What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see someone in the gym dressed like this?

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you see someone in the gym dressed like this?

Attached: 9591C775-EB7C-4B27-B333-1A547600A24F.jpg (211x180, 21K)

“OP is a fag”

Nothing, I don't give a fuck what people wear. Fuck you OP

OPs mom has a tasty pussy.

I'm not looking at other people. I'm trying to get huge

nothing because it removes attention from them, i would literally glaze over them without a single thought and would return to my thoughts or the next more interesting thing not even recalling that i had seen them as soon as 1.04666s after

Throw a high viz in that pic and it’s my work gear. Wouldn’t wear to gym though

>t. sweatshirts and sweatpants wearers

That he is probably a virgin
