Be me

>be me
>family not that supportive
>its been a week since i saw my father
>mother died due to cancer
>my father go work early at the morning
>i dont see him quiet often
>i have 7 siblings
>im becoming more suicidal everyday
>everynight i eat cup noodles since i dont know how to cook
>my sister and brother left the house
>im a failure as a human being

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Im sorry user.

I love you.

is there anyway i can kill myself painless way?

i forgot to mention

>family poor cant afford to buy anything and im just lucky i can use internet

No guaranteed way thats foolproof I dont think. And the ones that are foolproof either cost too much or hurt like hell.

If you can manage to get your hands on morphine, I heard its the most painless way to go.

But I wouldnt suggest it. Bear through the pain and try to work on yourself. If you need to talk, Im here for you.

the cooking parts not that hard. just try putting some sliced potatoes in a pan with oil and cook on a medium heat till light brown

help me r9k to kill myself painless pls

they say heroin od is basically the best thing ever
I've read an addict claim it does look ugly on the outside but it actually feels great to which someone who used to work in a hospital replied
so that's why they get really mad when we were trying to save them

anyway, you should just be a prostitute. if girls can do it so can you

>ask r9k if there's a discord server b4 so i can try to practice myself on socializing with others
>they called me faggot and kys

how can i

i cant even socialized to people how can i

Its r9k. I dont know what your expectations are.

I was actually thinking about maybe creating a safe space for robots to just talk to each other and not be fucking toxic and caustic against one another. I think itd help a lot of you out.

But for now if you need to get something off your chest, Im here to listen.

my life is fucked up, i got bullied in school for being a retard even though im not, most students in my school make fun of me,internet and Jow Forums is the only acceptable place for a trash like me, i dont know what to do in my life and everytime im thinking of killng myself everyday but im too pussy to do it thats why i want to do it painlessly

the last girlfriend i had was when i was a chad on elementary but after stepping on highschool and at the same time my mom died everything went wrong i dont do drugs nor im not alcoholic nor smoke since my mom told me not to

I'll teach you the secret of my success.
I found blueprints for native american flutes and sell them on ebay. Obviously there was a lot of trial and error but now I can get good bamboo and feathers. I sell them for 40 dollars each kek but they're good and on key I test on my tuner.

im living ina third world country so that wont work

Which shithole you from user?

I have one in mind and Im like 90% sure youre from there.

he probably just need to stop being a faggot and become a pedreiro lol

Fuck off nomie there are plenty of painless ways to do it ive got a helium tank myself and and going to do it on sunday the options are carbon monixide poisioning,nuembutal,nitrogen,argon,herion,pistol,carotid compression,train decapitation and falling and much much more pick one and do it faggot

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i dont wanna be a construction nibba

where u at

Why does it matter where Im from?

Leave a gas stove on for a couple hours then light a match, you'll die too quickly to feel any of the pain

i would be burn for a couple mins and like as i said im too pussy to feel any pain

nibba wanna be friends

Hey, don't give up, finish school and see what comes, think rationally, leave this toxic community.
Good Luck friend, I believe in you

Do you have helium, you can at least have some fun before you die

Why would i waste it on balloons brainlet