Before asking your stupid beginner questions, make sure to read:


Also, include:
>dick to balls ratio
>time spent lifting
>leg press 1RM

Oral-only cycles will suppress your natural testosterone production and are far less beneficial than injectables, so don't do oral-only cycles. If you're scared of needles just admit it.

We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.

And most importantly,

NO SOURCE TALK (this isn't up for debate, you will be banned)

Last time on dumb faggot vegan can’t make a proper thread

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tfw high carbs make you vascular and full but if you keep it up you will get fat

why can’t I have both lads...

Carb cycling

[hands in natty card]

thats it, forever a fraud

Hey fucks. Everyone told my {friend} that an oral only cycle would be shit. Doing two var only cycles 40 ed made him pretty fucking big and lean though. Why bother losing hair when 6’4 200lbs is all girls crave?

I fucking hate women. Some bitch just chose her dope head ex over me. Hope the slut has to see his skinny malnutritioned ass convulse and choke on a mouthful of his own vomit. Fucking hell how worthless am I.

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Yeah who needs livers

face height frame lad

>2 inches shorter
>a small t-shirt is still loose on his shoulders. Starting to outgrow a large in certain brands over here.
>His face and teeth are fucked as per opiate abuse.
face, height, frame, physique, salary, health, personality... I win in all categories user... Yet I still managed to lose...

girls only care about face, frame, height.

Maybe you just look too good you made her insecure about herself who knows, kek

>girls only care about face, frame, height.
So thats why you only have 1 girl kek

You have more than 1 liver?

and the same reason why you are still a KHV


Guys i'm sorry, its just hard coming to terms with my homosexuality. I thought liking traps wasn't gay but after plowing my fourth trap in one night (s)he didn't say no homo.

I'd like some support to get me through these hard times.

I don't like anal so much tb.h

I am always afraid of the poop

Condoms my man, anal is the tightest shit (pun intended)

What's the active ingredient in that?

Selsun Gold keeps my scalp and face clean and clear, even from inflammation, selenium sulfide based.

Is your only goal to impress skinny fat girls?

How about being so awesome and knowing it you don't need validation from basic bitches

>face, frame, height

Looks aren't that important in attracting as in a guy as long as you're not awful, it can help but it's not the most important factors.

Behaviour is typically high on the list.

is there something to make me powerful and immortal?

I hate condoms, fucks everything up

If you have a +6 inch girth penis shit will bleed like crazy

>Looks aren't that important in attracting


They aren't that important in attracting a female if you're a male. Other way around, yes it's important.



I have no trouble in getting girls. That's why I'm saying this.

It's pretty incel to chalk shit up to things you can't change about yourself so you don't have to bother address your flaws that you can actually do something about.

>They aren't that important in attracting a female if you're a male
>Attracting a female
>not important


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Take the plastic pill

Every survey, study, personal experiences etc is saying that looks IS THE KEY FUCKING FACTOR FOR ATTRACTION

but yet your ugly coping dyel brain is refusing to believe this, lmao

Sounds more like you guys are trying hard cope with the fact that you're undesirable. But don't actually want to face the fact it's entirely your fault and not the way you look.


>aren't that important in attracting a female
how fucking retarded are you?

No OP but he's right you know. I'm a 6/10 but still managed to score a 9/10 gf (not the Jow Forums tier 9/10 either, my turbo chad friends said she's an easy 9)
Most women aren't as shallow as y'all think.
Unless you're looking for girls in clubs then good luck on finding a non roastie kek

I am considering to test my hormones with saliva kits.
You guys ever had experiences with those?
I wanted to talk with docs about it, but they are totally obnoxious, even when i slap their faces with some green.


Your mum loves my saliva kits

Not retarded, I don't class myself as handsome, I just try to avoid looking shit and keep my skin problems at bay, I'm not rich. I have no trouble, I used to have trouble.

Had a serious relationship until 2 months ago, been with 4 girls since, and one was a group fuck.

Lmao all these incels thinking "its all about looks yeah thats why I am tfw no gf"

Looks matter, but so does personality, and one can always compensate for the other.

>I am considering to test my hormones with saliva kits
scared of needles faggot? you can't check your hormones IN BLOOD without checking your BLOOD you fucking mouthbreather

also, do you suffer from ACTUAL CLINICAL LOW TEST SYMPTHOMS? If not, don't even bother checking your test. Natty test fluctuates hard from day to day based on shit ton of random factors so if you aren't suffering from low t side effects you shouldn't even think about your levels.

my personality is horrid, I know it.
But I also have a NEED that I am gonna get it out of my system with hookers.
Seriously, Incels are even worse than me.

btw. someone answer this please

Sounds more like you're coping for the fact you're fucking ugly m8. Both man and woman are shallow. We don't like to admit it, but we all think about it the same way

BECAUSE , we want to reproduce with the best genetics. ITS IN OUR NATURE, your fucking coping words are not going to change that.

Where are the pics then

i have to disagree with you my fellow manlet. No one cares about my personality because im ignored right away due to my height

Why was I born a boy; a tall one at that. God I have such cute legs. Holy fuck. I'd fuck me.

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Never pinned, never swallowed
I am just wondering if I should hand my card in.
I have hypothyroidism, so there is that.

Dunno man, not everyone here is a god damn spineless keyboard incel warrior .
I'd like to speak more civilized with you.

You wash it out first dumbasses. Clean anal is great.

So you're afraid of needles and ugly.
Ok you massive vagina, fuck off go COPE somewhere else ugly

Why are you so mad, it sounds like you're coping.

I already told you I don't have trouble getting girls. I don't need to cope.

