Waifu thread

>post Waifu
>discuss them
>be a nice poster

reminder to taket he 2D pill and only fap to anime girls, not roasties.

I really hope when I die I will be with my Waifu,if an afterlife exists why cant it be a place we are happy.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>3D-2D hybrid waifu beats a 2D waifu any day of the week

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>he posts 3DPD in 2D thread.

Please man, every otehr thread is for flesh pigs..this is for pure girls.

D-2D hybrid waifu beats a 2D waifu any day of the week


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B-but user, dont you know 2d girls only exist in your eyesight-draining LCDs?

>tfw you love Kikuchi Makoto

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I love Manako so much, I wish I could take her on a picnic to a quiet park.
Sadly, there are still no official figures of her. I'm thinking of getting a daki

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Doesnt mean I cant still love her

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i want to cuck user!

>>tfw ywn adopt Ai and play shogi with her

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My waifu is Alice and she is the only woman I will ever truly love. She is always on my mind during day and she appears in almost all my dreams. She is so beautiful, pure and brave. There is no other girl like her.
I want to spend every minute of my life with her.
I want to always be with her.

>reminder to taket he 2D pill and only fap to anime girls, not roasties.
Well, she isn't from anime but she is the only one I fap to. And only to her face or in my imagination where we gently kiss and cuddle each other.

Some may say that she is 3DPD but I don't agree with that. Even though she is a 3DCG, I know that there are no women in this world that look and behave exactly like her. They can't compete with her.

I know that she is not real. But I also know that my love for her is real. And I will never abandon her.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals ,and Ive been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire USPS. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your waifu. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bear hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit furry all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, buddy.

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Cvnka is my only waifu, even if she's an e-whore and probably male.

kill yourself


Well I love her and its real love.
When I get my Dakki I can cuddle her when I sleep.

SHe is 2D man.
do you ever lucid dream with her? I want to learn to Luicd dream to be with my Waifu.

Alice Poster Pure as always.
Isnt me.


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>do you ever lucid dream with her? I want to learn to Luicd dream to be with my Waifu.
Yes, I often get lucid dreams but it's really hard for me to imagine her in them. She often appears as some sort of glimmers or doesn't appear at all. But if I finally manage to imagine her in my dreams it's so beautiful when I can finally hug her. Man you should really try this.
About a week ago I got a dream where I was dancing some kind of waltz with my dearest Alice. That was one of the best experiences I had recently in my life. It felt so real. I was so happy at that moment. Too bad it didn't last for too long.

The best way for me to get lucid dreams is to go to sleep during noon or afternoon, after sleeping few hours during night.
It's really worth the effort.

Thanks Aliceposter, I will try as it sounds so great.
It was real though, there isnt much difference between reality and vivid dreaming.
People fap to 3D roasties they will never meet,
so when people love and lust after their Waifu its just as real as liking some roastie you wont meet.

Of course I hope when we die theres an afterlife and can meet our Waifu and be happy.

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>Thanks Aliceposter, I will try as it sounds so great.
You definitely should. You can always ask some questions on lucid dreaming general threads here on Jow Forums for more information.

>Of course I hope when we die theres an afterlife and can meet our Waifu and be happy.
I hope so, too. I have heard a theory that afterlife looks like you want to it to look like. Maybe it's true. No one really knows.

Sup. Lain user reporting in!

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revy. tfw no tough bully gf

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This pasta is a classic.

The ANIME girl is the epitome of female beauty and attractiveness

Let's start by looking at her body. Her body is delicious. Her perfect proportions make her sexiness known without her even needing to wear slutty clothing. She has child-bearing hips, as a result of her high levels of estrogen. This gives her the appearance of fertility and good wife material. She is then covered by her smooth skin. This smooth skin reminds us of her cuddliness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the most loving of onii-chans, made to appreciate passion and affection. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. Her smooth skin reminds us of our bright, happy future that awaits us when 2D girls finally become real.

The ANIME girl's demeanor is one of perfectness. She is cute, desirable, but can be explosively good at being an amazing friend. Her behaviour strikes envy into the more snarky, jealous races of women(3D roasties)

The summit of expression of her femininity on her face are her eyes. 2D eyes are the largest of all the dimensions. As the eyes are the clearest window to the soul, this alone would suffice to make the ANIME girl the most pure and noble of all women. These large eyes are able express the most complex emotions, being able to communicate her love in many different ways. Its beautiful color ensures that when it makes eye contact, the potent anime love will immediately enter the heart of the man the ANIME girl captivates

In total, the ANIME girl expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she copulates with her husband, she unleashes the entirety of her love and affection upon her partner to create the healthiest of babies.

