Born just in time to take the collective blame of what "muh ancestors" did

>born just in time to take the collective blame of what "muh ancestors" did

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>roastie approachs you at college
>i am? Shit i didnt even do anything, imagine if i did do something
>i go back to reading
>she grabs onto my shirt and starts tugging
>ask what she is doing
>she stops and gives up
>go back to reading
and then lots of dudes and girls start clapping and superman came down to give me a prostate orgasm

I know how you feel, user.

Original gang.

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do you guys actually care that rich black kids are blaming you for shit they never had to experience and never will?

They're not rich, user.

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The west still cherishes and respects white boys and white men but it also hates them, at the same time.
I find it to be a very strange thing. People instinctively know that without white males, the west will collapse, so I guess you have to keep the little faggots on the plantation satisfied somehow.
But white men let all this degeneracy happen, we accept being civilizational slaves who are respected and loved in a strange way yet also vilely hated, we accept all that by people who would worship the ground we walk on if white men found their balls again.
No other civilization has ever been this way.

the most vocal ones are middle to upper middle class black kids. They are the equivalent of a white girl going to college and suddenly becoming a vegetarian art student who does 0 art but believes "life is so beautiful and we gota stop the corporations" or some shit.

They are literally THAT KID from middleschool.

Nobody likes them, nobody wants to hang out around them, and the only way they even have social contact is through other losers in their group chats and twitter.
I've not met one person who openly complains about this shit who has friends.

who are you talking about here

Pretty much, the only black kids at my high school who complained about "MUH ANCESTORS" were fat black bitches.
>tfw had ancestors who owned slaves
>tfw had ancestors who fought on the ride side of the war against northern aggression

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the blaming of ancestors is a meme that rich black teens and black college kids with no friends use as their go to. You see a hundred thousand posts on twitter, reddit, tumblr, and what not but in reality most tyrone types couldn't give two shits about white guys, slavery, or any thing that happened to people before them. The reason being they are busy enjoying life instead of complaining about it like the losers in their race who still think they are victims of racism from 10-400 years ago.

yeah but what bothers me the most is how minority women go on the internet and use muh racism and muh sexism as a way to bitch about white guys not wanting them.
like holy fucking shit you non-white cunts, shut the fuck up and just go away already
I know one Tyrone though, good guy

>born just in time to not be American
Gee that was close

>yeah but what bothers me the most is how minority women go on the internet and use muh racism and muh sexism as a way to bitch about white guys not wanting them.
>like holy fucking shit you non-white cunts, shut the fuck up and just go away already
just know that everyone dislikes them in general and nobody who is doing well in life respect them or have sympathy for them.

The only people who infact even pay attention to them are business fags because business fags have such extreme autism when it comes to social skills not related to their job that they can't understand that these women are just bitching losers.

Original origami

Lmao it's not original

well the worst part for me is that I am a literal slav, my parents migrated to the us in 1992 and because I have blondish hair I'm grouped in with all white people, I try to explain to woke black types that my ancestors were shit kicking illiterate peasants for eternity and that not that not all white ethnicities actually participated in imperialism and colonialism and that in fact many white ethnicities were actually victims of it as well, to make matters worse I grew up dirt poor and continue to be dirt poor I just lost my job as a janitor at the city hospital

many "woke" black guys used to understand this but around 2015 with the BLM chimpouts and the polarization they don't wanna hear it any more, I'm just another white oppressor who descended from white slave owners to them. I'm thinking of lying and saying I'm Jewish at this point

mann fuck this country I'm gonna go to the Polish consulate in Chicago to get my citizenship papers squared away so I can emigrate and go be a janitor in Poland, at least I won't be harassed by woke PoC over there

good luck with the coming race war amerifats, you've earned it

>tfw reading his biography by douglas southall freeman right now

how could one man be so based

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>be amerifat user
>catch some shit
>pussy out
you got about as much backbone as a jellyfish. Instead of justifying yourself to losers you should be busy enjoying your life.
If you want to return to eastern europe do it because you want to be there not because some losers bullied you

Dont move back to Kurwaland, it's a shithole. The race war isn't happening bc not enough people care about this shit irl. If you spend most of your timr on the internet you'll see way too many racists or basedboys who think they can do shit when in fact they can't. Its just a big fucking meme nobody other than tumblerinas and 4chans care about.

>People instinctively know that without white males, the west will collapse
You make up majority of the west though and you made areas that would've prospered collapse

Are Russians Slavs because your ancestors could be the reason my country is fucked up. Just joking user so what do Eastern Europeans think of black people I've always wanted to see Chernobyl and live in a communist block building.

