>be me
>never had a gf
>never had sex
>found a girl online which was a solid 9/10
>we had a lot in common
>since im a betafag i never had courage to text her
>she was in my friends list for 2 months
>i really liked her idk why
>one day she writes a comment under my wallpaper
>start texting her everything is going so well
>one day some of her friends told me that she wants to block you and you just annoy her
>well i aint a cuck i removed her from my friends list and stopped talking to her without an explanation
>she blocked me then unblocked me sent friend requests i was like im not gonna fall for that you thot
>after like 3 months i visited her page
>she is now in a Relationship with the guy who told me that info
>feel stupid
>now everytime i feel lonely i think about how naive and stupid i was
>time has passed she sent me a friend request
>i accept
>visit her page and see that she has broken up with that guy
>she texts me i dont answer and remove her from my friends list
>i dont wanna be another disposable boyfriend thot
Be me
btw never met her irl and im an user even in social networks i didnt even meet her friend
How do you know they fucked? How do you know she wasnt fucking brad before you first met her? Why you repeating same mistakes as last time? Why u making this whole story up OP?
>How do you know they fucked
the didnt in my country 90% of time people dont loose virginity before they are married
>How do you know she wasnt fucking brad before you first met her
i never met her but we had mutual friends an they told me that she was a nice girl but its too good to be true
>Why you repeating same mistakes as last time
i dont wanna risk cause its hard for me even to loose friends i can only imagine what will happen if i love someone and she just dumps me
>Why u making this whole story up OP
im just sharing its your choice to belive
Was he a robot?
I kinda feel like he was one.
if u mean the guy that told me that
naah he was a cs go gamer,weeb normie faggot
"girlfriend" stopped reading there
>i dont wanna risk cause its hard for me even to loose friends i can only imagine what will happen if i love someone and she just dumps me
Up to you then. At 27 I hate the feeling of regret, you are perhaps indifferent about it but i would take the risk if I were you
Must be a mudslide county. I know nothing of you people nor do I care but all women are roasties that care only of themselves. Fuck her
You miss all the shots you never take. Just ask her out what's the worst that could happen. Just be like I'm going to do x , wanna come along?
>not treating her like a human bean and just being her friend
>trying to be a chad and dumping her down
>just end up looking like a huge asshole
i mean if your happy ok but i dont agree with what you did
idk what will happen when im 27 but right now i rarely even think about girls mostly as i said at 4 am when i feel super lonely i get couple of thoughts but nothing more but idk what will happen if i get dumped it might change
I short term relationship wont affect you but being alone for long time will more than likely make you bitter. What could fuck you up would be a long term (like 5 years or more) relationship end in her cheating on you. Has not happened to me but did to my cousin. Wife cheated on him after 6 yrs of marriage. She said he didnt love her like he used to blah blah blah
well i have my friends so i wont be alone i guess
Forgot to add that he is very cautious in his relationships now n gets very upset when his gf doesnt let him know where she is or why she is late to shit n so on. He isnt the same as he used to be either, more aggressive
Your friends cant do things with you or make you feel the way a woman can user. It feels very good and special to love n be loved in this kind of way
how did you attract a woman of those traits
So the guy who told you that just le epicly tricked you to get in her pants?
Sorry I'm autistic as shit
idk man im 19 soon still i dont feel the need in girls
i was just talking to her about weeb shit games sending memes talking about past stuff history she havent seen my face but ive been told that im 9/10 and my classmates and shit thought that im weird thats why they didnt make any advances
yes but as i said most of the times people dont make sex until they are either married or are in a long term relationship
honestly for me whenever someone told me that it was true
I was always just an annoying unfunny person that nobody liked and it ruined my pre teen and early teen years
>she is now in a Relationship with the guy who told me that info
I'm literally boiling as I am reading that. I can't even imagine how I would react if this happened to me. I would demolish that guy.
>feel stupid
You ARE stupid. You're fucking retarded. If some girl tells you something about another girl, you should take it with a grain of salt, but if that is coming from a guy, you should tell him to fuck right off.
>time has passed she sent me a friend request
>i accept
>visit her page and see that she has broken up with that guy
>she texts me i dont answer and remove her from my friends list
>i dont wanna be another disposable boyfriend thot
So the girl gave you a second chance after being mentally challenged and you didn't take it. God I wish I had a second chance with a girl I have fucked up with.
