Why doesn't tinder have a filter for race...

Why doesn't tinder have a filter for race? Sometimes I want a specific flavor of girl but I have to swipe through all the other girls to get to them. I know Grindr has filters for specific types of faggots, why can't Tinder do the same?

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If you are such an attractive white man then they should come to you. No filters needed.

Because it goes against the "progressive" movement that the USA has inflicted upon the world.

Same reason trannys are allowed to be "female" there.

The fuck are you taIking about, user?

that's why I use to pof

But I would think pof has lower quality/older women. I've found qt 17-year-old latinas on tinder

Tinder disgusts me. Normalizing sex as a product. Turning women into whores. Men into degenerates with no self control.

0America you did it. In the name of liberalism and individualism you turned men into animals with no values, no virtues and no purpose.

Once sacred things became worthless.
Shameful things are celebrated.
And ideals are laught at.

high iq post brother

Based robot said what needed to be said

>do this
>vast majority of women want "black" only
I like this idea, OP

If you are such a catch then you don't need filters. The minority women will come to you, you see.
Yes, how ironic, the modern world was made by the white man, yet it also destroys the white man, and then everyone who leeches off of the white man are simultaneously angry that white men are not glorious as we once were but also angry that we did bad things in "the past".

Americans would say they are white.

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if tinder had filters for race, non-white suicide rates would go up

imagine being the guy who creates images like this

it's just a joke m8. are you vexed?

>We are Jow Forums
>We are legion

No idea why it's a taboo to prefer a certain race, especially white. They should just install one. It's ridiculous to call preferences racist.

jesus christ just google if there are any dating apps for [prefered race]
there is one for asians so there must more

do they even have a filter for trannies?

so make one. call it "Filter"

> okcupid has an ethnicity filter
> plentyoffish has an ethnicity filter
> people think tinder is the only game in town even though it's interface is basic

there are hot girls of every race and if you don't think so you're literally mentally ill

Girl on the left looks ok. You know they just put a bunch of makeup and contacts on her right?

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>i have to force girls to love me against their will
t. enforced monogamy fags

I don't see as many girls of other races look as hot as black women though

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I would like to have the sauce, pls.

tinder is 95% for fucking only so only think you care about is they are STD free and look good

Who said I'm a catch and who said I'm white and who said minority women are gonna go for any random white guy?

But those aren't real dipshit, they're usually scams designed to waste your time. You have to pay to even join. The only other men on there are 50-year-old white guys looking for an exotic wife. Fuck off.

I didn't say that there weren't faggot, I just said I prefer different girls depending on my mood. I was really into black girls yesterday and I was into Mexicans when I posted this thread.

She's a teenage accordion player in a tejano band in Texas.

Non white women really appreciate white boys, just don't scare them away with Jow Forums content. Unless they're self hating.

>implying tinder is not a scam

IKTF senpai. FFS tinder I want filters like no single moms. no wives in (((open))) relationships.

Dont go all OKC autism but some filters would be nice

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At least tinder has actual women. These Asianwaifu4u/homegirldating/tamalespot sites are full of bots and lonely robots who thought they were gonna find the girl if their dreams.

God damn, I can feel my sperm count rising just looking at her, do you have a name?

>it's a "Jow Forumstard blames the commodification of society and the destruction of any societal goals on people having sex rather than the capitalist system which directly profits off of these things" episode again

>At least tinder has actual women
and you will only match with uggos
> full of bots and lonely robots who thought they were gonna find the girl if their dreams
you mean like tinder?

The Ivorian Barbie is the only name I found.

Yeah I'm fine with fucking fat/subpar women user. I was a robot for the longest, I'm not fuckin picky. I just want black/Latina uglies so at least the body might be nice

What's worse, the idiot or the idiot that follows him?