Oldfag's advice to romancing the girl

I want to share with you a few things that I've learned, as a psychologist, and as a 2004-era oldfag, that I think can help you ease your way into a pussy:

>1. All women have vaginas.

There's no such thing as a 'pure waifu' or a 'Stacy' or a 'latina gangbanger girl' or 'underage'. All women can wet your cock, user. Stop pining for the pixy fairy emo girl. There just aren't that many of them. Average girls get an average amount of attention. Keep your competition in mind.

>2. Women crave romantic sexual adventures.

I've dropped ripped pieces of paper into girls laps with poems on them and my phone number. I've written love letters. I have carried them on my back in the rain, rescued them in my car, helped them find their way home. Make friendly eye contact with a girl on the bus before your stop, and drop a note in her lap. That's how I started a 3-week long sex adventure with a Columbian exchange student.

>3. Don't tell them anything about yourself except 1-3 sexually attractive concepts.

I tell girls 3 things: I am a professor, I can cook, and I have a dog. That's it. Choose a trope character and cultivate him. You are not the person she wants to fuck. The person she wants to fuck is a reverie, a bloom of thoughts and images sprouted out from watching Disney's Cinderella on repeat as a young girl. Tell me what Cinderella's Princes name is? What color is his hair? Who gives a shit?. A man is the sum of how he has made a woman FEEL before he fucks her.

>4. Flirt with literally everyone.

I flirt with men, boys, I flirt with my uncle, I flirt with every girl I call up on the phone in customer service. Everyone loves to be flattered, and to be spoken to as if you're interested in them and what they have to say. Treat every person like you want to plunge your cock deep into them, yes, even your dad.

Pic related: this is a common female fantasy. It's never too late to become her wizard prince. I plan on fucking 17 year old girls into my fifties.

Attached: he gets dat pussy.jpg (768x510, 51K)

this is the worst fucking thread I've seen in 2, maybe 3 years of being on this plagued website.
you're full of ass, and that's why you smell like shit, buster.

Whatever you say, Biden

Well put. What an awful fucking thread, jfc.

this is unironically fucking great. i don't agree with everything but yeah some poetic shit

This is what a man who is in denial looks like. Don't be those men, user. Their contempt is evidence of the veracity of this thread.

>"Worst thread ever"
>Makes them rage the hardest
>Contains the truest facts

Pretty decent advice for copy pasta. Especially numero 3

2 and 3 are true. Women fuck mirages, they fuck ideas and feelings, not you.

Attached: IMG_4068.jpg (464x700, 98K)

Oh yeah? Back off buster, you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.
Nothing about this thread is good, it's just such ass-quality content that I almost want to throw my computer in the fucking landfill after seeing this.

>Everyone is calling me a retard so I must be right

What does this mean? I feel like an infant being told to do quadratic functions. This idea makes no sense to me.

>Oh yeah? Back off buster


what exactly am i reading here?
which delusional fucker wrote this?
Who believes this crap?
How distanced can you possible get from reality?
so many question so little answers....

Wow, first point I was like, "okay, might be legit" and then it got worst as I read.

>I flirt with men, boys, I flirt with my uncle

And I'm out of here

>Treat every person like you want to plunge your cock deep into them, yes, even your dad.

So basically your dad thinks you're DTF

Flatter people, use compliments, say things are cute n what not

I used the Whisper app to learn to flirt. Flirting is getting a response back. You say something, she responds. As long as her attention is held you're flirting. I can keep a customer service girl engaged on the phone for 10 minutes talking about TOTAL NONSENSE.

As long as it's light-hearted, and about her, you're flirting. You know you're doing it right when they giggle. Ever talked to a little girl, like a child? That's how you flirt with adult women. "WOW YOU ARE SO HELPFUL! LOOK AT YOU!"

What point do you take issue with?

It's legitimate. Even your dad likes being listened to, and likes to hear affirming things in response to what he's shared.

I think some of you are bad at flirting because you aren't practicing, and you think you can only practice on attractive women.