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im not pussying out I just know which way the wind is blowing and i want to have a back up plan
yeah Poland is not too great but I'm living a grind of poverty here, there is no reason for me to stay here realistically moving to a commie bloc in poland wouldn't alter my standard of living anyway, 90% of my wages go to food rent and the occasional bottle of booze there would be no difference at all in some commie bloc in Krakow in real terms

well large swathes of eastern Europe are commie blocs full of gopniks living in poverty living off of 400 euros a month if that, if you're black I'd exercise caution out there it's the equivalent of me walking through the projects, you will stand out and perhaps be targeted

yeah, because this stupid kid shit eventually seeps into politics and certain parties start demanding more social services and redistribution of wealth. They'll start using "correcting white privilege" as an unironic fucking justification soon

my government already gives massive preference to hiring minorities and women for comfy government jobs, do you think people like paying for this shit?

>tfw light skinned north African
>can pass as greek, italian, german, jewish and my actual race (moroccan)
>spent my whole life playing sides, stereotypical racist white people don't give me shit when I say I'm German and openly bitch about Jews and blacks with me
>have literally had "woke" black people say "oh you're African? shit nevermind you're cool" and go from mindlessly hating me to being cool with me
>just use this to my advantage and not befriend any of this scum

my best friends are an indian, a polish kid, a jamaican, a Puerto Rican and a russian.

feels good being able to avoid any racial conflict and actually find legit good humans

PoC wouldn't have abused their power over whites had things been different, they don't even do that to their own people. Wypipo are the devil.

no, just because some minorities are so useless they need 100 percent gibs to survive and we don't always give it, doesn't mean we let them collapse per se
if white lands are so bad then everyone can fucking leave and go back to their ancestral homelands

millenial problems be like

>caring about who the corrupt government employs as their slaves
start your own business and be your own boss, that's what clever people do

Well looks like my dream of sipping hot chocolate in a communist block with a heated blanket in front of a PC will never happen oh well I guess and godspeed user, keep on living.

>tfw born just in time to take advantage of white guilt for my ancestors problems

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the USA isn't a white country, you are living in the past

the majority is still white browns just feel entitled to america. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO A COUNTRY

>Lose the primordial games
>The second the Internet gives them a voice, they start bitching

Jeez, I wonder how these people got outsmarted, outworked, and outcompeted in the first place

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Ok caucazoids, you can give me my welfare check now.

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To be honest I was more edging towards America and a bunch of European countries fucking up the middle east and Africa plus other parts of Asia
>go back to their ancestral homelands
Unless you plan on reimbursing a bunch of people and fixing everything some guy fucked up that's highly likely never going to happen

yes it is just barely but yes it is I'm not American you idiot you fucking faggot idiot
stop feeling entitled to the white man's presence and glory, fuck off

>I wonder how these people got outsmarted, outworked, and outcompeted in the first place
maybe it was because they give everyone else their rights.

wtf are you talking about you dumb pole slavs are white, you benefit from white privilege whether you like it or not because you're WHITE passing

>Unless you plan on reimbursing a bunch of people and fixing everything some guy fucked up that's highly likely never going to happen
no reimbursement, just get the fuck out. some minorities are good and can stay like that Tyrone guy I know. but most have to go, you see. for all the bitching they do about white men they sure as hell like living under our civilization, benefiting from it every step of the way

Leave those Slavs along they never did anything

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i don't give a shit if we are actually white or not, st the end of the day we a form a corpus distinct from the "proper" white imperial powers of the anglos, the French and the Portuguese and Spanish

i barely relate to the average white American because 9 times of 10 whenever I meet one they all grew up in nice suburbs, the class divide is real

also at the end of the day most Western Europeans still low key look down on slavs, western Europeans love to openly shit on us because it's the last form of racist sentiment they are allowed to express

>no reimbursement, just get the fuck out
Yet again highly likely never going to happen
>but most have to go, you see
Real life ain't a Iranian bumlicking forum that shit would never fly
>for all the bitching they do about white men they sure as hell like living under our civilization
If your talking about America then it ain't your civilization that would belong to a whole load of people America needed to turn into a superpower the only place that can claim they're a white civilization is Europe and the west side which is the great part enslaved lots of non-europeans hence how they got the kick start on getting real rich whereas Eastern Europe which didn't have heavy slave trades is quite crappy compared to them
>benefiting from it every step of the way
Now let me tell you about the great era from 1886 to 1970

>Mother's family immigranted from Poland in the 40s (post ww2 non Jewish)
>Fathers side comes from a former slave island that has African words mixed in with the English
>Apparently my ancestors and myself are awful people for american slavery
Even if my ancestors were involved in it, who gives a shit. Asian immigrants went through a strong and active period of discrimination and Japs were in fucking internment camps for years, but somehow they can manage to be successful. It's because blacks have 4 kids before they're 25 and while they're struggling to feed themselves. If the morons just stopped spitting out kids like fucking cockroaches I bet they'd see an improvement

what are you going on about? if these people hate the white man so much they are free to go back to their non-white ancestral shitholes.
yet they'll never do that, because white societies give them everything they ever wanted and more
>Now let me tell you about the great era from 1886 to 1970
muh oppression, muh racism, that's the jist of it, right? nothing you say will change the fact that minorities are inferior leeches sucking off the white man's teet

>be me
>in collage but keep to myself
>walking to lunch hall
>random girl handing out flyers
>she stops and asks me to come a Black Life Matters protest walk
>tell her "no thanks, protesting is not my thing"
>she automatically starts verbally abusing me like she had been waiting from someone to turn her down
>I start walking away
>she continues yelling about evil white men and slavery.exe/autorun.inf

The thing is I am supportive of human rights but people like this turn me off from any social cause.

