll all just laugh and make fun of you for being a whiny little cunt. thats what we did anyway. we would have new people pretend to be managers and we'd all listen in and make fun of the person bitching.

Christ mate go get a better job

I wish I had been one of the those people that didn't tip you. Go beg on the streets for spare change if you want handouts.

In the UK, you can order pizza online and there's no tipping option

there should be a no-tipping revolution
fuck these faggots, kek
should have studied harder huh

Even if that happened at your store doesn't mean this is the way it goes everywhere else.

That's why I'm happy to live in western Europe where tips are not a thing besides maybe a < 1% tip in restaurants. feels good

I cannot wrap my head around American tipping culture, it just seems so dumb and entitled, especially the people who expect to be tipped.

You morons. It's the mandatory tipping culture that dropped the min wage for servers in the first place.

>can guarantee that my job is harder than his.
you make over $12.50 an hour average

pizzaboys make hourly tipped wages.
In my state that's $5.05 an hour.

so yeah, your job would naturally be more difficult you stupid asshole.