Try it out. Flirt with a guy you talk to on Steam. Affirm him, be engaged, prod him, tease him a bit. I always flirt with my dudebros I find on steam.

>I've dropped ripped pieces of paper into girls laps with poems on them and my phone number.
>I've written love letters.
>drop a note in her lap.
These sound beta as fuck and there is no way they work.

shut up obama we wont fall for that shit

Why even try? So I can put my numb mutilated dick into a hole I won't even feel?

I'd post a pic of the FAT ASS BOOTY of the Columbian girl but I'm a gentleman. She has huge implants, but was a really dorky nerdy girl at heart.

Love letters have to be short. 1-2 sentences. You're enamored, not obsessed.

Sounds beta to you, but to them, with the right tone? It's something they've never heard before, and no man has ever spoken to them in that way. Most men aren't romantic. Be the opposite of most men.

if you're attractive and not giving creepy vibes it can work and isn't beta, assuming you have the confidence to pull it off. i dont imagine OP is doing except times where he thinks it has a decent chance of working

Gotta fix that death grip brother. I used to have trouble staying hard inside condoms. You have to go cold turkey for 1-2 months to renew the nerve endings fully. Try teasing the tip of your cock from underneath, without orgasming.

Just edge by teasing, but don't stroke.

What's the cost of dropping a ripped piece of paper into a girls lap? I can do it all day. If I do it 100 times over a month how many texts back do you think I could get?

The girl I fucked took 3 days to text me back, but she did it.

You forgot the most important part, which is to be handsome, well hung and fit

>All women can wet your cock, user.


I want a woman to start a family with.
I want somebody who will be a good wife and mother, not somebody to OOGA BOOGA MAKE PENOR FEEL GOOD OOGA BOOGA

>What's the cost of dropping a ripped piece of paper into a girls lap?

Jail time for harassment. Getting kicked out and banned from public places

Start small, work your way up to that. You want a high quality trad woman? Become a high quality man, first, by learning how to romance, fuck, and flirt.

7.5 inches, but I basically look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo. See #3.

All sensitive parts of my penis where cut off when I was mutilated. I feel nothing if I "tease"

>hello sir i have to ask you not to give any more notes to any of our patrons, thank you
>ok thats fine

That's the imprisoned cage of self-doubt talking. Those aren't real concerns. Harassment must be repeated and deliberate despite being told no to be actionable against.

You and I both know that's fear talking.

7.5 I well above average and the preferred female ideal size. Tall skinny white guys are attractive to women.

shut the fuck up you failed normie who didn't get laid in school

You want to live in a cage, be my guest. But there's no harm in installing the Whisper app and seeing what works in terms of holding a girls attention and trying some of my tips.

Of course a professor can get dumb college skank pussy.

Anything I have to say about myself will just make me come across as a beta cuck nice guy. I can't hold a girls attention at all, never could.

I treat a girl with all my kindness, and treat the world as if I'm in love with her.

Girls don't like negativity, they like roughness. If there's nothing interesting about you, find something to do that's interesting. Volunteering somewhere is interesting. That's free and literally has no bar for participation. They take warm bodies, literally.

Jesus fucking Christ.
>throw bits of ripped up paper at random women
>act like you're trying to fuck your dad
>just commit crimes (lol) nobody's ever ended up in prison for statutory rape

Attached: Boom Hefner.png (439x433, 310K)

>implying shaggy rojo doesnt get all the girls

I already do volunteer at an animal shelter. That's not gonna get any women interested, bringing it up in conversation makes me cringe cause it's just virtue signaling at that point.

Post an example of a poem you write for these girls OP

Don't bring it up then. Just take selfies with the animals.

You volunteer at a place that drenches you in pussy juice, user.

You're not telling me you don't do selfie photoshoots with every crippled dog you work with, r-r-ight?

>I was looking at the sunlight in your eyes.

Literally barebacked the bitch 3 days later. It literally doesn't matter, just don't make it too complex. Give her the least amount of rope to hang you with.