"Actual" white here, your analysis is kind of shitty anyway even though I can understand it. But you still have to keep in mind the average 19th century French peasant didn't personally benefit from imperialism himself either, all machinations of imperium only benefited the upper crusts of society anyway. Even in theory why should I have to shoulder that burden? The average white American is the descendent of laborers or even indentured servants from western Europe, only a tiny minority ever owned slaves. White privilege theory is bunk.

>be black man
>go join navy, do my time , go to college
>white girl wants me to protest with her about racism
>get called uncle tom, dont care
>alt right fags on campus assume im one of theirs
>again dont care and continue with my shit
im going back to the navy... civilians are so damn mean.

yes well I can agree with that, my point was more something along the lines of trying to claim that even if we accept the accepted framework of western Europeans even somewhat tangentially benefiting or being responsible for imperialism, eastern Europeans such as myself cannot be indicted in the same way, we were not even tangentially involved or tangentially benefitted

>what are you going on about?
I'm showing you why you what you think is right is pretty stupid
>if these people hate the white man so much they are free to go back to their non-white ancestral shitholes.
A lot of places are shitholes because some white guy fucked up so yet again just like retards who blame everything on minorities they're blaming the white man
>yet they'll never do that, because white societies give them everything they ever wanted and more
Yet again that will likely never happen if you don't pay Thier ancestral lands for some stupid European guys shit from decades ago
>muh oppression, muh racism, that's the jist of it, right?
You said they benefited every step of the way what benefits do you get from being lynched for looking at a white woman for too long
>nothing you say will change the fact that minorities are inferior leeches sucking off the white man's teet
You value yourself too much and nothings going to change the fact a bunch of white guys fucked up parts of the world badly and got rich off it and now people and now retarded people are pissed about it and then other retards get pissed about that

I dont understand what your point is you're just going off about muh racism and muh sexism, you and lots of other minorities benefit from being in white lands so if you all hate it so much then get out
oh wait but you wont because you love the white man and everything we have done for you, you ungrateful swine

oh and i didnt say all minorities should leave
the good ones can stay
the ones who bitch and whine, get the fuck out

They will not.The reason is low average IQ.

>not owning it and ascending to the status of One-Man-Holocaust
Fucking weak

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Well that's cool
>dont understand what your point is you're just going off about muh racism and muh sexism
Calm your tits lad I ain't
>you and lots of other minorities benefit from being in white lands
And I would've benefited from being in my own ancestral lands had the British and Italians not made stupid mistakes and then the Soviets fucking about in our politics and then the US delivering their dose of freedom which fucked up
>oh wait but you wont because you love the white man
Sorry lad no uncle ruckus here
>you ungrateful swine
Shaggy diggy you really are retarded

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You shoulder the burden because other white people look at you and think you're one of them because of your skin color. Upper echelon white people look at you and tell you you can be one of them because you happen to look the same, and lower class whites end up gatekeeping the system of privilege, even while it's fucking them over, because they hope they can be in that same position one day.

So that huge majority of non-slaving owning white people still fostered a system of racism because the tiny minority convinced them that they could one day be where they are. Some centuries later, lower class whites are still fostering division by falling for those same old tricks. That's the only reason "white privilege" exists. When lower class whites realize how little they have in common with the higher classes, white privilege will have no power.

>So that huge majority of non-slaving owning white people still fostered a system of racism because the tiny minority convinced them that they could one day be where they are
Rich white people invented the word cracker, how 'bout dat.

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What am I supposed to even do? Is this simply about money? 40% of my paycheck evaporates thanks to taxes, surely I'm pulling my weight as it is? Do I need to donate to PoC charities on top of this? Should I cut a cheque to the united negro college fund?

Just leave me alone, I just wanna keep my head down and play vidya.

The same white betas who cry about this also say that whites invented everything. Well, which is it?

Nothing you dipshit it's a fringe group that majority of black people think are weird

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So you've never made a racist comment, even online?

White NEETs and poc NEETs who post on Jow Forums and black twitter all day are dragging this country to the gates of hell and regular schlubs who work of any race are powerless to resist it.

what ancestral lands is your heritage from we can both agree that western foreign policy is based too much on meddling and troublesome actions but thats not going to change
whites would benefit far more from policies aimed at telling the rest of the world to fuck off and having leaders that care about our lands and our people
even trump has proven to be no different than the other leaders when it comes to this