Would you make a black girl pregnant?

Would you make a black girl pregnant?

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Hell yes I want to seed a chocolate mama with my average white man dick and make her bear my halfbreed children as a big fuck you to all the black man monkeys chimping out in the streets



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I need to make a black girl pregnant

go to bed Nick, continue your shitposting tirade against black women tomorrow

I am more and more inclined to want to do this as time moves on. I see no fault in it other than the kids coming out girls

Only if I get to run away afterwards.

I'm not into beastiality you gross ass faggots.

I'd take a hammer and send that coon baby back to hell

I know this is a meme thread but I'm engaged to a black woman and I'm putting 3 babies in that belly as soon as we're married, for real.

Why stop at three? 4 is a good number, no middle child to feel alienated by the youngest n oldest being favored

Do it user, mixed babies are now more desired than ever before

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Financial reasons, friend.

The government pays for em ya goof. Niglets pay for themselves.

Haha we're both educated upper middle class, we wouldn't do that.

Yea nah, I want a Latina n have little bilingual babies with light olive skin n green eyes that will actually look like me n not an albino chimp. Sorry for the negative imagry but its how I feel

Then dont spoil em by throwing money at them. You can afford plenty of kids if youre both well off. I am happy for you tho user. Fatherhood sounds awesome

Thanks user, that's very kind of you. Have a day as lovely as you.

>Would you make a black girl pregnant?
probably not, sorry

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Your loss originolio

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post more


>cmere and rub my belly white boy

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You know you want this robots, don't deny your urges

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>Nigresses are finally starting to shill again
Join Tinder or go hangout in a coffee shop if you want white bfs, jesus fucking christ on mercury you need to put in some effort you know.

>Shut up and gimme dat cum white boy

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When I lived in the ghetto I did. Feel bad about it now but at least I didn't abandon them.

their is no higher calling than the COLONIZING of the dark continent

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No, go to tinder or a coffee shop and lots of desperate guys there will do it
you are not so 'good' that you are above the idea of looking around and being rejected a bit

There is a video of her husband on youtube being upset because a doctor asked him how he was related to the baby lel

Thats almost hot, but I'm scared of how many niggers are inside of her. Atleast two, maybe more. Two niggers would be enough niggers to jump me and steal my wallet

Based, all white men should breed at least one with a non-ghetto black woman, treat her the way she should be treated - if only for a moment

yeah where is my black baby maker?

we bleaching niggers now?

> now
This has been an ongoing operation for hundreds of years nigga.

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BASED colonizers

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Its the only way to stop the nigger menace to society. We shall create demons of the light to fight Morgoths minions

This. Redeem black wombs.

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>"Hey user, the doctor said we could have sex up until my water breaks. How about it?"
How do you respond?

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Isnt that just beautiful. only a white man can create what the black woman needs, to feel she belongs and to have a purpose in life and most importantly be loved. You think someone like this is what she wants or deserves?

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White men were made to COLONIZE

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"Yeah! Ymcmb!"

Make sure her water breaks that same night

ok i love black grills now. came so hard to this. goodbye traps hello nigress

Only if I didn't have to raise or pay for the kid. I would be fine doing so if I could leave after and not have anything to do with her except to get her pregnant again in the future when I'd feel like it.

Ebony wants this

I want to do this to Ebony

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I had this same mindset but once the kid was actually born I felt bad just abandoning it.

Welcome to the club fellow BLEACHman

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But you wouldn't be abandoning it. It'll still have a mother. A strong, sassy, black single mother.

Poor little bastard.

Well I didn't so my pump and dump plan turned into a weird family.

I wouldn't make any girl pregnant unless it was for some kind of vessel that I would inhabit with greater powers or something like that.

How did you end up in that situation user? Are you still with the mother?

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Pregnancy greatly enlarges a woman's breasts. The effects are semi-permanent.

No, I don't want a kid, nor do I have the financial, physical, or mental stability to raise one.
Also I don't wanna have sex with women.

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This x100, big black tits make great udders

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Going to college at the time I was living in cheap run down apartments in the hood. I became friends with a black girl neighbor and she got it in her head to have a kid for wellfare benefits and all that, didn't care if the dad was around but she'd like a mixed baby if she could.

I figured free chance to bleach a girl right? I felt too bad though and couldn't abandon her when the time came so we just stuck together.