I use the word 'poem' because it's a sensory-focused medium, not a meaning-focused.

People think poems need to be long and articulate. The best poems say very little, but say it beautifully. Read this book, you can get a copy for 2 dollars.

Attached: western wind.jpg (335x499, 44K)

Screencapped, thanks Chad

I understand compliment as that is as simple as acknowledging fact, but flatter seems to necessitate subtlety and understanding of the target.
But I can get a response without the interaction being framed as flirting.

If I lack definitions for a squiggly f and dont know the purpose of brackets, I cant apply functions. A dictionary can tell me it carries the pretense of attraction for least one participant, and I understand the actions individually, though I am confused as to how they combine to become a flirt.

Explain flirting. What is flirting? I've always had a hard time with this concept.

email me and I'll flirt with you. We can break it down.

[email protected]

Just a zoomers larping as a Boomer.

Why are you all so obsessed with sex?
It's disgusting. I want a meaningful relationship with a girl i care about and am attracted too.
Fuck all of you, especially OP. I think he might be retarded though.

>Average girls get an average amount of attention.
>Women crave romantic sexual adventures

Everything else is spot on but these two right here, especially the former, make no sense. 80/20 rule means average girls will be worshiped by guys who are objectively better looking. The latter is a very easy way to end up in prison if you don't get her pussy wet.

Don't get why dumbshits like and are all bitching. There's actual good advice in the post

Flirting is a shortcut hack to building trust, familiarity, and sharing essences.

You can flirt without transmitting information. You can flirt without saying anything, of any substance, whatsoever.

Guide 1 of flirting: Don't ask questions, react.

>"What are your hobbies?" BZZZ BORING
>"You have a X thing on your bag. You must be a .... Oh, you're not? lol, bet you could make a great Xer."

Guide 2 of flirting: Be enthusiastic.

>"Heh, just bored today, wbu."
>"TODAY was so amazing! The sun! The sky! I was outside!"

Guide 3 of flirting: Use imagination.

>"We could go for a coffee or something?"

>"You and I. Sunset. The dogs barking in the park. You in -- a blue dress."
>"I don't have a blue dress, user."
>"I'll just imagine you in one, you can wear whatever you want."

Examination questions, mildness, and lack of imagination kill flirting. Imagine a boring, humdrum conversation. Do the opposite. My flirting is manic, like I have schizophrenia. It fails on some girls who are low-IQ, but on imaginative, curious girls it works every time.

You sound like a sex offender

Why would I want want to do any of this?
I'd rather just not interact with the person at all if this is it.

I don't take selfies at all, no
It's also against the rules of the shelter to post pictures of the animals not up for adoption online.

Sex is your purpose, user. The purpose of that meaningful relationship? Procreation, semen inside her. You only have one chance to get this right.

What leads you to believe girls get tons of attention? Look around on TwoXChromosomes sometime. Most women get geninely complimented by a guy in their age range in a non-catcalling context maybe once a year, and it basically makes their month. Most women don't even get catcalled.

The average girl is bored, lonely, and doesn't have anyone interested in her (irl). Once she's on a dating app or social media obviously that changes. But those men aren't present with her, with you, then and there. They aren't competing meaninguflly.

See And that's why you're out of the gene pool and don't have a chance at sex, user. If you refuse to cooperate with basic social interaction guidelines then perhaps you shouldn't be trusted to spread your semen or lay with a woman. You said it, not me.

Not that guy, but here's my take.

Flatter can mean a few things according to the ol googs

- lavish praise and compliments on (someone), often insincerely and with the aim of furthering one's own interests.

- cause (someone) to feel honoured and pleased.

- choose to believe something favourable about oneself, typically when this belief is unfounded.


