Let's talk about the time you got rejected by a girl
Let's talk about the time you got rejected by a girl
Get out normie
I never even got a chance to try in the first place
Never been rejected because I've never asked anyone out.
Some girl used to like me though, but moved on when I was too beta to make a move
She dated both of my good friends at the time.. talked to her all night on the phone. I used to text and basically beg for her to give me a chance. They used to give me shit about it too, how they both had her and I didn't even though I was the only one of the trio that had an interest in her. I wanted to do something romantic with her. I would have done anything for a long hug or to hold her hand or something but none of that ever happened. She wanted me to hang out with her psychopathic brother and nothing else. Stole my lollipop at church and stood there eating it like a smug cunt. Many years later she started to change her mind and realized maybe she made a mistake, by then I had lost interest. Haven't seen or heard from her in years, she's probably had a kid or two or committed suicide by now.
Oh and there was the time I tried throwing myself at a celebrity and I got rejected so hard I began to cry. I don't remember exactly what was said but I think I do remember "I'm sick of these losers thinking they have a chance with me". She was my dream girl too, still is.
Why have you never met a girl ? So sad :(
I got rejected. I started talking to a girl, and she wasn't interested. So I moved on. Like a fucking adult.
Never, I don't talk to girls
first one is reasonable. second one is autistic.
>fall in "love" with that girl
>get rejected
>she wants the other schoolmate
>other schoolmate runs in fear because she was a total controlfreak and even invited her parents to the cinema.
This one still haunts me to this day
>be 16-17 y/o me
>town organized a little festival to celebrate halloween
>there is a party tent and all that shit and lots of beer and alcohol
>see really cute girl busy on her phone
>kinda drunk, tell my friends "look how I'm gonna get this girls number, watch me"
>walk up to girl
>"hey, what's your name"?
>she gives me 'why is this creep talking to me stare'
>she turns around and walks away without saying anything
>mfw all my friends saw it happen
Fuck man even typing makes me cringe so bad
>"Hey what's your name?"
Why the fuck would you ask out a girl. It's supposed to be the other way around. Otherwise you're making yourself unnecessarily vulnerable to an extremely slim chance.
This happen 9 months ago
>be friends with this girl for 3 years, let's call her Emma
>Emma is peng af, hot looking 9/10
>me : bit of sperg 7-8/10 looking
>we're super close, talk about everything
>after a year of knowing her, starts to have feelings for her
>never take it seriously because I believe it'll fade away also cause we're close friend
FFWD to 3rd year of being a close friend to her
>the feelings come back again, hits me harder this time
>tries to fight for it, but can't
>but too shy/beta to express my feeling to her (I've dated girls before but something about her makes me find it hard to confess)
>let it out to a friend, ask for an advice
>gets snitched on, she saw the convo but kinda confused on what I'm saying in the convo
>I told her it was a banter with my friend
>fuck it, i come clean with her
>she rejects me but at the same time hits me with the friendzone
>mfw my friend snitched me
>mfw she rejects me
We're still a close friend at the end of the day.
Never been in a situation I could be rejected.
No it isnt, women don't approach men that are worse looking than them, if you want a girl better than yourself you are going to have to do the work
I'm not looking for a relationship right now.
>I'm not looking for a relationship right now.
then she dates someone else in a week
This unironically happened to me. It took her 2 weeks to find a new guy after having said to me "im not looking for a relationship rn". When I confronted her about this she told me to mind my own business. Fucking roasties.
this why you don't fall for roasties.
>I'm not looking for a relationship right now.
>I'm not looking for a relationship with you
>Be 13 yo me in middle school
>First day at class
>fall in love with kawaii half-japanese girl
>look at her everyday like a retarded
>only masturbates the japanese porn everyday bc of her
>the entire class know I like her
>two years later in the last week of middle school I finally tried to ask her to be gf
>she says she doesn't like me the way I do
>Getsdepressed and think about her the entire vacation
And what if you are a faggot abomination, dick suckers can't date girls for what i know.