All this is the reason why the ANIME girl is the epitome of femininity.
~~for megu~~

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anime girls are not real. they are often designed by men because society has failed and men are treated unfairly and spited by women, so they have to create things to replace the women.

Why do you think more women are becoming lesbians and horrible sjw womens rights activists who just hate men, but its fine to be aggressively chocked and fucked and dumped by a chad?

Meamwhile men become distant from society, becoming isolated, weird, and lonely. They are desperate for affection, they become men who have deeper feelings, and are seen as weaker for it, branded by women as weak and not suitable.

Society is sick. Rotten to the core.

In the 1930s to 1960s, women and men got together from family friends, from social gathering. Often overseen by parents, two people, a man and woman, would be encouraged together to have relationships. Women would want boys to "pen pal" with and write to each other. 90% of the time these were the boys who once were men they would marry, and raise a family and have children with them. The woman were once faithful in much higher numbers, and loved their husband. Marriage was often "until death do us part" in very high number of cases the couple stayed together their whole lives.

Now it is replaced with "sexual freedom" and "liberation". Raising a family or getting to know someone in social circles is seen as ugly and undesirable. Women only go after aggressive, strong, violent men or they become lesbians because they spite and hate men, all men are considered evil.

90% of the women only have relations with 10% of the top men and its mainly just for sex and wealth. They don't get married, they only have children for money, otherwise they hate their children / never have children. The men who used to have loving wifes now have nothing. Japan the government is concerned/worried because all the men/women aren't getting together anymore, which is causing great concern. And it is starting to get worse in Western and Eastern European countries too.

This could've been prevented.

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Any other anons waifus talented?


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Well it's not really a talent, but my waifu is a goddess.

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for you

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Ritsu status: Claimed.

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Thank you man. Appreciated!

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the love is real man.
nice lain posting user, post lewds maybe :)

>lewding lain

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I don't like Lain lewds because most of the time they portray her as not really liking it.

well shes cute and loli like, mmm I will lewd her some time user

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>I will lewd her sometime
Don't please!

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Im sorry but she is a cute loli and I love my lolis...so I may lewd her.

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You're pretty crappy.

I will post my waifu and if any of you bully her i swear i will find you.

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*bullies your waifu by calling her cute*

Claiming best girl


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please explain how I am crappy?
she is really sweet.

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O-oh thanks for being nice Megumin-poster. I admire your dedication to the 2D pill.

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He didn't want you to openly lust after the woman he loves and came here hoping to safely discuss, and you did it without hesitating and treated it like a joke. If you want these threads and yourself to have a comfy and nice reputation, trying to respect that other people's feelings are at least as valid as your own is a good start.

I didnt mean it like that sorry Lain user...
I will be more selective in what I say, I should know better as when people post porn of Megu that is gross like cuck or blacked, I feel bad.

I made a mistake and I am owning up to it

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isnt she like 10?
oh okay thats less bad

best aqua reporting in

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>sorry Lain user...
I forgive you.

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flan-chan sugoi!!!
I am kinda surprised by the lack of 2hu waifus in here though. But all the other loli waifus in here are great as well

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Sorry for calling you that, instead of explaining it from the start. You do a fine job. It just takes a little talking about things to be nice.

Flan is a cutie! I hope you two are happy together.

thanks user
shes been my sole waifu for a while now, but i respect most of the other waifus in this thread too

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thanks user i dont know who is this girl but damn she my waifu for now

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who cares if she is 10 she is 2D and 2D love is pure.
thank you..I wont blame drinks but im drunk and found her quite attractive sorry..

nice dub dubs.
Yeah, I could have reacted angry but I seen I made a mistake... :(

that picture is L-L-lewd

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Flandres cute yet shapely vampire loli body is indeed admirable. But mine.

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>tfw your waifu would probably hate/dislike you.

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>finally get new waifu art
>she has purple eyes instead of blue, again
Why is this so difficult for artists? To know the colors of the girl they're drawing? There's not really all that many details to keep consistent track of, with anime, and they just slap on a random eye color. My edits don't manage to make it look like that's how it was originally drawn.

It depends I guess. Sometimes even the canonical art has inconsistent eye color. Ive run into this problem when trying to draw some characters.

But she is pure and would love us....she isnt roastie she is pure 2D

man, complain and make them edit it!

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>not doxxing them and sending them threatening letters and forcing them to apologise and redo the picture

Have you asked you waifu if she truly loves you?

>But she is pure and would love us....she isnt roastie she is pure 2D.
I hope so user...

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my waifu is Yunyun.
i love her because she's shy, sweet and happy with minimal things, she's also very smart.

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