I think about flirting not as something you really try to do but more something that kinda happens IF you are vibing really well with the other person. So I guess through conversation and body language you're allowing yourself to relax, giving them space to relax as well. It's wishing them well through joking around, getting them feeling good and yourself too. Avoiding heady topics like politics, religion, science and getting into warmer topics, bringing the conversation back to feeling your body. All this stuff applies for friendships too. So the thing to work is what you actually need to improve. I would think for a lot of bots that should probably fixing their posture, moving more, trying not to go out in public without bathing, and the main thing being lowering your stress level in general. Low stress = people enjoy your presence more. Paying attention to people and genuinely listening to them when you're calm and giving warm vibes to people will make them open up to you.

>be a whore if you want to fuck things
No shit, sherlock. What about people that crave something greater than that? Genuine love, devotion, companionship? There isn't a good checklist of "to do" things for that one.

I mean yeah it's fear talking. If the shelter staff find out I'm spreading pictures of the non-adoptable animals I get banned from volunteering lol.

I appreciate the thoroughness, but please forgive my trepidation.
Thanks for the contrasting examples and guidelines. Assembling these and factoring commonalities will probably be quite interesting.

Who ever said I didn't love all the girls I've fucked? Who said I didn't find my way into their heart, and them into mine?

Every girl has something beautiful and valuable in them. You'd be surprised at who you can get along with. I always think the girls I end up with are out of my league, or not my type. But we find common ground.

Give it a chance. We're all human. How dissimilar can their companionship be, from, say, your dream girls?

How would they find selfies you sent via text, or used on your dating profile? Unlikely. Even in the event they did, you'd merely be warned.

Sure. Make your own throwaway if you like. The psyop name comes from some work I was doing on Jow Forums to spread anti-black propaganda.

You can use the Whisper app to practice. I can assist you with getting into it.

I call bullshit. Just be yourself, try to be honest and funny. That's what has worked for me

You must be very handsome for that to work.

>The psyop name comes from some work I was doing on Jow Forums to spread anti-black propaganda.

Holy shit now I'm interested in hearing about that. Please explain?

You mentioned Whisper a couple times, how can that be used to practice flirting?

remember when you were 13 and all the girls in your class starting going on dates and having sex with guys in their late teens and early 20s?
Do you think the guys who got the privilege to tear their hymens went to bed at 10pm, drank lots of water, obsessively counted calories and macros, and did "responsible financial planning"? (just LOL at this last part)

Well that's your answer.

Always remember: next time you see some redditfag writing a wall of text about "self improvement" or "romantic advice" simply ask yourself- does Chad do any of this shit?

I was trying to educate Jow Forums about how to persuade people. They tend to focus on the negatives. I told them to create 'positive' messages that highlighted black propensity for crime, STDs, etc. An 'advocacy poster' that pointed out how many blacks are in prison for murder, how many blacks have STDs, how many blacks are fatherless, or who father out of wedlock and leave, etc.

Take the progressive's message, but just include the inconvenient statistics. Fact-based advocacy. Usually progressives do the advocacy and hedge around having to admit the facts.

I won't say either way. But can it hurt to try? I'm a shy dude. It kills me to get turned down or ignored when I flirt with a girl. I can remember every time it's happened to me.

But dropping a letter on a girls lap? What the fuck ever. I could do that all day, because I don't need to face them.

But yeah the barebacking in 3 days part you might need to be a bit handsome.

Not advocating that anyone change how they are. I'm advocating a streamlining and focus in strategy in presenting yourself. 'Be honest and funny' isn't much good advice to an autist, because it leaves out the difficult details of achieving that.

Whisper is basically 300,000 15 - 35 year old women who want someone to talk to from all over the world.

I don't know any other app or opportunity like that. And unlike dating sites, the women don't even know what you look like until you show them. Secondly, they're significantly more depressed, suicidal, and prone to have mental health issues than the average population.

It's a valuable app because you can test strategies on it without any consequences, and without having to show you face. It's very common for men to be catfishing on there as women, for that reason, so treat every convo with some skepticism until you can get a real voice call or genuine pic.