Also makes nipples/aerola permanently dark and horrible. Dark nipples are the worst.

That's a nice story user, props on you for not running away. Think you'll have another?

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It would be wise to determine for sure if the baby is yours. If she was that desperate for a kid, who's to say you're the only man she tried.

I mean how many other white guys is she bumping on?

We uh... have several by now. Probably more before we're done.

So are you getting enough bennies out of them to live the lyfe?

We're not on wellfare I couldn't accept that. I work to support us as well as help from family.

>hey, Honky, remember me?
>we got sum talkin' to do.
b-b-but Jow Forums told me I couldn't get a girl pregnant my first time..

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>tfw you will never be a French Cajun with a mestizo wife hunting gators with ta femme noire

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Meanwhile at the Ebony Breeding Grounds...

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> melanin is bad
Says you

Do most black women smoke weed? Shit, that alone may be enough reason to date them.

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Black women get pregnant from fucking blowjobs, user.

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>even hinting at producing mutts

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>Would you make a black girl pregnant?
Not one trashy enough to continue wearing skin tight dresses after becoming pregnant.
A more classy broad though...

and BLACKED gen as well, the future is mixed m'lad.

What's trashy about wanting to accentuate her burgeoning fertility? She loves carrying your children and wants to show it to the world

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If i had a chance to fuck karissa kane it would be game over.

>propagating black genes in any way shape or form
>wasting your time with this and not making white children
>leaving the possibility of getting stuck raising black children


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>pleb tattoos

how is that average looking dude with a godtier black?

How do you produce fully white children when white foids reject or ignore you? Black women seem to fawn over me. My dick wants a hole so I'm not picky.

were I to guess, I'd say it's 'cos he could give her the thing in the middle.

Don't you know that being white gives you bonus points to black women?

Why does this just look so right?

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An excellent and original theory user

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>like black girls
>don't want a niglet for a child
It's a curse man

She looks like a fucking headache/

>Have more lust for black women and men more than white women and men.
>Also have slavery fetish

Why did God make me this way?

I feel like I was born 200 years too late. I would love to have a co-ed harem of Jungle Bunny Booty.

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Having an okay paying job and not being Tyrone can really help you out with yhe black ladies.

Definitely(either a slightly chubby black girl or a girl that looks like Anne Frank)I'm just scared of having mutt children,t.spic

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Idk Idc if my kids look much like me any more. I just want a job and 1 or 2 kids at this point

Hell yeah. I'm black and I'm gonna price I'm gonna be a treat ass dad. I'm gonna have my son play football and play GameCube games with me.

I already have a black girlfriend but I'm 20 and not ready yet. But if it happens, id step up

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Uh yeah I'll make some quarterback children. With my amazing white athlete genetics and her black speed our kids would literally make Jow Forumsfags cry themselves to sleep at night

>I'm gonna price I'm gonna be a treat ass dad

Why do the white guys here want to create mixed children so badly?
Whenever a Spanish, asian, or black guy breeds with a white girl everyone here loses their minds tho.

Why the hypocrisy?

Fugg, meant to say I'm gonna prove I'm gonna be a great ass dad

Is it racist that I knew exactly what you meant?

I hate myself and want my sons to be absolutely nothing like me, but I still have enough self-respect to not raise another man's child, so yes.

Self-insertion. Anything with a white guy doing something fulfilling or just doing anything is 'relatable'. I've seen insecure faggots editing a guy on porn to be whiter because the sole notion of a tan guy (Not necessarily black or brown, just tan) is enough to make them pissy. What's even better is in real life, no one gives a fuck who you're boning except for insecure men who can't get laid. All the women in the world and you're worrying about one or two men with white women. For what it's worth, I've seen more black women with white men than the other way around.

Mestizo is white/native mix user. Mulatto is white/black mix
Safe to say almost all black women smoke user. One told me its culturally acceptable to smoke like it is for Russians to drink. Idk how accurate it is but made sense.
Every man has a role, we cant all make white babies. We can but still. I think bleaching black women is far more productive
Leave the bleaching to us whites amigo, you dont worry about a thing

I personally dont care as long as the males arent such trash: white trash, ghetto blacks and Latinos, cholos, sleezy chinks etc

no this gives the jews a stupider generation to manipulate. jews prefer blacks to whites because blacks are very gullible.

I'd hate fuck the shit out of one, but never breed.

Not if the father is a white.