Father lets 13 year old sister stay up all night on the computer looking at god knows what

>father lets 13 year old sister stay up all night on the computer looking at god knows what
>feeds her absolute trash like chips and soda
>literally lives off chips and soda and other sugary garbage
>very pale and gaunt looking
>socially awkward and has hardly any friends
>stays up till 5am or longer regularly
>her vision is already shit from starting at a screen all day
I confronted him about this and he says it's "normal" and "that's just what all the kids are like nowadays".
Am I wrong in thinking he's an absolute piece of shit and terrible parent or is he right?

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Nah it's fine tb h mate. Don't worry

But shouldn't he try to at least healthy food so she grows up with a healthy body? I grew up in a very similar way and now I'm only 25 and my doctor thinks I have an unknown auto-immune disease. My joints are sore all the time. It started occurring at around 17 years old while I was living the same lifestyle she is. Could it be a coincidence? Maybe. Could it be related to that lifestyle? I think so. How am I supposed to just "not worry"?

>But shouldn't he try to at least healthy food
But shouldn't he try to at least feed her healthy food*

He's a shitty father, but she's already an adult and has the ability to make her own decisions.

The fuck? She's only 13 and she's been living like this for years. She doesn't know any better. He could easily limit her computer time and not keep junk food in the house but he doesn't do that.

she's perfect wife material.

Have you been checked for infections? A lot of bacteria especially like to hide in the joints and cause damage there.

Pubescent humans are adults. She's well beyond the age of reason and has access to the internet and all the information she needs to make well informed decisions concerning her lifestyle. She isn't a dog that needs to be controlled, she is an individual that may need advice, but that is really all you can do for her.

Or you can try and sue to take custody of her, I guess.

kids eat trash and spend a lot of time in their computers
who knew

The only reason that she sits all day on the pc thats cuz she doesnt rly got something to do or she doesnt rly have something that interest her so her only interest is the pc, and yeah hes totaly a shit head, Instead of educating her and showing her that there are other interesting things like painting, Judo or even swimming he decides to leave her all day staring at the pc screen- cuz hes too lazy so he hide it behaind the reason: "this is what all kids do nowdays". The girl will grow up to be like everyone else on this place :\
hoo and hes a total ass fuckcringie shit and if not you user that kid will become like all of you guys on r9k.

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>n't he try to at least feed her healthy foo
kys plz

Explain to your father that her computer habits will interfere with her academic performance due to sleeping in school all day. That having regimented sleeping patterns will be beneficial to her circadian rhythm.

Get your sister into watching vegan health roasties on youtube because she's an impressionable retard and have her cook "healthy food" for you and your father. You can lead by example by making salsas and alfredo chicken.

Your father is just a typical man, trying best to not give himself stress. If you really want to troll your sister, kick her off the router at night and act oblivious to her sperging.

>A 13 year old is an adult
No. She has been brought up in this lifestyle since she was very young and doesn't know any better. If given the option of eating a sugary cake or a healthy meal that may not taste as good, a child will always choose the thing that tastes better. It's the parents job to make sure that they limit the amount of junk food the child eats right? It's the parents job to push the child in the right direction and give them good habits that will continue on into their adult life. What they shouldn't do is just give into every whim of the child and just let them do whatever they want. Am I crazy for thinking that? I thought that's what parenting was all about. When did that change?

Interesting. I haven't. I have a lot of other weird shit going on with my body too. Like my joint have a grinding feeling in them.

I did this and I'm a 33 year old neet living in my parents garage.

What you're seeing there is passive parenting, he has no investment or care in his daughter beyond her not making trouble.

but she'll be some working robos housewife so its all good

You're wrong. But you're a dumb ass raised by that same worthless father, so you have a good excuse for being dumb.

So parents are supposed to just give their child whatever tastes the best to them now? Why not just give them a bag of sugar then.

Is she hot user? origano

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Your dad is a garbage human being for letting his daughter go to waste like that. His answer to her probably being suicidal and depressed is that all the kids are like that nowadays. Your dad was about as good as mine at raising kids and it shows. Its actually really hard for me not to hate him for basically doing nothing other than feeding me in terms of parenting and refuses to admit any fault

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>pubescents are adults and can therefore consent
Spotted the kiddy diddler

>Biologically, an adult is a human or other organism that has reached sexual maturity.
>13 years old.

Who are you quoting? Many people are post-pubescent and still children, like yourself and OP, so you're not a complete moron.

He is a shitty dad for sure. Find a way to fix the situation yourself. becuase he ain't doing shit. Trust me, as I socially retarded person myself, I wish my parents would have been more strict when I was younger.

Nopnopnopnop no way.
Just because I did not touch on that topic does not mean I agree with it!!

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You are right to be worried.

Actually yes you're right. She expressed suicidal thoughts a couple of years ago. He didn't do jack shit about it. She was about 11 years old at the time. A fucking 11 year old thinking about suicide is not normal.

well, user. All of those things can cause severe or mild health problems in the lond run, however, you mentioned that her vision is shit and I'm gonna have to correct you. From personal experience, if your vision is shit, you're born with it, I started wearing glasses when I was 15 and my parents thought it was because I stared at the pc all day, then the doctor confirmed that the vision problems were there since the beginning.
I'd advice for you to take your sis to the park, beach, or other places once in a while.

