Freddy stop shit posting, you should be fingering yourself in acid as I told you.
what is that supposed to mean?
REEEEEE and the worst thing is that my GPU is 60C and my CPU 50C while idle right now.
It's ok, muhammad, how does fritz wife taste like?
yeah my games lag sometimes
>my GPU is 60C and my CPU 50C while idle right now.
oh boy do I know this feel. my gtx 980 ti doubles as a space heater. I'm in canada and we had "feels like 40C" last week. Add to that my penny pinching parents are the only family on the block who make more than six figures and also the only family who do not run AC. I can hear everyone else's air conditioner through my open window right now.
I have to play video games completely naked and Im still sweating bullets
>tfw you're from a tropical country and still can handle -10 temperatures.
How does it feel to be a pussy ?
>Literally near freezing
It's nice that it's not cold, dark and wet like a cave for once. I'd move to Thailand if I could.
yeah sure bub
Fuck you, OP. You may as well call that cold.
is this an africa
you have an ac we have not
go fuck yourself
Cold temperatures are way easier to deal with than hot temperatures.
The air in europe is very different from tropical countries so the heat is just disgusting and wet here instead of dry and nice.
op here, but i dont have an ac
and dont have a fan
So fucking happy to see the globe turn to a molten ball. Normals can't handle heat, it drives them insane. Finally the world will suffer as I do, every day an agony. Fucking burn normies, I laugh at heat.
Whew, for the first time it feels good to live in the shithole that I'm in.
Literally rubbing the skin off my chest right now.
Nigga what? Tropical countries are hot and humid, that's why they're fucking tropical. You fucking brainlet.
I can't fucking breathe or think properly, bur at least it's going to rain heavily
I'm literally sweating all day, barely have energy, can barely think.. no wonder that people in Africa get nothing done.
Just go elsewhere then
It seems windy though
I hate my country
Fellow Dutchfag here. My CPU is 30 degrees idle due to water cooling, but I haven't played games with anyone in a week because it's too warm to put a fucking headset on.
suppose to get thunder storms and rain today, thank fuck. this week has been pure torture. anything above 15c is a furnace.
i would say Nevada or Arizona, but they don't use metric and Celcius
Yes I'm a brainlet for making a small mistake alright mate
Goddamn I love summer so goddamn much
needs to be a bit warmer though
Get earbuds for the time being.
I'm in the Netherlands right now and my room is in the attic and it's 39C in here at the moment.
Duesseldorf here, love the weather