Uh... Mr Dude
You are a professor conformed to the modern college environment which already means you are a feminized beta faggot

The female species is played out, trite, self-obsessed garbage
I get a lot more satisfaction out of paying literal whores to feel powerful, intimidating body language, condescending text messages, blatant insults, disregarding the mind of the entire gender, probing their deepest insecurities, telling them they are lesser beings, turning them down after becoming a desirable object, calling them fat and gross, etc

I'm way past flirting, fagdude, I'm a legit sadist
You are a beta
Of course narcissists want to be praised for everything they are incompetent at
But that's not living

I wouldn't get a kick out of flirting with you, because you are just a worn cog in a delapidated meat grinding machine pushing out shit opinions like literal shit not meat, shit, lots and lots of SHIT

>remember when you were 13 and all the girls in your class starting going on dates and having sex with guys in their late teens and early 20s?
Um no, I don't remember that happening at all

I actually didn't ask anyone to improve themselves, if you'll re-read my post. Changing yourself is incredibly hard. Altering your presentation and approach is trivial. I gave some advice on how to present your best self.

Be the chad that takes highschool hymens, become him, if you like. I lined up an asian 17 year old cheerleader and ripped the shit out of her hymen with my huge white cock. We didn't even have anything in common -- except one thing - but that's a secret.

Of course you don't ever have to be that person. Be a new person for every girl. I cater myself to the girl I'm courting.

It was more like 15 and 16. And it was only the hottest girls. Most of the girls were ugly and didn't date anyone.
The average girls just dated guys in the next year level up. But yeah OP is a fucking idiot.

Does that approach get you laid? If so, share some text pics. Would love to add that to the mix of advice here.

I downloaded it, I don't think there are any women on this app. I looked at my location and it's a dude spamming "any lonely housewives?" Constantly.

Hey I have mental problems too. If only I could use that to relate, but women get dry for any flaws a male has

>13 year olds being statutorily raped by men in their 20s
Why didn't you thot patrol by calling the police, user?

I'm skeptical about animal selfies being any effective, but I guess I'll try it. Men like me who volunteer are usually beta males though, I can't imagine the other few guys there get much pussy either.

Whisper is oversaturated you fucking DIPSHIT LOLLIPOPS
Even in my rural area every inane navel gazing cunt defecation gets 500 minimum views and who knows how many messages

I never promised the local scene was very good, or that you could get a real actual date meeting. I can do that in NYC, but doing that in a small town is likely impossible.

I met two 17 year old girls in the NYC area on the app, and plenty more adult women. I also have had women from far distant places fall in love with me very quickly on there.

The women on that app are extremely vulnerable, often, and can become clingy. They're r9k's type. But you have to explore the groups, find out which trope man you are, and devise good strategies for getting their attention, either by chatting with them or posting your own whispers.

My advice -- do trueish confessions that are positive or quirkily funny, but present something attractive about yourself. Here's an example:

>Today was my first day volunteering at a dog shelter. I smell like a wet dog. Adopt me.. Please."

Some dumb shit like that etc. Positive confession + positive characteristic + funny. You can get girls chatting with you with that strat, been doing it for 3 years.

Use the groups ('animal lovers', 'bearded men') etc.

Practice, man. You gotta practice. These guys are starting at the ground level. It's a great way to find your flirting voice and see what works and what fails. Even if they're in Syria - they're cute girls! Talk! Who cares.

If you get ghosted, your flirting didn't work. Try a new strategy, and go again. Always be adapting.

Never reveal weaknesses to girls, especially mental health ones.

Based redpill user wrecking the betas

Doesnt matter if it gets me laid because at least I'm not smiling while choking down a SHIT SANDWICH


Just self-doubt talk.

Name a better way to practice flirting, without the risk to your self-esteem.

>Never reveal weaknesses to girls, especially mental health ones.
Not even in a close relationship? What's the point then if you're always pretending no matter what. I get not telling most women, but no woman?

The main points I've taken from this thread so far are:

1. Flirting is a shortcut to building trust and familiarity.
2. Infer things about her and react, I guess until she starts talking about herself.
3. Listen carefully and affirm (?) her. I don't get this one 100%.
4. Enthusiastically talk to her like she's a child, I guess just enough so it doesn't sound patronizing.
5. Explain what you're imagining to her to incept ideas into her head.
6. Limit information about yourself to only a few things that you know are going to be interesting/attractive/make her want to know more.
7. Be low stress and talk about feelings rather than anything that will make her think too hard.