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You're right, BUT, she's a girl so not only it doesn't matter but also she deserves to get her life fucked up as much as possible (which will be barely because simply having a vagina makes her immune to the effects of being fucked up).

Incel located

He also raised you, a robot who has to get reassurance from the internet on how a child should behave. That proves how much of a shitty father he is. No offense.

>e right, BUT, she's a girl so not only it
HOO MAN.. shes a CHILD you fukin cunt
god why man on this site such a fukin cunts sometimes

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None taken. You're absolutely right. I'm socially awkward as fuck and have all kinds of health problems. I can't blame him entirely for it all but those things don't really just happen coincidentally.

t. toastie roastie. Fuck off thot.

Being a child doesn't fucking matter. She's goiing to be a shallow whore like the rest of them.

And I'm sure you're a very respectable and interesting human being yourself right?

Every single person on earth beside me is a disgusting manipulative lying self-centered prick. I am the very definition of respectable. In fact, I am the only respectable human being alive.

honestly nothing wrong with any of that except the food part
just get her to eat healthy so she doesn't get fat and she'll probably grow up to be a top-tier femanon

Anyone who would settle for any kind of mediocrity in their children is a shit parent. I could have been healthier growing up, but my father ate like shit, and nobody cared about my health or eating habits enough to actually make adjustments in the family. I decided to change that on my own, and I am no longer nearly as obese and revolting as I was before, but I'm surely suffering the effects of my poor sleep and dietary habits from when I was younger.

Even now, my father blames his mother/parents for his sweet tooth, eating cookies and drinking sodas every day. I've tried to help my family too. It is frustrating when anyone like that says they care, but don't actually give a damn about making real, lasting changes.

>father lets 13 year old sister stay up all night on the computer looking at god knows what
>feeds her absolute trash like chips and soda
>literally lives off chips and soda and other sugary garbage
>very pale and gaunt looking
>socially awkward and has hardly any friends
>stays up till 5am or longer regularly
>her vision is already shit from starting at a screen all day
My friend, there is a high likelihood that she's one of /us/ already

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They may be maturing sexually but its still going. The change into maturity doesnt end until early twenties for some. Most jit it by 18/19 thus the age / laws around it

post her pusy pls

if that dude will educate her right so she wont be a whore, and because girls dont get atracted to you doesnt mean they whores. that means that they have standarts.
cuz why beautiful lookin woman will date ugly one? THINK ABOUT IT

Ugly women don't date ugly men either retard
They go for chads exlcusively all women

>t. doesn't go outside

t. hasn't left mum's basement in his life

If women didn't date ugly men then ugly men would not exist.

I cant see alot of logic in it, if you want to talk about it normally tell me i will add you on dis. but not here cause I dont want to piss off op for changing subject

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Your father is indeed a shithead because he's basically doing anything he can to keep her as far from him as possible. Time to be the older brother and take matters into your own hands, but start subtley. Say show her informative videos about space or some shit as well as one of those Youtube cooking channels, try to gauge her interest away from that shit she's doing and eating now. I know this because I had to do the same thing

13 staying up until 5am? Doesn't she have school?

Not during the summer. During school days she still stays up very late. Probably gets 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night.

That's me at age 9-19. Parents didn't care too. Fml.

Well that's probably the biggest problem then, sleep deprivation adversely affects intelligence development, she's literally making herself retarded

Found the sub-zero IQ retard.

It's just natural selection

Your understanding of human genetics unfavorably compares to that of the average rock. Protip: the average rock doesn't know anything about genetics of any kind. I know I had to specify since you wouldn't have understood otherwise.

My sister is literally-word-for-word the exact same

Now make her fall in love with you and fuck her. Come on OP. It's easy, just do some social engineering.

He raised you to be is retirement plan.
He raised her to be his waifu.
Your father is an enlightened one.

Do you have Rheumatoid Arthritis?

>her vision is already shit from starting at a screen all day

Myth. The fact that you believe all these things are part of the problem just reinforces the fact you're suffering from an external locus of focus.

Both. He's a bad parent, but he's just doing what everyone else is doing, what's easy. It's like being outraged that someone is dating and exploring and not marrying the first person they fall in love with. Different lifestyles don't have a place in this culture, you have to do what everyone is doing or you're outcasted.

Myth in sense that screen radiation or whatever can cause damage to your eyes, since the decline of CRTs anyway. However it is really bad for developing eyes to be focused on a single thing at a set distance for an extended period of time.

I saw a really handsome 9/10 american guy at the airport a while ago, he was dating a literal 3/10 fishface who looked like a girl with a genetic disorder I know.

This. Not marrying your first love is society's biggest mistake, probably also comes from the fact that teens are looked at as children when they're young adults in reality.

>well informed decisions
do you not remember what being 13 is like at all?

Sure, it's "bad" in the sense that it might make your eyes hurt or strain them or some shit, but modern research shows that there is zero evidence to suggest that prolonged screen use causes any long term damage.

Bear in mind that 50 years ago, people believed this shit because we didn't have any long-term studies done on prolonged screen use. Now that a much larger sample have been using screens for longer, we have more data with which to draw accurate conclusions.

50 years ago it was entirely true though

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>Pubescent humans are adults

Whatever you say pedophile

do something before it's too late