Are you retarded. How can you judge someone personality when you never spoke to that person. We all prejudge people based on LOOKS.

Especially woman. If you're a 9/10 it doesn't matter what the fuck you do she still wants to be fucking raped by you.



>He self harms like a dumb roastie

>I already told you I don't have trouble getting girls

I donate plasma on the regular, stop assuming shit about me.

stop having such a loose mouth, it looks like you are leaking shit everywhere you go

sure you don't buddy lmao

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You forgot to add "and definitely not because I'm a useless piece of shit with nothing of value to offer as a person, and uninteresting with no real goals in life"

Do any of you just fraud, let alone lift for like, yourselves

Like just self improvement, fun, seeing what your body is capable of? Not for girls or any of that shit

I am literally more attractive in a wig than any girl you will ever fuck in your pathetic life.

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I donate plasma in your mums ass on the regular. Now stop shitting the thread and go to QTDDTOT with your dumb ass question you nitwit

I lift for planet earth

Enjoy fucking each other's ass in a circle

No you're not. I had an amazing JK girl in Nipland.

I can lie over the internet too.

You think that woman like this kinda of muscles, lmao. I never had any attention to lift for other people. I just always had this obsession with being bigger and better than other people

If you lift for girls, you just cope for being ugly. Ottermode, good face and height is what you need. Seriously i was a skinny kid in high school but i got a lot of girls. They never mentioned something about my body

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I'm actually not lying. And you haven't exactly posted any nudes of yourself in a wig either.

>I never had any attention to lift for other people. I just always had this obsession with being bigger and better than other people

You literally contradicted yourself within only two sentences.

Are you implying var is worse for your liver than any other steroid besides test?

masT can verify my wig pics. I'm not posting pictures of me in a wig here.


Do you really private message him with a wig on

Did him calling you a twink and saying he would fuck you in the ass over and over, combined with your own romantic failures finally melt your brain

Height only matters if it matter to you.
All the girls I've dated and been with have been taller then me.

Waiting on pictures of your NHK gf.

Sitting in bed eating caramel M&Ms because I know I'll just do a fast down the road anyway

Why? it feels good to mogg other people. That means i am still doing it for my own good/mental health.

>Do any of you just fraud, let alone lift for like, yourselves
Yes, me. I want to become a fucking freak.

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On my phone and hard drive, why do you ask?

stop posting you faggot


You're fat and dyel anyway, it doesn't matter anymore

Just give up

lmao, some girls just like bad boys. I know plenty of girls who would choose artsy dope guy over muscular one. those girls are always mentally unstable so don't worry, nothing of value was lost

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Because they're easier to manipulate and control

nothing to do with bad boys

What's an NHK gf?

NHK is the abbreviation for the Japanese National Televsion Service or whatever that is in jap. It's also a reference to the anime/manga Welcome to the NHK which details the life of a hikikomori and his delusions.

I'm using it as a interchangeable term meaning jap.


Oh. Sorry my gf isn't Japanese.



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So close.

just ordered these


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When you go out, how obsessed are you about the whole comparing to others?



Don't you feel better when you're the biggest in the room. Cutt this bullshit, everyone want to be the best looking where he's going.

the ones that say they don't just lack dedication to do something about it

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Sure I'd feel good but generally I actually don't care. I'm out to eat, party etc. have a good time. I'll obsess over my looks when I'm home or at the gym.

That dude has a belly

You're coping fucking hard. If you got mogged by a better bigger looking guy, you will constantly think about it until you cry yourself to sleep at night.

I can see the desperation and despair in their eyes every time they get mogged.

That's why it will fit me better than him

i lift so i can have more strength

No I admire and aspire, I don't cry over it. Good for that guy, hope I can reach that level one day.

sure faggot

At least i admit it, you're just keeping it cool right now. If you got mogged by a better bigger looking guy in front of your gf, now what. You still play it cool lmao, but inside you are screaming for help

bb-b-utt she still likes me. She will fantasize about him while you fucking her that night because that's the only way her pussy is getting wet from then.

>Hunny what's up your pussy is getting a bit drier these days.
>Maybe we should go back to that place were we went yesterday because i really like that place

Before you know it she makes pictures of his face, print it out and now you have to wear it as a mask during sex in order to let her cum

You're a Manlet, why are you talking about height?

But like, does it matter how you actually feel about it? What matters is the resulting action.

I see girls all the time and admire their femininity. I'm then reminded I can't be like them and get upset and use that as motivation to be the best boy.

It wouldn't matter if I looked at a girl and thought I want to be bigger to attract them.

I would still end up using it as motivation.

Honestly, his gf seems so beta I think he feels quite safe no matter what with her.

You get used to it.

This is some fan fiction tier story lmao. We both can admit when someone is handsome, I can say "look at how handsome that guy is" and she'll agree and move on.

C'mon man I even take her to cons and she'll be looked at by dozens of guys, it'll boost her self esteem and results in great sex, not because of your logic but because of the confidence boost.

Also this, she is loyal to a fault and insecure as fuck. I still love her because she puts in all the effort.

I already showed i am not, your eyes are just too ugly to see it stuff

>I see girls all the time and admire their femininity.
>admire their femininity.
>I'm then reminded I can't be like them

No what matters in life is being the best you can be fucking be. Being the best looking and biggest person in the room.

You're just a whining piece of shit. Look at me i am sad, look at me i have this disorder. NOBODY CARES, WHAT MATTER IS THE RESULTING ACTION

He also claimed that his gf was never talking and or looking to other men right, kek. No matter how beta she is that sht is just inevitbale

Better is always possible


Correct. So you understand the concept. It doesn't matter what happens in your head what matters is what reaction you take how that affects your reality.