>well i aint a cuck
No, you're the biggest cuck I have ever seen on this shitland by FAR. Die alone.
why do you give a fuck desu i just have my friends and i only hang out with them even though not like everyday but still just find yourself a good friend and youll stop caring as i said i was acting rly antisocial saying racist stuff i didnt belive in god in a country where 98% of population is christian and i didnt give a fuck cause i had my friends
wow u actually take relationships that seriously rofl i wont die alone dont worry i may die virgin but surely not alone trust me
> I would demolish that guy
trust me if i wanted to i couldve beaten the shit out of that guy and i have alot of people who wouldve backed me up i just think its not worth
I have no irl friends because nobody likes me enough to want anything to do with me outside of school (i'm 18)
I met one guy online but I've only had real life contact twice in 9 months so
i dont understand yall anons why are you even trying to get a gf if you cant even find friends im not saying i have like 10 but i have couple of friends that always back me up and its nice to be with them overall they are not like girls they are always with you no matter what
>wow u actually take relationships that seriously rofl
I might have overreacted since I didn't consider if you actually liked her or not. If you liked her at least a little and feel nothing after that guy cucked you so badly, you're a huge beta.
>i may die virgin but surely not alone trust me
What is this supposed to mean? Do you think you'll get the gratification needed from the relationships you have with your mother/brother/whatever?
>trust me if i wanted to i couldve beaten the shit out of that guy
Next time don't be so gullible and you won't even have to. But I would have demolished him if I was in your place. I'm pretty sure the 'thot' would have fucked you if you beat that retard.
I dated a girl with BPD online but she ran back to her ex bf two weeks after saying she loved me
In a way, I kinda relate to you.
I met this girl through work. She was super cute, girl next door. I started falling for her. Eventually, she revealed that she had a bf. It hurt and tried to hold back.
I don't know how she felt about me. But she kept telling me, that she never met anyone like me and she can be herself around me.
So I quit the job and moved.
I knew that it wasn't going to work out. When I left she kept telling me not to leave her.
That was three years ago. I wonder sometime if she ever felt anything for. I was to beta to asked her.....
>I might have overreacted since I didn't consider if you actually liked her or not
i liked her alot desu
>If you liked her at least a little and feel nothing after that guy cucked you so badly, you're a huge beta
ahahah i have bigger things to worry about like military service for 2 years
>i may die virgin but surely not alone trust me
mm yeah my friends/mother/brother are way more reliable then a girl
>But I would have demolished him if I was in your place
dont worry i have alot of people to demolish ceasefire will end soon in my country and a beta fag may turn into a hero of war
Edit: sorry, if that didn't make sense, I just got out of work and i'm super tired.
Tbh, you seem like a good guy. Please do yourself a favor and be a little more aggressive when it comes to potential relationships with other girls. It will pay off pretty nicely in the long run.
>i liked her alot desu
Then it's perfectly natural and justified to be angry, even extremely so. Don't be corrupted by the effeminate culture of this board.
>ahahah i have bigger things to worry about like military service for 2 years
I'm really curious how you felt. Didn't you feel like you were robbed by something potentially amazing?
I'm more on the aggressive side. I even get angry when some guy gets into a relationship with a girl I have nothing to do with if the guy is a dick.
You are god damn retard OP. I just wanted to say that, cya.
about military service i hope it will change me in a good way and i think i have to do my duty
Jow Forums would be happy since ill be doing some removal
people get me worng it was just a story to share not that i want that girl or anything the thing is i gave up on social life 4 years ago and started focusing on physics hoping that i may become a scientist i think it will be more pleasant to me then a gf or even a wife despite me mostly giving up on social life i have my couple of friends that i spend good time with and get support from
But why did you give up on social life? I mean, if you have friends, you're already way ahead of most of the guys since you have a social circle that helps you connect with new people, girls included. From there, almost everything you have to do is ask girls out.
the thing is she was the first decent girl ive found other girls are just normie thots its soo bad you dont even imagine i was nenver that social since most of people considered me weird because of my political views i read alot of books i was a huge vidya nerd weeb and that might not sound that serious but trust me it is i was an atheist in acountry where 98% of people are christian i even got bullied because of that but i was just fighting back until they just gave up on me i meet up with my friends either in my house or in a game zone i dont know whats it called in america its a place where we just play vidya together so i didnt loose much
>be me
>literally never had sex let alone had any girl interested in me
God i literally thrive on the thought of you pathetic rejects suffering. Tell me more about your life you utter retard.