When you say you do manic flirting, I guess that you're trying to create an impression that you are something she can't define or understand. But how do you do that and also be low stress? Or did another user say that? You should use a tripcode so we know which posts are you.

For number 3 can you go more into depth about this? What exactly do you mean by affirm? Do you have specific words or phrases that elicit the kind of reaction you want? I always have trouble getting girls to start talking on their own, and I always do all the talking.

Attached: Gold chinstrap mask.png (657x362, 189K)

Hey, brother, if you can cum from texting women insults, I won't talk down to you. Whatever brings you joy. At least you're talking to women.

You know what would feel a little better, though? Punching a girl in the face and stomach after you've hog-tied her to a hotel bed, and leave welts and blood dripping from the beatings and cuts you left on her thighs and ass.

Yeah, I do some sick shit, but only if they love it.

This guy is just a bisexual faggot.

this is really enchanting shilling for this whisper app, how much do you get paid OP? I don't think most people here who would take your advice have smartphones though

That's a more complex decision that comes later. I'm just focusing on initial attraction in this advice. Every girl is unique. I'm sure there are successful marriages where the man literally keeps everything to himself and his bros.

Cool summary. I'm really glad other people chimed in too.

>3. Listen carefully and affirm (?) her. I don't get this one 100%.

Affirmation is being hopeful and enthusiastic about who she is. Not her lips or her eyes, her. Her degree, her skills, her real interests and talents (not music, movies, media). Girls like cleaning, cooking, they like running. Affirm that shit. It feels great. Do it to yourself too.

I usually let girls share and I affirm in interesting ways, or add my ideas about what makes what they shared interesting, or extend some ideas or questions about the topic. The Columbian girl I landed was a runner and did marathons, but stopped recently. So I'll be say something like..

>Running takes so much focus! You need a lot of motivation and energy to get up in the morning and go on a run, right? I want to use you as a role model!

You're not saying "Good job," you're kind of being silly but also being genuine about how impressed you are by something she admires about herself.

>low stress

I never said that but I agree with it. A sexy convo is a fun, high-emotion one. Never let negativity or confusion or uncertainty cloud a flirt.

I live right outside NYC actually. I figured it makes everything 10x harder as there is more competition.
I'll try though, I'm skeptical.

lmao whisper is full of catfish, ghosters, landwhales, and tweens. buyer beware. but it's great for practice.

in a metro area I landed two 17 year olds virginities, a handful of random friendly meetups, and a longterm FWB.

You are pretending to be alpha to cater to womens sensibilities (in this case your view of sadism, like you "own it" and been there done that huh buddy)
That post is so fucked up and pathetic I can't bear dissect it, because it would be like putting my face in a muddy SHIT puddle and trying to gargle

Really, Really?
You need to go to REDDIT TRP, they have mastered appearing macho in attempts to appease women and only appease women

People here don't deserve to be released into the general populace, look what they did with discord

just be non-sexual. flirting isn't about sex, it's about energy. Never post sexual whispers, and never chat explicitly about sex, even if she made a sex whisper.

so here's the harsh reality

>do all shit
>cant get up because old and fag

>hurr durr average women are so lonely and downtrodden hurrrr!!!!!!

How do you "trope" yourself? What if you find out you fall into a universally despised trope?

>in their POV, yes.

Do you want the pussy, or not, user? What do you care if their suffering is less than yours? I don't tell these girls what I've been through, that my mom abused me my entire child and adult life. Who gives a shit.

You empathize with the bitch until you can cum on her face.

Look at that fucking dog shelter kid in this thread. It's basically a NEET job.

Quiet dog trainer boy? Alpha as fuck. Caring as fuck. Husband material. Dogs make girls wet instantly.

Drop some non-computer related deets about you and I'll build your trope.